Why do Asian countries hate the blacks so much? Always found it curious
Hatred of the blacks
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For the same reason they cook their dogs. They don't like pets.
I thought they hate everyone
Niggers lower gdp and average iq numbers
Everyone hates blacks because they are subhuman.
theyre smarter than europeans
Gooks and Chinks are cringy racists to Black because they think if they hated Black, they would be an honorable white.
you think whites are not hated?
The sign of the sign behind it is Korean I guess this guy went to Korea for racial discrimination Their harassment enjoying amazing old people is sometimes not a joke
old people are afraid of those gaijins who cannot communicate in Japanese
You make this snippet very malicious Your sneaky act is an act of being despised by the world I do not like Koreans, but your behavior is the lowest
I got cringed by this as fuck
based chinks
East Asians are racial realists.
Only retarded Asians buys into Western PC propaganda.
I've noticed that everybody hates blacks. Many people from the middle East / North Africa to central and east Asia to Europe.
Maybe it's people's fault or maybe there's a reason for that.
Also This
its also why you dont see muslims here and no terroist attacks
I think you meant to say honorary.
I like blacks!
In fact, I want a black gf!
no he meant honorable
After all, you are an unpleasant person who uses Koreans for discrimination against black people. You seem to be harassing Koreans and blacks. You are enjoying it. The environment you grew up was bad, I think you are a pathetic person God bless you?
Making a lot of assumptions. But god bless you too
They look like aggressive stary monsters
The discriminationist is you. It is shocking for Americans to do such malicious acts
t. low IQ racist
Why is there always that one fucking guy on the top left reacting to what's happening
golgolmois long time no see its me ●))))) まさゆき how you been buddy?
Even members with high IQ and Mensa think that IQ and intelligence are worthwhile if many scores are obtained in the IQ test, many people think. Such a person can say that the evaluation of IQ and intelligence is not so high. Because they do not understand IQ and the essence of
Who doesn't hate blacks?
Yeah middle east and north africa hated blacks so much they fucked their women so much it half of them have nigger dna
not really a good argument
For east asians, some can really hate blacks some can not, just the same with whites. This board has a fervent fascination of wanting to project their american style race obsessed shit to east asians, even worse when its japanese people.
you sound so excited by that, goblina americana.
I'm female I hate people who prepared threads to include racial races to claim racial discrimination
Japan is based because they like Janet jackson and bobby brown in the 80s.
In many Asian countries, it's not the practical effect of the offense that makes it so bad. Weed is bad in Japan and Korea because it's socially transgressive. Dating a black person would also appear as if you're chopping off your social roots.
If you're black, try donating blood in Korea, btw.
Conformity makes Japanese society so smooth and chill, people can live their lives on autopilot. Anything that transgresses this is the worst thing of all: a bother (meiwaku).
>I'm female
no you arent
You are rude
>everybody hates blacks
It's more of a working class thing, I've noticed. People who are comfortably middle-class or above rarely seem very invested in racial hatred.
It’s going nowhere
you are black, aren't you?
That woman was shocked because that black guy is a star in Korea and also the sudden mask reveal.
│ │
│ Meanwhile, │
│ somewhere in a Japanese household.... |
│ │
∧_∧ ____ __________________
| __ ̄{ニ======| \ JAPAN RULEZ!!!"
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nan ja Korea!
WTF is this nutcase???
>If you're black, try donating blood in Korea, btw.
what happens?
pls reply I'm curious
Everybody is racist, even, actually especially if they don't admit it.
black and Hispanic make a fool of Asia.
They talk about own delusions to fit King in Asia.
we are not racists.
just black people are rare.
so suddenly black people appear in front of me, I down.
That's not true user.
What is avoided on the Internet is because you are you.
Blacks and Arabs have always hated each other.
Normal racism, like some aversion and a little prejudice, sure, not "1488 GAS ALL KIKES AND NIGGERS NOW!" levels of tier autism. The most "natural" kind of racism is warring with foreign men and taking their women.
