don't let the bread die edition
/v4/ + pals
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Blessing this thread
3 hours and 20 minutes until I can go home
9 hours 10 minutes until I can go home
finally at home
I feel terrible
Menj aludni, törpék!
why are we here :3
Just to suffer
because /v4/ has a worrying lack of melanin that only we can fill in
trami! trami!, they're calling you in this bread!
But I like thicc
yes, just like these guys :3
No they like obese. Eeeew
I think i'm gonna quit this job, just sitting in a chair for 12 hours is making me want to hang myself
just like Ottoni!, don't be shy tram-tram, share her beauty with these guys :3
But she is not obese. Not even fat.
Looks like I will have to share more and more of her pucs with you so you will finally understand difference between fat and thicc :3
I did.that before. Having laptop with me helped a lot. Also friends who spent time with me
oh, I'm sure visegradian anons will be happy happy happy about that :3
>difference between fat and thicc
404 not found
Yeah, there's not enough space here to bring my laptop and no friends either, still 2 hours and I just want to jump from a window
This is so fucking soul crushing, somebody also puked all over the bathroom and some woman snuck in and stole shit other guests
Real fucking great for my first shift
I only see fat people there
First job ever?
Then u blind
Welcome to adult life. Enjoy your stay :^)
Fuck that, i'd rather do something remotely productive rather than sit on my ass just so someone is in the building
Delivering packages for Česká pošta sounds great in comparison to this fucking torture
Read book or buy gameboy or something? Like 1/4 of my shifts is spend doinh nothing but I like it desu
Well I fucking hate it, I want to work, not just sit around like a faggot and get paid for it
>I want to work, not just sit around like a faggot and get paid for it
it sounds ridiculous to some, but it's really soulcrushing
Where do you even work? Reception?
Not anymore, just told the guy I quit
>quitting before having another contract already signed
Good post
>quiting after first day
I work physically for 8 hours in this heat, outside. its hell. Still I think sitting and being bored inside is better
He'll find out sooner or later
you want what you don't have. I used to work physically in warehouse thinking how much better it would be to work while sitting all day and now I hate it
does this mean I will get bored of gf if I somehow get one? oh no!
how do I apply for your job? I don't want to work with databases and Czechs. I'd much prefer to deal with drunk Russians.
Ya gavaryu pa Russkiy. Problemov nebudyet.
yes you will
not only bored, but also irritated
>if I somehow get one? oh no!
I dont think you have to worry about that
samsung factory here or construction sites all around here employ mostly foreigners
I know.
brb buying a sextoy vagina.
why would I work there?
I probably earn more here
but working in a hotel has some other *wink* *wink* benefits
shimano is better
prague already has a history of hotel rapes. no need to add to that
Save money for sex robot
jealous bitches will ban them. they are already making them worse ...
Sex robot will say no if ‘it’s not in the mood’
But buyers expecting a soulless sex slave will be shocked to discover it is programmed to enter ‘dummy’ mode when bored with their attentions.
Its sensors are also designed to detect when touching becomes too aggressive or disrespectful, which will also result in it turning into an unresponsive lump of plastic.
"They do not listen to you or caress you, they do not comfort you or look at you. They do not give you their opinion or drink a glass of champagne with you.”
Janet, a prostitute with over 30 years in the industry, who works in the city’s Raval district said: "It is another strategy of the patriarchy that presents us as objects without rights or soul. A privilege of the wealthy classes.”
How do I apply for your job?
>tfw making fortune jailbreaking sexbots
Ona nie chce robic mi na loda!
my mother is such a bitch, I can't wait till she dies
Just heard the sirens for the 3 fallen Czech soldiers. Went outside on the street here in Žižkov (Part of Prague with the tower), held a minute of silence. Rest easy fellow countrymen~ ;-;
what happened to them?
they got rekt in some sand shithole
suicide bomber iirc
Ambushed by a suicide bomber
A US soldier and two Syrian soldiers were harmed, but not killed.
I'm in Croatia for the first time man it looks cool but it's hot as fucking shit
post sea
>going on holiday to the sea in august
looks like lake
Could one of you lads post again the image where an English man is bullied by an Arab, Pole and a Scott?
why yes, i am Polish, how did you know?
Behold the power of Hungarian nationalism
>want to join Czechian army
>3 czechian soldiers blow up in Durkastan
>suddenly 3 new army jobs appeared
everything went better than expected
>tfw no kissing toys
>going to the Balkans in the summer
>wanting to be boiled alive
That's not how you do it dummy.
I miss her
I don't want a gf, I just want somebody to hug
What's that
Thanks to that Czech user who recommended Marlborough fine touch.
>kingdom is updated
I will write a pseudo history book. It will claim that Slovaks were a tribe of the Kiev Rus. They got bullied by others so they joined to the Hungarian tribal confederacy. They also rode with us and helped us pillage Europe. They were settled at the banks of Morva to counter the C*ech raids.
268 open positions for receptionist in Prague
Look for some night shifts in hotels
Did that job last summer, netflix and elder scrolls online saved me
Most boring shit ever, like 3-5 customers per night
Do you reckon it's possible to get a job soul crushing job like that through that site when you only know English?
I'd kill to trade places with the reception pepik as I have disproportionate schedule where some days are intense and some are literally doing nothing.
how not to get caught slacking?
I wish Litvin could live in Czechia
What's stopping him?
>tfw even if I apply for any job there it will be automatically discarded because non-EU
Hurry up and join already.
Hopefully my citizenship is approved, I better kms if I had to wait for this country-let to join.
Best of luck user
>tfw no hug from ottoni
T-thanks. I might try my luck soon through the MPSV though, who knows maybe something happens.
bike gears
daj si CVto
>claim your great great granded saw a Hungarian once while selling his goods in Belgrade
>get Hungarian citizenship
problems weren't
Kek there are some Serb cases mostly from Vojvodina who kept papers from AH back in the day and had to learn Magyar to obtain the citizenship because you have a language test requirement or something similar.
Try freelance visa