Why the amerimutt meme makes gringos so butthurt? Here in Brazil we also have a racially offensive caricature about our country but we love him because he is funny
Why the amerimutt meme makes gringos so butthurt...
pic related
>Why the amerimutt meme makes gringos so butthurt?
thin skin and autism
also only mexicans are allowed to call us gringos
they can't into self irony
we call all foreigners gringos, not only muricans
I love amerimutt, not sure why it sends other Americans into a frenzy. I've found that calling Americans that spout Jow Forums shit "brown eyes" has the same effect. Perhaps it hits too close to home for some?
only because it's spammed at every moment. i just naturally hate spam
>only because it's spammed at every moment. i just naturally hate spam
I liked it for DEEPEST LORE shit that came from it and became it drives Jow Forums kiddies up the wall.
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills is a great comic.
this is what i mean
you weren't around when the argentina is white meme was at its peak I see
Are you implying that it's not?
I say that it is like that everytime a race related meme gets popular. Only difference is that only you americans get pissed by it. which makes it even funnier
Oh, nah not me. Like the fags above said, I think it's a Jow Forums insecurity.
except it was only about when argentina was mentioned. mutt meme is even pushed in threads that don't even involve race
well not talking about you but is used to be very typical of you americans posters to bring up race in unrelated threads, specially to gain a grip on a discussion (whiter than you, muhammad) which is why this meme became a thing in the first place
I like the eldritch lore variants because that required some actual creativity, but like most Jow Forums memes it's just repetitive shitposting aimed at one flag until it gets old.
I legit dont see much butthurt over it here
Im not saying this to save face I dont see many people caring
blame yanks on Jow Forums for obsessing over race then getting butthurt the moment anyone brings up US demographics
we love him because he is the embodiment of the "0 fucks given" attitude brazilians have about anything. No situation is a bad situation when you can hue at it
replace "human" with "anglo"and it becomes funnier
I am a right wing American and I think 56% face is funny. You're wrong OP.
maybe it is because the amerimutt meme is the future of your country that people like you fight everyday to not become a reality