Could North Africans pass for Latinos?

Could North Africans pass for Latinos?

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Easily in Brazil. This is how average Brazilian workers look here

Aren't the White Latinos descended from crypto-Muslim berbers anyway?

More like pass for Spaniards

Latinos are very short, the Mexicans at least.

Only Asians and Nordics couldn’t pass as Latinos

they should blend in well with the local population

>Asians and Nordics

Here in Sao Paulo there are a lot of asians.
And a lot of people with nordic phenotype.

>Only Asians and Nordics couldn’t pass as Latinos

Fake. In Brazil only Irish and Scottish looking people look foreign from Europe and only Southeast Asians from Asia look foreign.


There are a lot of hapas who look people from SEast Asia

yes, after all half of Argentines have Moorish ancestors from Europe or middle easterns from Syria and Lebanon especially

i had a spanissh friend that worked in construction stuff in USA and they'd always pick him over mexicans because he was taller

>le spaniards are moors kek

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lol their new squad has a fucking ginger

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Filipinos look like latinos tho

Go to spain and see for yourself

You can not differentiate them from Arabs except by the beard

some, i guess
but most not really imo. the ones in your picture just read to me as "some kind of muslim or mena" not as mexican or latino but i've seen some that can

Whada fuck is a latino??

I have green eyes and light brown hair and my skin is whiter than the skin of that guy who plays Iron Man

What differentiates them from Latinos?

Latino is not a race, so yes

This girl is from Sao Paulo

Tell me what is a latino

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in a lot of them their eyes
also some noses would probably look a little strange, but hard to tell from this angle

beards, eyebrows, eyes, their faces in general

also, this isn't as prominent but i feel like we're different shades of brown they look very greenish/yellow and kinda ashy but we're more like reddish browns.

but mena's are small, too

Would you say they have bigger eyes?

I've seen Latinos with beards. I've heard that MENAs have more "prominent/sharp" features compared to Latinos, is that true?

i think that it is mainly the eyelids
but yeah, for obvious reasons people that dark here tend to have narrower eyes

yes, at least here.

Hapa look like latino, since asian is resemble to amerindoid