Last night my little sister T-posed at me until I cried. This morning I did it back and she mooned me. Horrible!!!

Last night my little sister T-posed at me until I cried. This morning I did it back and she mooned me. Horrible!!!

Attached: elsascream.jpg (502x502, 247K)

do not babby make with sister
it will retard

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I didn't plan to.

dab on the bitch
once you get dabbed on there ain't no coming back from that

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She T-Posed you?

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>she mooned me.
Pics or it didn't happen

I was so mad.

moon her back retard

Show her your dick

is this that meme where you're just standing still with your arms stretched out wide?

What if she started sucking?

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Let her


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Only right answer on this thread

why is this so funny

Attached: thatguyfromint.jpg (250x247, 12K)

Are you a product of that?

I was gonna moon her back tonight but chickened out.

helicopter her

Did she brap?
