I'm telling you brah, Korean girls are the best!

>I'm telling you brah, Korean girls are the best!

Attached: video.webm (854x480, 2.83M)

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Ay dios mio

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face quite literally changes shape, fake

Still looks like a goblin.

Eбaть, вoт этo мapaфeт нaх.

Attached: 15336523995450-b.jpg (725x403, 80K)

unironically impressed but also disgusted
latin american women are the best
i like brown but also european looking

Translate that to a civilized language please.

dios mio...

Attached: 1520635354670.gif (500x380, 981K)

>going from hideous to slightly less hideous
wow such an improvement


Attached: 1528930404641.gif (261x210, 1.58M)


What's she doing at 0:33? It looks like she's putting on clips for cheeks.

la goblina creatura...

La virgen santa

fake as shit

watch :38 - :40

her face changes shape

what the fuck is she putting in her mouth

She used tape retards.

tape doesn't do that fucknut

what kind of tape makes your nose narrower?

this is edited, may have been passable if they didn't suddenly change the shape of her nose in a cut.

El akuma del lejano oriente

Attached: 1517588724866.png (760x651, 549K)

>What is make-up?

Is she taping her jowls?

>your nose narrower?

Attached: 147209471299523LbB[1].gif (400x253, 2.81M)

makeup makes your nose narrower?

look at frame 6 and frame 44, how do you get a nose that narrow with makeup?


Attached: 1527544448715.jpg (680x681, 60K)

Holy fuck

Attached: 1529520885962.png (212x212, 42K)

she's pretty talented

also her teeth would have been fixed if she were born in a first world country

with surgery, doable, with makeup? what are you going to do? put double sided adhesive inside your nostrils?

It can also make your cheekbones look sharper. Make up makes wonders.

holy fuck lmao

You can make your nose look narrower with makeup, you can use different shades of makeup base along with other materials in order to get that effect.

t.attended modeling school and took classes of makeup

yeah but that's cheekbones, not someones nose, the difference from frame 6 to frame 44 is too great, it's twice as narrow as it was. the only way to achieve that would be to pinch the noses together and i don't see how makeup can accomplish that.

right but look at the transition into frame 38, she does nothing with her nose and it suddenly becomes narrow.

>get told
>continue acting like a retard

huuur i'm just pretending


She literally puts shadows on her nose with a brush right before it "magically" becomes narrow. Wash your eyeballs.
>she does nothing
She is fucking working on her nose right at that moment

wtf i'm pretty sure you can sue for this

>He thinks he can reason with a leaf


Attached: HAHAHA.gif (480x228, 469K)


I even bothered to make a screenshot. See the brush? God, leafs are so stupid, it makes me angry.

Attached: Screenshot_20180808_045313.png (1149x649, 591K)

No, Yelissa is my gf though.

Why so angry, uma delicia?

They are serious, diligent, intelligent, pretty.

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shhh, the first worlders are talking.

jesus good luck man

>1st world

made me laff

t. Johann Kim Park

holy fuck, what kind of brush makes your nose narrower you dumb kraut.

>not a poojeet/Chink craphole

I hope at this point the leaf is just pretending to be retarded for his own sake.

hrm interesting, you are actually that retarded to think Canada isn't first world, and especially coming from a third worlder like Brazil, well it was fun while it lasted but you are just legit retarded.

>>Dominican Republic
>>not Haitian

shouldn't you guys be unifying?

sage, repoted, b&underage etc.

It's likely that he's not - Canadians are all like this - it's the feminism and ''peoplekind'' rotting their brain lmao

>shouldn't you guys be unifying?
That won't happen, thanks to you.

I imagine he is an underage virgin, who doesn't know how women work

Koreans are the jjang

Attached: 7a545d794e08ee00eaec29a87299051e1a1d5e.jpg (1000x1500, 222K)

She is just using darker shades in order to make her nose look narrower while applying lighter shades on the bridge of her nose in order to accentuate the effect that she is trying to get.

God this is actually pretty easy to make.

that's okay, we are a compassionate country that accepts some refugee's. enjoy being overrun by your poorer, dumber and darker neighbors though.

what the fug is going on in this gif?

her nostrils are literally smaller. it's not even an issue of shading. her nostrils literally smaller.

let me guess you've never interacted with a girl.

im married with kids on the way =)


This. Y'all are gullible as hell.

Nigger she puts powder and pinchs her nostrils, that's it.

and if you pinch your nose to make it appear smaller, how do you get it to maintain that shape? tape or glue? and how and where was it applied?

closer look

Attached: 5af150a479df3_1718281_0[1].gif (350x206, 2.72M)


A quick search on youtube will lead you to a lot of tutorials that use different techniques to archive this effect. This is one of them.

It's a nose trick try it.

Try sucking in your nostrils. Once it collapses you can maintain it pretty well.

its too late I already have the perfect Korean gf

Attached: Yeon_Woo_Jhi.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

nostrils same size in both before and after pictures. i can recognize that youcan make the nose appear smaller, but this gif is literally her nostrils being huge in the beginning, then twice as small at the end.

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what the fugk

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Yeah, you are right. Watching this video now is making think that I chose a bad example. I think that the video of a trannie is slightly better.


Also I link another video with tips to reshape your nose.


Mother of god, imagine being this fucking ugly.

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Jesus, the amount of plaster she puts on her face is insane. How much money does a woman spend on this shit?
I literally use water and soap and my skin is fine and i don't know any guy using any kind of 'beauty'/'care' products and they look fine (no homo).
What the fuck is wrong with women genes that makes them need so much makeup?

And what's wrong with that? When I have sloppy nose I can do the same.

Can some Korean-fags approve or deny this? Is this like some extreme make-over or is that average woman in Korea?

Women are more self-conscious about their looks.

do the boys put makeup on too? i work with a qt one

your blowjobs are sloppy, fag

That's impressive. This is why you tell your gf to shower before banging a few times to make sure if you want to marry those genetics

Fuck you. This was a stupid idea it didn't even work

ITT: a nigger tries to remove the yellow fever from white men because he is seeing that his "u mad whyt?" threads are not working anymore here

t. João Pablo Gook
100% NOT butthurt

i know you're that literal nigger brazilian neet with a 4 inches small "bbc" that keeps trying to racebait people here, you have no life and no future

Always take her swimming first date.

Attached: huntress.jpg (500x375, 41K)

Wife showed me this earlier. She thought it was hilarious. She's Chinese and doesn't wear makeup.

Attached: 1533417152934.jpg (2152x580, 373K)

Sorry I don't speak barbarian.

managed to track down a different version of the video (scroll down):


it's very possible this is real and it's worse than the webm lets us know. just look at that smile...

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Is she trying to jewify herself?

Why don't you enlghten us with whatever knowledge acquired from interacting with women then.

All women are fucking goblins lmao

wtf lmao

It's tape to make her jaw narrower

Ah yes it's true. We try to hide it but you found out, Korean girls are in fact the most ideous on the planet. Please don't Come here you will be so disapointed.

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I would never consider going to South Korea as long as Japan exists.

Same level of disappointment desu.