Thread for alpha males around the world that love fatties

Thread for alpha males around the world that love fatties.

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>im high test because i like morbidly obese women
Kill yourself


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There's nothing easier than pulling a fatty, shit they get any kind of attention and it'll be out of control like a Greek bbq

Well, since you live in the country of whale-girls, I assume you're happy among the lard, Sir.

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Couldn't be more wrong.
Good looking fatties are more picky than skinny woman because they have so many men after them.

Based bong.

all gfs i had were slightly chubby but those landwhales are too much
>Good looking fatties
the face can be decent but when i look at the rest i cancel the transaction

Bump, my feĺlow alpha bong.

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I want to get BLACKED by this.

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Fat women with skinny/attractive faces are top tier.
Would annihilate this massive negress.

>meet good looking girl in social media years ago
>shes like 30 kg heavier in person than she looks in her profile pic
the magic of close up pics is amazing
id still hit that if we were in touch tho

i like fatties but these are too much even for me

this is perfection

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She's good mate, but a little too skinny for me personally m8.

based thread I want to ravage a fatty

Never had a fat girl? Feels amazing.

I prefer thicc myself

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reported for beastiality

Pretty fatties don't get more attention than pretty women who are in shape women, fat is a fetish and therefore a smaller market. They do however have men after them, but men like the ones in this thread.

Anyone justifying their test in whales with "high test" has brain damage

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there is nothing to justify thats Jow Forums insecurity, i like women with boobs butt and bellies have fun with yo stick bitches

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Reminder that "le high test" meme was started by landwhales to normalize being a disgusting obese piece of shit

Women can have butt and boobs without being a lard of fat like the hambeast you posted
Pic is true Chad's choice

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this ain't it chief

I like women who have some self respect and look like they take care of themselves.

at the limit of fat, good taste my white dutch friend.
i'm half nigger btw