My biggest fear is hitting 30 my friends all have wives and kids, good jobs, nice cars and I'm still here

My biggest fear is hitting 30 my friends all have wives and kids, good jobs, nice cars and I'm still here.

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How old are you?

>that 21 year old zoomer who hasn't accepted his lot in life
it's ok son, you will one day

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as long as you're only providing for yourself, who cares. Its your life, it doesn't affect anyone elses.

Thats OK user, you can still lead a good life with hobbies and interests. And your friends would still be your friends and may even help you improve your lot. You can do it friend, as long as you are better than you were yesterday!

Already thirty and none of my friends have wives, kids, jobs or cars.
That said, I have no friends.

Ha! Good one

No wife, kids, car or job either.
It's probably for the best for everyone this way.

You graduate before the 2008 crash right how did you fuck up so bad?

>be 29
>good job
full time software dev, pays ok
>nice car

>fear is hitting 30

This just means that soon you ll be dead

Dont be down friend, things can pick up! Your 20s are the new teens, your 30s things get exponential

>he didn't marry a rich girl
Top kek.
Unironically, got richer marrying my gf than I would have ever in my life from working.

This too.
As healthcare improves so increases the barrier for when you need to be ”grown up”.
A hundred years ago a 18 year old needed to have a family and a job but if an 18 year old has ”everything” now it’s considered weird.
Just chill OP, get a degree in something and just enjoy life.
People don’t expect you to have shit figured out until you’re around 30

l can relate but the people l know/see are either fat/brown/ugly/short so it doesn't hurt that much

>22 years old
>no higher education
>no skills
>osteoporosis, lungs feel like they're gonna collapse. can't do manual labor

Could always be worse. I guess I could try being a code monkey until I die.

What do you offer her?


Born into a broken home and growing up has been one big long series of fuck ups. Not everyone can have a good life, it's just the roll of the dice.

Not down, really. I was being serious, it really probably is better this way. I'm not not good with people and have only ever been in overall highly negative situations with others, so keeping that limited means less lives interrupted. I try to keep out of the way of others as much as I can.

Well in that case I hope yoy find your own happiness, your own version of it. You seem a good man, I am sure your best years are ahead of you, whether you think so or not.

im 19 and i have 7k saved up, am i gonna make it?

19x7k= about 140k year dollars. so yes.

My mother is fucking retarded. Always reminding me about marriage. Recently my friend got married and she's been babbling like fucking autist. Like being tied to some moneyleeching whore is the only goal in life. What the fuck is wrong with those people?

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Starting a family is a noble goal

Yes, especially for a fucking austist introvert who has been a neet for 5 years. There's enough human trash in the world. No need to breed more and being tied to them, not having time for your hobbies.

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seems legit

Well I am sure there is more to you than that. I hope you find your own version of happiness at least. But do not discount the "traditional" life, you never know when you might get a chance at it. You are not trash. You are so much more. Peace.