This language makes me physically angry. What the fuck is wrong with Denmark.
This language makes me physically angry. What the fuck is wrong with Denmark
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Hvorfor suger du ikke min penis, amerikansk dreng.
Its not that bad.
I find it way easier to understand Danish than Norwegian
Ikke dårligt
Jeg er også sikker på at det er et meme, og at de fleste ikke har den på den måde, men blot overdriver.
Thanks for the offer but I'll pass
Why don't you pronounce half the letters in your language. Why would you do that
Danes are to scandinavia what ausrians are to germany
wierd speaking people that lost their way somewhere in history
As an Englishman with a Danish gf, soon to be wife, I'm having a hard as fuck time learning the language. Spanish, French, and German are so much easier.
Danish is a Germanic language. And your description fits Norway more.
Exactly the reason I'm so angry, it's difficult as hell
related video
i always heard from scandis that danish was the ugliest variant, i guess it depends on what they're used to hearing
Pronunciation aside, what else makes you angry?
Why is it hard as fuck?
Other than pronunciation, really just everything about it. I hate the grammar and how it sounds as well. It's very harsh on the ears
I've been finding Norwegian pretty easy. I assumed Danish would be too since it's similar, or is there a catch?
strongly disagree o_o i can barely parse even though it's very short and i can apply context
Har du ikke lært dansk i skolen? Jeg har både lært norsk og svensk.
the only thing we are taught are swedish is and english, then later we get to pick a third language. not sure how many to pick from, there were at least french, german and spanish. i picked spanish and have regretted it ever since.
What's the point of Scandinavian languages still existing?
Hahahahahhaha. Han tror.
>han tror de andre Nordiske lande har lige så hoje standarder som Danmark
Har du hatt formell opplæring i begge språkene utenom studier av norsk og svensk litteratur?
F.eks. egne skoletimer dedikert kun til norsk og/eller svensk grammatikk?
Well Danish just like Skånska sound very odd but if you spend just a couple of hours listening to it you will understand 100% of what people are saying.
Norwegian has so many own words and a different language flow that makes it nigh impossible to ”pick up” naturally, you have to actively study it to learn how to speak it.
Dutch is the real criminal when it comes to languages. The text looks like it's just a mix of English and German but when they open their mouths, that illusion is quickly destroyed.
gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp
>Har du ikke lært dansk i skolen?
They speak like they have are choking on something
Det her er faenmeg en dårlig megmeg fra Svennejävlar.
I hate danish as well and unironically wouldn't mind if it was replaced by english. It's much, much easier to express yourself in english since it has a more nuanced vocabulary. Danish is basically cave man grunting in comparison, both literally and figuratively.
Hurså? Norska är för annorlunda. Fattar kanske hälften av vad en Norrman säger och typ 90% of vad Danskar säger.
maybe because people are fucking retarded now a days, read some danish classics and tell me that it isn't a beautiful language.
Nevermind, you probably wouldn't understand half the terms because you are brainlet simpleton
Nej. I lobet af de 10 år man går i folkeskole skal der være afsat to timer til hhv. norsk og svensk læsning/grammatik.
Så én dag ud af 10 skoleår er vidst en overdrivelse når han siger vi "lærer svensk og norsk".
Danish classic such as what?
Also, why do you assume that I wouldn't understand it? Danish has barely changed from a vocabulary perspective with the exception of losing a lot of German loan words, it's not complex at all if you have a 5th grade understanding of German.
Brugte 5 (7½ timer) moduler på svensk og norsk grammatik og basalt ordforråd på handelsskolen. -Nej, vi lærte det ikke grundigt, men nok til at kunne læse tekster på nynorsk og svensk. Bokmål er selvolgelig pisse let.
why does everyone seem to have a wife imported from Denmark
Kanskje hvis du prater til en vestlending, men ingen skjonner dem.
Danish is just English with a sock stuffed in your mouth
Which has the most clear pronounciation, Norwegian or Swedish? Swedes often pronounce g as j, but norwegians seem to not pronounce all letters. Also why do so many words in Swedish end with a sound?
Because the language requires you to use your tongue/throat in a way that English does not.
Also one more question, what sound in English is the closest to crossed o letter in Norwegian? What about æ? Is it the same as German ä?
Norwegian dialects are alot more diverse than Swedish ones. E.g. the difference between west norwegian dialects and east norwegian dialects is bigger than the difference between west swedish dialects and east swedish dialects.
Overall I'd say Swedish is clearer simply because it's more uniform, orally.
Thanks. Is sj and sk pronounced as sh in Swedish?
