Any manlets in?

any manlets in?

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155 cm reporting in.

Yeah, 186 cm

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170 cm reporting in.

187cm manlet reporting

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how's life

195 cm reporting in

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Same as always, which is good.

178 cm reporting
Is there any hope

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why are you like this?

I was considering suicide but then I met a guy last week.

Technically. But I'm still average height for someone of my ethnic background.

180cm here, I feel like a kid when there's tall people around

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I'm btw

Tbh you don't stop being a Manlet until 190

fuck off
t. 184cm turbomanlet

193cm here

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204cm here, life is disgusting

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fuck off this is a real manlet thread only

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helps them get through the day

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Why? Are you to tall for South America?

knowing somebody who is taller than you makes you a manlet

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wrong, not knowing anyone shorter is what makes you a manlet

Then kill him George, kill them all!!!

183cm pygmy reporting in

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t. 171 cm

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>I'm the only person itt who's pleased with my peitite build
You must be larpers, or just like to complain.

>my petite build
get out tranny

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Woh ho ho, almost stepped on you little guys!

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you're wrong


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nothing wrong with being a petite man, sven.

hey lanklet, how’s the weather up there ?

5'7" club
I have a wide chest, broad shoulders, big and veiny hands, muscular arms and legs thanks to my dad but genes fucked me in terms of height.

I'm 169cm and I don't feel bad about it at all.

165 cm
B-but I'm a CHI, so it's ok haha

5'9 (175 cm)?

and I'm okay with it t b h
its not so bad down here

life is good desu


>Average height for men here: 1.70m

>MFW I've been spared from suffering real manletism because of my birthplace

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I work with two guys who are actually taller than me, I feel like a baby, life is suffering.

165 cm reporting in

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Disgusting 182 manlet reporting in
Girls are taller than me nowadays and I'm not even joking

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