
Wisdom of the ancients edition

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(Matthew 15:11)
What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.

I think I want to move to the UK and work there. Is this a bad idea?

Don't think I get MDE

(Nikola Tesla)
All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.

No it's shit here haha


So, scots will love me if i start singing flower of Scotland while drinking a Guinness ?

will be in London soon lads

he was referring to fascism

they were only good when they were fucking with/pranking people. the sketches tended to be pretty bad

this but unironically, this island is a veritable realm of hell

I wasn't being ironic

what's the difference between a ponce and a nonce?

Any English man in?
England for the English!

Who is the most divisive poster on /brit/?

>id trust the EU over whatever american government publishes any day

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hehe! That's cause of all the yummy yummys I eat! They're so gud and they expand my lil tummy tummy. Sometimes they give me these strech marks, but I don't call them that! they're my tiger stripes! Rawr~ Don't try to mess with me! Rawr~ I'm a big boyo and I'm proud. It means I'm soft and cuddly, but don't be fooled I have a bite! So don't mess with this big boy! >:3c

Stupid fucking twat. Could whistle through your thick skull there's so little going on inside.

peak and literal Chad



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An effeminate man.
(of a word or expression) coined for or used on one occasion.

dont trust a single soul except my own judgement

learned that after watching casino royale at a young age

The EU is amazing, no-one can name anything bad about it at all

Alan. Has nearly as many admirers as he does haters. Other posters are either unanimously hated or unanimously liked

people who call me bent for talking about attractive men/footballers are just hiding their own insecurities

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nah mate the EU's got your soul under control don't worry. if brexit goes through though you're doomed!

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Agreed, cancel Brexit now

All the foreigners

sueposter definitely

what is this tv show



i'm going to cite this verse to my gf when she doesn't want to suck

There's no borders in the EU so there's no such thing as being foreign, next

Love island

no they're just stating facts

Sam shouting bullshit in those KickstarterTV videos was the funniest fucking thing

Btw did jewtube shut it down again?

Post your teeth

Will fight to stop this from being a reality


based lily


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Just sitting here thinking about how amazing the EU is
I like the laws of my country being overruled by a shadowy elite it's a good thing

Leftie niggers like the French faggot are abusing this new report system everyone is getting 3 days bans for "racism" "politics" and "disrespecting cultures".

>muh culture reeee

t. Literal fucking monkey with no culture fuck off you'll get deported soon


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um ok

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I like their anthem and flag too.

The Bachelorette

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all those lefty wanks who whine about the rich, surprised none of them have tried to off any of the actual richest of the rich

It's just literal neo nazis screeching racist hatespeech and go heh heh it's a joke if anyone calls them out on.

Mate I've been coming to /brit/ on and off for years and the similarities we have between us is astounding. We even like the same footballers. We would actually be best mates ngl

Usually they're their parents

>new report system
>he's still seething

A no-deal Brexit poses a substantial risk to public safety, with police officers instantly losing vital access to cross-border investigative powers and databases, the home secretary has been told in a letter from the national body of police and crime commissioners.

>It's just literal neo nazis screeching racist hatespeech and go heh heh it's a joke if anyone calls them out on.

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>an effeminate man

ponce is a thief you bellend

e.g. he ponced my fags

t. londoner

Love Karius, proper legend

Hello friends my home board is Jow Forums but Jow Forums has become a guilty pleasure of mine the past few months and is pulling me in

That's not good at all
Before the EU Britain was nowhere in the world so we need to cancel Brexit

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Are you that boomer I was arguing with on /tv/

Good names for men:

Okay names for men:

Bad names for men:

trip on you fat cunt

Country needs turning on its head

is it like yank love island

Fucking alien

Fact: if you refrain from showering after exercising, then your body will re-absorb the sweat and you'll get back all your electrolytes

Britain would run out of food on this date next year if it cannot continue to easily import from the EU and elsewhere after Brexit, the National Farmers’ Union has warned.

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enjoying a za

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love walking around topless in the summer

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surprised his wrists can even hold the weight of that book

nice one

post 'em

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hello isaac

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where's your head at

black balloooons
over my head

I don’t even go on /tv/

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Fact: your own wank sauce is a bountiful source of protein

WTF, throw open the borders nao

all Olivers should be renamed Conrad

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I'm not Isaaac

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Migrants need to be sucked and I'll volunteer

ffs this is just insanity just cancel the hacked Brexit vote right now and say to the EU 'we want more Europe than ever!'

could tear so many rorkes to shreds with that beast

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was reminded by another thread that i found my dads bukakke vhs tapes when i was 10 and watched them and was revolted. but over time my appreciation for a good jizz plastering has grown greatly

European holiday prices are set to rise by 31 per cent as a result of Brexit and as many as 25,000 UK jobs in the sector may be at risk, warns a survey published on 6 August.

do you know him

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Mates and I were ROLLING in the finals

The British people were a mistake.
Africans? Now those are human beings.

You see a problem, moi (moi is French for "me") I see a solution to Britain's obesity epidemic

>posting random "facts" about brexit constantly

get some friends. your an autist even by Jow Forums standards. fuck off