Huge bureaucratic mess and shitty management for any foreigner who try to donate blood.
Blacks have the highest percentage of O positive blood types.
japanese, and asians in general, are mindless insects that need to be told what to do. Ergo, when the person on the top right is laughing, the jap naturally assumes something amusing has happened and begins laughing as well.
isn't O- a universal donor though?
Not really. There's been a lot of positive cultural interaction and contact between the two broad as fuck group.
>Normal racism, like some aversion and a little prejudice, sure, not "1488 GAS ALL KIKES AND NIGGERS NOW!"
Obviously, the world isn't an image board.
>Obviously, the world isn't an image board.
if only it were...
We executed Anglo-Saxon before also several weeks exactly.
However, a sign is now felt small.
Why was it valid?
क्यूंकि नीग्रो चूतिये होते हैं। हिंदुस्तान में पहले से ही नीच कास्ट के लोग ३ - ४ बच्चे पैदा करते हैं, और यह नीग्रो तो १०-१५ पैदा करते हैं। म्लेच्छ ने हिंदुस्तान को बर्बाद करदिये और अब हम किसी भी फिरंगी को शक़ की निग़ाह से देखते हैं। पश्चिमी सोच चूत्यापा है। "Feminism" "Secularism" "Equality" "Communism" - यह सब पश्चिमी मायाजाल है। हम इसमें विश्वास नहीं रखते।
There's nothing inherently "Western" about those. It's just modernity. It took over the West a while ago. If there ever was a Western social model, it involved feudal aristocracies with a mix of theocracy thrown in.
I keep noticing opinions like yours a lot. It's called cultural essentialism and it's mostly nonsense.
Niggas aren't really hated here irl whether you believe it or not
You should avoid these Internet cesspools full of autistic incels before posting it. Or if you're an incel as well you don't have to worry about it cause you will never go overseas
>you will never go overseas
out of principle or because of no money?
they worship white people
The flag of Australia is an absurd flag to ruin Japanese thread Koreans do not want to involve because they have the property of hurting others in countries other than their own country by liars and destroying other countries You can know the nature of the country where you were born You are a camouflage Can you understand what this word means?
No friends no partner and no such aggressiveness/an activity
larper spotted
im not australian golgolmois
I use niggas because I like their wording and old school music
>japanese, and asians in general, are mindless insects that need to be told what to do
rich coming from the kraut
Sure, translate a-bone for me if youre not a larper
east asians dont like blacks and other races except for whites(and its not like we go crazy for them, memes aside) because of one very simple reason, homogeneous society
you can't donate blood if you're HIV hositive
I'm sorry, but What do you want to say?あんた気持ち悪いって言ったの国旗偽ってまで何したいの?下らない人間だね
You probably dont know what golgolmois is because youre DQN but basically im saying im not australian and i actually side with japan when it comes to zainichi
I do not think that I am the same as a Korean Koreans are very fun Please do not engage in Japan forever. Whatever happens
Literally everyone hates blacks
im having a very hard time to understand you
why the fuck are you talking to me with japanese on an english thread..? pretty self centered person arent ya.
Well during the ancient era blacks and Arabs found each disgusting at Least in west Africa.
Everyone hates niggers. Even white Leftists hate niggers, they're just huge cucks that want to use niggers against Right-wing whites.
For Koreans, the LA Riots.
And that's why India is such a shithole with a GDP per capita lower than Swaziland.
I like Sth Koreans, Japanese, & Taiwanese. I think they all are vy polite, hard working, & honest. Have been countless times in the R.O.C, eat Korean food & watch dramas & purchase Korean & Japanese hardware. Got a Citizen.
I couldn't just be that they aren't racist like you are
No people can't think differently from you unless they have something wrong with them.
uh huh
People are afraid of the other.
wtf i love kpop now
oh right and the LA riots too, imagine your first reaction to an entire race was that they're buncha theiving murderous chimps