

Attached: 1530896425340.png (1003x541, 378K)

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Yes Man follows your orders, no matter what.

did you really played the game

What is this crap? Besides everyone knows Jow Forums as a whole is more right wing and Reddit as a whole is more left wing. However, forums on both boards are all over the place. Neither is purely right or left.

Yes man is the fucking worst
kill yourself

right is the fedora cringe choices
left is based

Is 8 ch radical centralist?


Attached: images (9).jpg (383x383, 12K)

>Jow Forumstards and edgy right wingers unironically got tricked into supporting a literal Marxist historian because they wanted to be edgy
It's so funny how the game has Caesar literally tell you that the Legion's praxis is Hegelian dialectics.
