Ask someone who lives in the land of the greed anything

pic semi-related

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how does it feel knowing that your place is in the ovens?

Why does she looks latinx?
Are we iberian sephardic jewish mutts

I'm not a J*w so it's not a feel I can relate to. (Not that I can relate to 90% of this shit country)

How soon will you adopt an African refugee?

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America is the land of greed, not Israel.

Are there chinks in Israel?

I'm pretty sure she's Italian or something, can't say.
Never, probably.
America isn't 70% Jews, so you're inherently wrong.
Yeah, southeast asians in the form of illegal labor

Have you done military service?

Sadly, yeah

are you druze then? arab muslim?


Are you Ethiopian?


Why Sadly? Did you learn anything you could use in day-to-day life? Develop any relationships?

Americans are much greedier than Jews. Jews are great people. just read the bible.

Russian or Ukrainian?

>Why Sadly?
It's a waste of 3 years I could've spent playing vidya and NEETing
>Did you learn anything you could use in day-to-day life?
Maybe I've learned to not be a honest wageslave ever and do everything I can to do as less work as possible while not getting fired.
>Develop any relationships?
>Imagine being this delusional


My great cousin comes from a really orthodox family and his parents dont want him to serve in the military. Is that a common thing there? Also what do normal jews think about orthodox ones?

You have to come back, Schlomo.

How did you end up in Israel then? Had a jewish grandparent or something?

>>Imagine being this delusional
Jews are unironically a great and strong people, 3000 + years of recorded history and struggle. I'd be proud to be Jewish.

Tell me about the citizens. I want to know about the quality of the people there. What's the distance between the lowest to the most virtuous?

Just like gypsies. Would you be proud to be a gypsy?

good thing russia isn't a shithole full of greedy people so you can fuck off to there and quit bitching like a faggot

Dubs of truth
dubs of b8

Jews are like 0.01% of the world poplation or someshit, but have like 20% of nobel prizes and a bunch of other achivements that are disproportional. Winston Churchil said they were the greatest people of all time, and I am close to agreeing.
>inb4 butthurt Jow Forumstards

>Illegal labour
Sounds bout right. Filipinos?

I'll be honest I like Israel a lot since it had a big impact on the world as a whole. Saddens me I can't legally travel there.

How are the ruins there? Are they maintained a bit or just left to rot?

This is not at all evidence that would withstand to even the least rigorous inquiry.

That's pretty much a slavery contract that you're obliged to sign by the government. As for Orthodox people tend to hate them for being parasites of the system
>tfw can't be a parasite off the system
>tfw might return to my ancestral homeland within this lifetime
Basically parents escaping the collapse and paying it off or something like that.
The majority are trash, but that's not what bothers me, what truly bothers me is how everyone is a normalfag
>It's another episode of the brainwashed patriotic idiot
The ruins are pretty maintained desu

Everything I said is true. Jews have survived genocides of various kinds and have adapted to come out at top tier social group. For 3000 years. On top of that, they defined European history with Christianity for 2000 years.

>Basically parents escaping the collapse and paying it off or something like that.

I don't understand. Don't you have to show proofs of jewish ancestry to live there?

People in the Soviet Union were allowed to travel to Israel in the late 80s.

>everything I said is true
Yeah, me too

I understand that but right of return only applies to individuals with a demonstrable jewish pedigree

No idea what you're on about, but my mother could have went to live in Israel in like 1989 for as long as she wanted. Her friend went there and married a Jewish guy, still lives there now.

Yeah you have to, but you also can bribe some officials :^)

How does it feel to live in the only democracy in the Middle East?

The Middle East needs to get nuked desu

>it's another episode of the moron who lacks self awareness
retard, you're a nigger with low melanin parasitizing on the country (playing vidya and NEETing)
And it's got nothing to do wwith being patriotic, you have to possibility to go to a less greedy place such as russia, so why don't you go back?

>the same level of toxic nationalism as America
But you live in a democracy, dipshit

How many jews have you personally killed?
Did you keep their scales and their claws as a souvenir?
Did a jew ever try to cast a spell on you?

Not enough apparently.

Why is your people so evil?

Who said I'm parasiting? Doesn't mean I don't wish to
Sadly, none.
>Did a jew ever try to cast a spell on you?
Yeah, all spells were monetary though

These aren't my people, but why? Because they're driven by insane greed unparalleled by any other ethnic group on this planet

You didn't answer my question tho
>you have the possibility to go to a less greedy place such as russia, so why don't you go back?

Can't move countries empty-handed, and this country is doing it's best at creating empty-handed slaves

What do you do for work?

Also how's the party scene in Israel?

It's not Jow Forums here you're just another retard in a country that's trying to be first world.

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>What do you do for work?
My dad has a construction business, it's better than wageslaving of course but the jews must tax you to hell, because who's going to pay for the Orthodox parasites and the """""greatest military in the world""""?
>Also how's the party scene in Israel?
What's a party scene?
>a country that's trying to be first world
And doing pretty terribly at that

What's stopping that shithole from crumbling? Surely there are some highly trained soldiers cucking for a career

>What's a party scene?
Nightlife, drinking, drugs...

Are there actual qabbalistic schools where you can study mysticism?

Yeah but no need for this thread, move on, people can ask you stuff in other threads nobody wants a. Reddit AMA here for some neet dumbass in his. Twenties who's not Jewish and still acts like a Jewish rat.

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>What's stopping that shithole from crumbling?
American donations, I'm not even memeing the corruption here is Ukraine-tier
Do I look like a normalfag to you?
Haven't seen or heard of any
You don't have to reply :^)

>Do I look like a normalfag to you?
I dunno dude.

Look at this Kike claw his way into this dialogue like he has anything worth saying.

>Look at this Kike claw his way into this dialogue like he has anything worth saying.

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I know you're not the Russian; at least he would have a sound refutation.

Do Kikes claw their way into and out of everything cause they can't maintain proper footing due to their own mucous-layered skin?