Do Americans even know how economies work?

>Trump's latest $16 billion dollar tariff list will hit semiconductors from China, even though many of the basic chips in these products originate from the United States, Taiwan or South Korea.

>“We have made the case to the Trump administration, in the strongest possible terms, that tariffs imposed on semiconductors imported from China will hurt America’s chipmakers, not China’s, and will do nothing to stop China’s problematic and discriminatory trade practices,” Semiconductor Industry Association John Neuffer said in a statement, adding, "Unfortunately, they're going through with the measures anyway."

Seems counter-intuitive, burgers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Protectionism is about feels, not economics.


when will faggots learn that service economies cannot win a trade war vs a maufacturing economy?

Republicans have ties to businesses that benefit from the tariffs in that they weaken the competition at home. Trump gets a cut of it. It’s not that difficult to figure out.

dumb gook. trump has an economics degree, what do you have?

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What was his problem? US unemployment was record low and had a steady gdp growth

>appeal to authority

What you must understand is he's a syphilitic moron. There are spirochaetes in his dorsal root ganglia. He's fucking retarded.

Did he get it from Trump University?

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>dumb shit

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Free trade is practically the only consensus that exists among economists.

This 4.1% was before the trade war


This is the most pro-business, pro-economy admin in US history. They arent just going to mindlessly damage our growth. Trust Trump.

all the faggots have already learned that, my friend. it is only a certain orange goblin that hasn't gotten the memo yet.

Record lows as continued by the previous administration. Trump had nothing to do with it. Not to mention that low unemployment doesn’t mean we don’t have gross economic polarization.

then why doesn't china?

these are reciprocal tarrifs aimed at reducing a deficit caused largely by unfair trade practices.

It's not going to last. The US stock market is worth more than it's GDP, in other words our stock market is way overvalued. It's unstable and there is going to be an inevitable crash or severe bear market at the very least. He's artificially pumped the economy up so high with tax breaks that it's standing on it's tippy toes and it would take just a small gust of wind to knock us off of our feet.

Attached: market cap to gdp.png (702x510, 101K)

he had the lowest interest rates in national history and did nothing with it. Rates have rose steadily under trump since the beginning and he still out grew obamas best quarter in 1/4 the time.

I really wish he'd stop all this nonsense. Our companies in china may be at risk. For example Boeing has a trillion dollars contract at stake in China and they are now thinking of going with Airbus.

>then why doesn't china?
Why doesn't China what? Do you legitimately think it's a well-run country? Should the US build a bunch of ghost towns in the middle of nowhere as well just because China does it? Face it, trade deficits are practically correlated with GDP growth in reality.

I think him stupidity cannot be generalized with all the cunt

>trump has an economics degree
Economics is looking pretty grim.

I was referring more to the protection of domestic industries and devaluation of currency

They don't know the history either.
400 years seem to be too long.

>Growth was all obama!
>shows a trend beginning under the obama administration

where did i mention obama

so, which country is trump going to invade first when the economy tanks?

It's nothing but thinly veiled corporate welfare. Forced devaluation fucks over consumers for the benefit of a tiny minority, and it's also counterintuitive because it is worse for the economy as a whole since many domestic industries actually depend on imports themselves, plus there's all the money you're taking away that would otherwise be invested as you're redirecting it into taxes (because that's what tariffs are in the end).

This. I am seriously sick of hearing about this faggot.

Its okay. He will offset it by putting asbestos in the elementary schools all across america. MAGA!

Attached: asbestos maga.png (763x580, 504K)

god this makes me angry

Except the U.S. tried these exact same measures with Japan in the 1980s. America complained about Japan’s unfair trade practices jeopardizing America’s national security and putting American workers out of work. Sound familiar? Then Washington kicked off a trade war.

The result? Japan caved to literally every U.S. demand, which sent its economy into recession for TWO DECADES. What did America get out of it? Not really anything in the end.

>Even though America’s trade deficit with Japan persisted, there was not much the U.S. can do with a prostrate Japan mired in recession.

The kicker is that China was already changing its trade practices, mostly because they realized they needed to start protecting their own tech industries and so the returns they were getting from stealing foreign tech were diminishing compared to what they would get by protecting companies, both foreign and domestic.

The cat was already out of the bag, this is all about containing China's rise like America tried to do with Japan in the 80s. Only China knows this, and they're much better prepared to weather a trade war than Japan.

>From Beijing’s perspective, the lessons learned from the U.S.-Japan trade war are clear: don’t yield to U.S. pressure as Japan did, and don’t become solely dependent on America as an export market as Japan was. And China today is in a much stronger position to put into practice these lessons learned. While Japan’s GDP was only at 40% of America’s in the mid-1980s, China’s GDP was close to 70% of America’s last year, according to the IMF. Japan’s total import has never been big enough for it to wield real international influence, whereas China today is the biggest market for a growing list of countries including Japan, Australia, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and South Korea.

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Don't worry, he knows some Russians to strike a bigly deal with to supply the asbestos. Great company, one of the best.

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well they think their shitty service economies somehow can compete with our manufacturing power.

we're the definition of a service economy dumbass

kys retard
the only reason this market appears to be "booming" is mnuchin is manipulating it

Which begs the question of why you're destroying your own manufacturing bases.

Renewable energy industries are still outperforming coal, despite Trump doing his best to undermine them in his bid to try and preserve the coal industry.

>Which begs the question of why you're destroying your own manufacturing bases.
4D chess.

Coal is a sinking ship no matter what, trump just appealed to coal miners for easy votes. Hell, he probably won the election because he appealed to the usually democrat rust belt states, where everything the US used to be manufactured. Nothing is going to bring that back though, we have evolved past making our own simple shit.

what "trend"? central bank interventions propping the market temporarily.

