
back to basics edition

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lazy fuckers

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Sisters bf is in the backyard constructing a guinea pig cage. Mum want's me to go & look but I have no knowledge on building shit & I'd just be awkwardly standing around in silence. Haha

guinea pigs r cool

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Ambulance bill: $430.16 for 14km.
Get it free on DSP.

To grindr or not to grindr

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Have ya given them a name yet buddy?

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Good morning!

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What's for dinner or breakfast lads?

Morning! how are you?


Sisters bf still working on the guinea pig cage. It's looking like a failure. lol

Good morning buddy.

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Do it faggot. I'm 99% straight but occasionally I'll go on it to hook up with someone from uni if I'm bored and/or horny enough. If you're even slightly attractive you'll hook up very easily.

Fuck off hungry

We just don't wanna feel left out. Vietnam and Iraq were the parties all the cool kids went to.

They've been at it for a while...

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He's getting annoyed I can hear him from my room.

Now I'm starting to yawn. wtf

The great return

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I'm just starting to wake up. I'm basically nocturnal at this point. Night shifts have fucked up my sleep patterns and now I'm wide awake at 2am.

Hows the health?
You been keeping your head up or is it all shit at the moment?

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Hello, I am fine. How are you guys?
Haha original joke