Living here is the American dream

Living here is the American dream

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it only looks like shit from above

better than this

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Yet another Jewish trick.

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This. I lived there. Outside of Banff and other tourist places it's like Mongolia mixed with USA.

>Mongolia mixed with USA
People have horses there?


They're called Mounties for a reason.

Yes. A good chunk of it is a giant steppe.

Attached: alberta_wild_horses.jpg (1024x682, 207K)

It's boring as shit from the inside too. Zero motivation to go for a walk anywhere because it's so damn boring.

Is it legal to modify your home? like add 4 more floors?

Its common here in subdivisions have shitty prebuilt but you can add more floors or extend your home to the edges

That actually sounds rad

what are you talking about I see my neighbors running everyday

>no nature

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A good portion of the western US looks like steppe aswell

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Where is this?

Around here you can, actually some guy added another floor to his house that was right right next to a golf course being built nearby so that you could see it from the course. He got paid a few million for his property and a brand new house of his choosing anywhere in the US so they could take down his house from view.

you're retarded

Can I move there? Better than my place

>Is it legal to modify your home? like add 4 more floors?
Depends on the city/county it's in and neighborhood covenants. Generally in planned communities and inside cities no but if you live out in the sticks you can usually go hog wild.

>actually thinking suburbs are nice to live in
it is so fucking boring and there are children screaming all the time

Living here is the American dream..

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A boring place where you can raise kids is PARADISE for more than half the planet. Boring is a blessing.

Not like you go outside anyway


How exactly? There's no nature

And the yards are so small you cant do nothing there. American suburbs are worst of the both worlds

wow is that even real?

The us is sims tier

Wtf, I love Turks now

Thats turkey

Nature is also bugs, earthquakes, flooding, and pests. Not saying the suburbs are perfect, just that a boring place that is safe and full of families is pretty special and something many many people strive for. I bet you living in Guatemala City is less boring, but I doubt you would choose it over a comfy suburb.

i don't live in a great place for children to be honest
it's unexpectedly dangerous and there are a lot of drug addicts, and children start doing drugs like cocaine as teenagers

It's a complete consumerist shithole with no identity.

I don't disagree, but modern suburbia's the wrong way to do it.

Causes a huge strain on our infrastructure and resources and the payback is negligible. It's literally unsustainable.

Yeah I read Adbusters at Barnes & Noble too

(((urban planner))) found

boring is good user. why do you need excitement around you all the time? there is travel for that. and that is your den.

I've lived in a suburb and it was great it just wasnt nothing like those american suburbs with litte yards and your parents would have to drive you everywhere

what are you talking about. the us is all about nature. it is within a few minute drive in most places. or do you want to live in the wilderness

Nah my dad's one, but he's very republican.

I'm more into traditional urbanism and supporting property rights.

stop worrying about planning unless it is your job, lmao. just live. life is good.

Suburbia ruins the nature and generally uses space unwisely.

>Suburbia ruins the nature
Good luck with your zero-growth initiative

True, in American suburbs where you have to drive everywhere, the mom has to take the kid TO and FROM everywhere and it's a huge pain in the ass and time sink.
If they didn't require a car to get everywhere they could save a lot of time and spend more time with their family.

Did you mean to quote another post? I didn't say anything about "zero-growth"

This is such a meme, fuck off

bullshit. there is tons of nature around suburban areas. parks, rivers, etc. suburbs are former corn fields. so they may destroy some corn but i am ok with that

American subrubs bring up the worst qualities of both worlds.
>no service within walking distance
>no nature
>no privacy
Its same as living in the city but without any services

i am too lazy to explain but basically you have no idea what you are talking about. all you see are these meme pics.


Just learn about real urban design and quit getting pissed trying to defend the indefensible with things you know are bullshit.
The leading cause of death in America is heart disease because people have to drive everywhere, and the leading cause of death for minors is car wrecks. There's a better way.

enjoy your little yards

>Just learn about real urban design
Not an argument

honestly can't believe there are real people who defend this, normalfags are truly soulless husks.

If you like city life, live in a city
If you like suburbs, live in a suburb
If you like the sticks, live in the sticks
No one is forcing people to live in suburbs

Why is this so hard for you to understand

Did you think it was supposed to be?
You need to learn about city development and urban design.

That was my major shit for brains, I learned it's about control first and foremost

I used to think just like you jej

>Levitt refused to integrate his developments. The Jewish Levitt barred Jews from Strathmore, his first pre-Levittown development on Long Island in New York, and he refused to sell his homes to blacks. His sales contracts also forbade the resale of properties to blacks through restrictive covenants, although in 1957 a Jewish couple resold their house to the first black family to live in a Levitt home.[11] Levitt's all-white policies also led to civil rights protests in Bowie, Maryland in 1963.[10][12]
what a lad

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>I learned it's about control first and foremost
I agree with you; suburban sprawl came about because of the government controlling what people can do with their land.
When cities form organically they look more like Western Europe and East Asia.

