Wake up wagies
Other urls found in this thread:
what does the Islam says about cats?
They are halal
>I will kill every single gamers until there's none left.
forbidden to kill or something
>The Philipines will soon make the GAMERS RISE UP meme a reality
Mohammad pubg loves cat
Cats are cool
t. Mo
I care more of stray cats than people t b h
where can i buy a good sex doll indobros?
I don't know. I don't need one
My girlfriend is Indonesian
Your local pil biru/ cialis/viagra store
>still no toilet papers
Fuckin' based
this actually works
You did it?
My tagalog sister can be your sexdoll for 2 dollars
My Bisaya sister, mother and Illocano maid can be your sexdoll for 2 dollars or free
they are also into scat
I wonder if there are people outside of the Phillipinese that know the difference between bisayan and tagalog
I reckon most people don't care and just think of the Phillipines as a shithole with brown subhumans
I would literally vote jokowi, if somad becomes the vice president candidate for prabowo.
My chink maid will do it for free
tfw a batak guy stole my food at work and he didn't admit it
why this jokoshill always start indon politic discussion and pretend that he is not a jokowifag
ITT: your cunts race-specific curse words
Based batakbro shows his dominant on the fuccboi.
Because I'm paid for it.
Joking aside, it will seriously be a bad move if Prabowo chooses Somad as his partner, especially since Jokowi chooses ulama as his partner too.
I unironically made one
But can't fit my whole dick because I only use small plastic drinking cup.
I tried made one with bar soap, but it was destroyed when I tried to put in.
by eating a food with lots of my saliva in it? what a fucking based guy.
Thought about it too but it would be too brittle because of no elasticity.
I need to become a NEET.
everything prabowo did is wrong if you are a jokowifag dude, Jokowi will win everyone know that so you don't need to post a shitty unironically indon political post anymore
I'm going to post it and you can't stop it!
serius? abal2 gak?
fix abal ini mah
yg model kek gini nih
kek good luck then, persuading indon on / asean / to vote jokowi at next year's selection
Don't forget to vote /our party/, PSI, bros
awas dapet yang kaya gini, tiap nyari pasti nemu yang kotaknya begini hhhh
nah makanya, tapi kayaknta mustahil ya beli impor yg kayak gini di indo?
Getting a whore is cheap in Indonesia, I don't think spending more than 20mil for sexdoll is worthed
Fuck, I'm eating breakfast at 11:54.... might as well be lunch
i fucked many whores, it was horrible most of the time.
>shitty personality
>mouth stinky with smoke
>used good
>need to use condom
>subpar face and body
>don't want to do certain positions
Lucky for you
Tagalogs eat only pagpag once a day
>bihun instead of superior yellow noodles
Nice bakso though.
What is your favorite Indonesian dish?
Was a fan of the ifumie I had last time I went there. Nasi ulam was tasty too.
anjing goreng
Lucky for you
Bisayans eat only pagpag and chink cums once a day
Ramen desu
As I bisayan and marcos supporter I only eat my traditional cuisine pagpag
Im very ignorant of Indonesian cuisines
indomie with rice
>plebeian taste
nasi goreng
>okay-ish taste
sate madura (both chicken and goat meat)
sate padang
minang's grilled chicken
java's grilled chicken
>good taste
nasi uduk
bakso (beef/pork)
chicken opor
>great taste
mendoan tempeh
mie ayam (chicken noodles)
>patrician taste
mie aceh (stir-fried)
soto betawi
Kupat tahu
Blocked rice+fried tofu+peanut and cane sugar sauce
I haven't tried much, but does ayam goreng count? I also tried Indomie before.
Nasi Liwet
>sodom rice
semuanya except the one with pare and papaya leaf in it
Most of indons here already have jokowi as their candidate since they're the same one from r/indonesia after all.
Ayam pop. I wish Padang food alone takes off worldwide. It's the only thing people should think of first when they describe Indonesian food.
I'm actually quite shocked to find that underneath the bihun there is yellow noodle, kek
Anything with pete.
Padang food is a plebeian-tier food. Mie aceh is literally superior.
>mie aceh
Opinion discarded
This, pete is god tier.
I'm boycotting McDonald's because no straws.
But Nando's is superior fast food.
it's just for ads,don't worry we use your glorious plastics cups
>using straws at all
>rendang with bread
Mie Dokdok
And they wont be wrong.
Tahu champhur. GOAT
You can eat together with these anons Anak kost
Yes, it does
good taste
>hating pare and papaya leaf
>ayam pop
generic taste
god taste
That's not food
Bluepilled autistic multireply user
>wanting anything from a deserved shithole SAR province of indonesia
Do you think bersih did anything to change the government?
based catbro
here, pic related is balut hehe
they created a cause for the youngins, worthless cause, but a cause nonetheless.
Any of you tried to message her?
>messaging an art sculpture project
An Argie girl killed herself recently because of it.
Indon thot BTFO'd by Momo
Fuck you curry nigger.
So what do you guys put on your pancit cantons? I'm not talking about the shitty instant one. Chicken, cabbage, and carrots are a given.
>Enriched flour products tend to be higher on the glycemic index, quickly raising blood sugar levels. In contrast, foods made from whole grains tend to be lower on the glycemic index.
I wonder if our product mentions about what kind of flour they use.
IIRC, chicken or pork.
that shithole is better than some province in sumatra like lampung
Tell me more about Ambonese people.
What's Nasi briyani? Does that taste good?
That's painful, desu.