SK is pronounced as "ch" in Swedish afaik. Not sure how to write it out but there's no "s" sound.
SJ i'm not sure actually, you'll have to ask a swede.
Danish is the whitest language in the world. You're all Arab or Jewish or Turkish or Russian rape babies with your English and Semitic(Mediterranean) languages
Snow niggah can't even conjugate
>SK is pronounced as "ch" in Swedish afaik.
It's one of the those spellings that can have different pronunciations depending on the word, it can either be a "ch" sound or just the same "sk" sound as in english.
i have never heard danish language so i don't understand what's going on in here
Please differentiate between Netherlands dutch and Flemish dutch. Our language is much smoother and easier on the ears than our northern brothers.
Which isn't to say Flemish sounds pleasant, only that it isn't remarkabely unpleasant.
Our language is superior. It's short and concise and doesn't require faggy singing unlike your barbarian languages. Your languages sound like you come from the jungle.
>Please differentiate between Netherlands dutch and Flemish dutch.
ah yes. i should bother to remember dialect differences for all the languages ok.
Not sure what a "whitest language" is, but the two living languages closest to the original indo-european language are Lithuanian and Latvian.
Gad vide hvorfor det er relevant på handelskolen for vi skulle ikke lære det på teknisk gymnasium.
Imagine living next to them
hva faen lram
Lærte I det ikke i folkeskolen?
t. HTX elev
You barely if ever pronounce the fucking consonants.
i dont get it
what makes that beautiful
>Danish is a Germanic language
Danish isn't even a human language.
can you hear what she says?
As a normalfag, you need to fuck off.
Who care about your opinion, José?
USA is not even a real country, is just a non-nation created by freemasons and traitors for merely economic reasons with the human scum that nobody wanted in Europe, Asia and more recently Latin America, plus some Negro slaves descendants who are nowadays the dominant culture among Amerifat youth.
I think it is meant in jest
do they have something stuck in their throats
Jo som sagt så havde vi et meget kort forlob (på en eller to dansktimer) hvor vi skulle læse lidt norsk og svensk.
Men det tæller vel ikke som rigtigt at lære det.
>having a gf makes you a normal fag
You can be a Jow Forums autist and still have a gf m8.
It's a joke because she speaks fast and it sounds somewhat unnatural.
I always wonder if the Swedes and Danes think of Oslo-dialect only when they comment on Norwegian.
Swedish is easier to understand than some of our thousands of dialects.
Ok. Vi havde alligevel en del mere norsk/svensk, hvor vi læste nogle ældre skandinaviske saga'er og sådan noget.
it's not really all that bad, when Nederlands already exists
Not really mate.
/Soc/ is not a normal fag board, neither is /b/. Those boards are more neurotic, mentally ill, and warped than /x/.
Why not?
t. Jomfru-Jörgen
Jow Forums is for normal people lol
>Jow Forums er hans definisjon av "normal"
åh nei åh nei åh nei åh nei nei nei nei
grug grœg grög grug grog grœg grog grög grug grœg grog grug grög grug grœg grog grog grug
why do danes sound like they have a potato in their mouth when they speak?
a timeless classic
grug grog grog gråg grug grog gråg grog grug gråg grog grog grug grog grog gråg grug grog
Get back to Jow Forums only normals allowed here.
>Jeg har både lært norsk og svensk.
hvor faen lærer man Norsk OG Svensk i Danmark?
Det gir faktisk litt mening siden norsk er basert på vest-norront mens svensk og dansk er basert på ost-norront. Allikevel forste gang jeg har hort en svenske mene dette, kan vel skjonner at det er en del egenord i norsk som man ikke finner i svensk eller dansk.
If you say the english word "Learn" aloud, then the "ea" sound is pretty much exactly how you pronounce ö. Æ is more like the "a" in the word mad, like an a pronounced back in the throat instead of in the front of the mouth.
Han overdriver, man lærer ikke Svensk og Bokmål/nynorsk grammatikk i danske skoler annet enn 2-3 timer i lopet av 10 år.
Again, you're just mentioning the speaking part. Why do you think that the grammar is hard? Does it have conjugations? Isn't Danish supposed to be easy since it falls on category 1 according to the FSI tiers?
Er du fra Skåne?
Danes needs to admit that their language sounds like shit compared to swedish and norweigan, it's like you need to gurgle to speak danish
>being this retarded.
Shit meme
how easily can someone from copenhagen understand someone from oslo and vice versa? purely spoken word, mind
Very easily if they don't intentionally speak fast.