Yep, he was the supreme jew overlord. He only targeted whites while he let nigs cuck our cities.

>When cities form organically they look more like Western Europe and East Asia.

Ok, go live there

Most US cities are a few skyscrapers surrounded by low density suburban shitholes. There is no real city with mid rises like elsewhere. Plus there is a giant freeway going through all of them adding more traffic noise and fumes for suburban shits. No real transit outside of new york, and they've been taken over by nogs and spics.

You can move to another country like you can another state you dumb shart

>There is no real city with mid rises like elsewhere.
You are so wrong

>and they've been taken over by nogs and spics.
That's a big reason why people live in suburbs that urban planners refuse to even acknowledge with anything but "muh institutionalized racism"


>try to argue OP
>lose the argument every post
>"uh... don't live here!" ;_;


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You can with a modicum of effort

But you'd rather everyone here turn into bugs so you can play Simcity with public policy because deep down you know better than everyone else

no he's right
i live in a suburb and he's exactly right
i miss living out in the country

But suburbia came from playing sim city with public policy. Urbanists are the ones trying to reform that.
You're the one promoting government control over people's land.

Suburban hives are already bug like reliant on subsidies to exist

>Urbanists are the ones trying to reform that.
"Urbanists are the ones trying to tell everyone else how to live instead of letting them choose"

Like I said, you are 100% interested in controlling the choices others make

You're the one promoting government control over people's land.


Suburbs in america are the result of government control...

Hard to read that much bullshit in one post. You do know suburbia only came from the government telling people what to do with their land, right? Come on, you said this was "your major".
Urbanists support vastly expanding property rights.


>Hard to read that much bullshit in one post.
Not an argument

Zoning laws, minimum plot sizes, height limits, spacing requirements, the list goes on.... 40% of New York city would be illegal to build under modern planning laws

>Zoning laws, minimum plot sizes, height limits, spacing requirements,
How did those create suburbs

There will always be suburbs. Surburbs in the way they are in America on the other hand...

>There will always be suburbs.
>Surburbs in the way they are in America on the other hand...
In other words, the government didn't create suburbs

In all seriousness, if you didn't know the government strictly regulates suburban land use to keep it suburban, you have to be a teenage retard. Go look up your own city's ordinances.
All your posts are either "not an argument" or "how?" like you need everything spoonfed to you.

>payback is negligible
I’d say not being packed in a cuck apartment with Jose and Jamal is “payback” enough, Moishe.

You didn't understand anything that was being said then. You were defending meme shit like in OPs pic which is not sustainable and is a net cost for cities budgets. You defend it because thats what you think a surburb is and only can be. Not to mention US suburbs are ludicrously large because you cant build anything else.

>you have to be a teenage retard.
>All your posts are either "not an argument" or "how?" like you need everything spoonfed to you.

You can't back up your arguments and resorted to an ad hom attack. You lost.

Imagine being so bluepilled you thought buying a suburban cuckbox was a good idea.

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>You didn't understand anything that was being said then.
Not true

>not sustainable and is a net cost for cities budgets.

>You defend it because thats what you think a surburb is and only can be.
Not true

>Not to mention US suburbs are ludicrously large because you cant build anything else.
Not true

Good job OP. Keep redpilling Americans until they realize they can wrest their land from government control and build what they want, where they want.
Suburbia is for unironic cucks and people are starting to fight back.

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m8 we get your points that suburbia has it flaws but some of your other points are full bullshit especially the nature one.

>not sustainable and is a net cost for cities budgets.
It quite literally isn't an opinion. Why is this country filled with people who think they have anything meaningful to say on subjects they know absolutely nothing about.

>It quite literally isn't an opinion.
That's your opinion mate

Death to am*Rica!


Suburbia, that's the American dream.

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>Jow Forumslets hiss and spit at Jow Forums but ape our rhetoric and jargon at every turn
How do you rats live with yourself? Surely it’d be easier to just go back to www,

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Imagine living in a country where the only choices are pretty much inner city negro ghettos and soulless suburbs

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Didn't know Finland was that bad

At least this has some greenery in it, OP just looks like a parking lot from thr thumbnail.

They aren't the only choices these days. The majority of new housing in America, for several years, has been mid-rise walkable stuff.

I for one am glad to hear the nigs are clearing out of the city so wh*tes can get the good land again.

>At least this has some greenery in it
Too bad you live on the 18th floor and never actually experience it

op's pic is a meme. I live in the suburbs and there is parks, greenery and rivers everywhere around me.