>trump just appealed to coal miners for easy votes
He could've done that without undercutting renewables though.

>President Donald Trump’s tariff on imported solar panels has led U.S. renewable energy companies to cancel or freeze investments of more than $2.5 billion in large installation projects, along with thousands of jobs, the developers told Reuters.

Literally nothing bad has happened during his entire presidency so far. Leftists are nitpicking and losing their minds over any little thing he does because they can't comprehend the fact that he might actually be more successful than they've hoped for. Prepare to see these mental for the next 6 years

Asbestos used properly isn't bad per say.

he hasn't done anything good either, just temporary band aids to the economy.

How do you correctly use asbestos

I honestly think he doesn't want to be President. I vaguely remember Trump saying he wasn't serious when he ran initially.

By keeping it in the ground.

China is a brutal dictatorship, dude. Why do we owe them business?

t. worlds largest asbestos exporter

well he is obviously chest deep in the russian shit. he has been money laundering for them since late 1980's. he is being exposed slowly but surely. the manafart trial is the preparatory salvo.

Because our economy would collapse if we didn't?

Are you really this ignorant?

They are retarded. It’s not even worth reminding them.

>calls american retarded on economics
>keeps posting american articles as his support
Not everyone here is drumpf sweety

They were at record lows under Obama and his free trade/china supposedly ripping America offas well.

I saw a thing earlier where he apparently admitted to meeting with Russians, or maybe it was his son, for the purpose of "getting dirt" on Hillary Clinton. As though it wouldn't be seen as doing anything wrong, fucking lol. His lawyers must be dreading every time they turn on the news.

>trump is representative of the average american

Saudi Arabia is more brutal but you seem fine with them.

This was during the elections, for context.

Guess when the tariffs took effect, Jow Forums.

Are you implying that americans have any qualms when dealing with brutal dictatorships?

>Saudi Arabia is more brutal
Their banter certainly is.
Wew lad.

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>loves israel
seems about right to me

>the elected representative of my country doesn't represent my country

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This, I'm still baffled by the fact that no-one called the Chinese on their policy, they are actually xenophobic, they refuse citizenship to anyone, you can't own property there, they are the most protectionist country on earth, they don't respect human rights and have no concept of privacy in the age of the Internet, the list goes on for hours yet no-one bats an eye

Deficits are caused by capital flows as a result of savings/lack of savings.

They have next to nothing to do with “trade practices”. China ran a deficit with the USA until 2001 for heaven’s sake. China runs a trade deficit with the entire world except the USA.

Did you notice that the USA runs trade deficits of $300 billion with the EU and $150 billion with South Korea/Japan? Are they being unfair?

t. Dystopian NSA police state


>Buh, buh muh drumpf
I'm voting for him in 2020 and nothing you say will stop me. Stay triggered cuck.

The vast majority of Americans couldn't care less about politics. They are too busy living their lives. The american stereotypes you see come from the other 20%, the radical SJWs and MAGApedes. Please notice that normal Americans think that BOTH of these groups are not normal.

Strong currency = cheaper goods for your people

Weak currency = your people pay more for the same goods

Free trade isn’t “unfair trade practices”. Maybe China dumps steel and we might call that unfair, but what does that have to do with Mexico and Canada? They’ve done nothing but play by the rules that the United States set with NAFTA over 20 years ago.

Do your fucking jobs, mods.

lol the nsa has no candle to china.

There is also a well known fact of him traveling to Russia (still USSR back then) back in in the 1980's. Imagine an american real estate mogul doing business with the KGB in 1987? Most likely he has been a KGB agent since then and/or helped the commies with money laundering. So he is more senior than Putin himself!

>they refuse citizenship to anyone
Doesn't really seem much harder than other countries, to be honest.
Pretty much all you need is a family member living there or to have a valid reason to be living in the country on a permanent basis. I've heard that getting citizenship in America can be a nightmare.

yeah that's right, what are we thinking, back to posting mutts and talk about whiteness



hahaha holy shit lmao, i feel sorry for any americans browsing planning on having kids in their lifetimes

it will mostly be reversed when we have kids aussie shitposter

what i don't understand is how has no one taken china to the WTO yet?

I have a feeling that all of this shit is going to be reversed once retard is out of office.

>China is the most protectionist country on earth,

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>The vast majority of Americans couldn't care less about politics.
So then he truly is representative, both of your extremes and your apathy.

What you're saying is we won last time and will win again

I wouldn't say he's a KGB agent. That's far fetched. More like he has business relations with the Russian mafia(who have connection to KGB anyway)in the east coast.

He has had business dealings with Russian exiled oligarchs as well as the mafia in new york. I'm a little surprised he wasn't arrested for fraud, association with criminal enterprises or money laundering a decade or two ago. Money really does work as a way to buy yourself around the law.

they still find buildings here that have asbestos in them from time to time from back when we used it for everything, just hope it doesn't enter into widespread use

the kgb is everything in russia.

>b-but they’re worse!!

That was what economists were recommending instead of a trade war that would only hurt American consumers and agriculturalists.

How do you not know trump will push for another 4 years, and if the Dems keep trying to push Hillary more trumpian leaders take the stage?

Sure seems like it.

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I feel sorry for any child who ends up with an anons as their old man.

Voter turnout for the 2016 election was something like 30%. 30% of the population determined our next president. That's what happens when both candidates are piles of dogshit.

What I'm saying is you need reading comprehension.

>I'm voting for him in 2020 and nothing you say will stop me. Stay triggered cuck.

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Sounds like a reflection of your society if those are the only kinds of candidates that can achieve the highest office.

They have and China loses all the time.

Problem is that the WTO rules the USA and EU wrote protected their state companies and now they’re whining because China is beating them at their own game.