"URRRRR dogs are better than cats, bro" pic related

"URRRRR dogs are better than cats, bro" pic related

Fucking dogs

Dogs are dirty, dependent on their master, stupid, rude, always wanting to attract attention

Cats are CLEAN, INDEPENDENT, cost LESS at ALL points (veterinarian, hygiene, food), love hugs, DISCREET, PLAYERS but not too much unlike dogs

You will tell me "UUrrH UHHHH if there is a thief, what will your cat do ? My dog he will sacrifice himself for me olol"

Ah ? Check this video, experience with 4 different dogs, the 4 dogs WITHOUT exception escaped through the door while the burglar beat the master youtube.com/watch?v=NZ74oFctP_g

"olol I have a dog with VIKINGS blood, my dog is a warrior forever" Go to 1:01, the pitbull runs away in front of of the burglar :)

What is your excuse to have a dog in 2018 ?

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My dog actually cares when I come home a cat doesn't.

t. soiboi

who cares retard, some people like dogs, others like cats and some even like both. fuck off

>What is your excuse to have a dog in 2018 ?
My shitbull actually defended me from getting attacked by a hobo. That's good enough for me.

how can we be sure that it was you who typed this godawful post and not the parasites in your brain?

Dogs are okay but I wanna rip out the throat of anyone who stands against the genocide of shitbulls

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this is now a pitbull thread

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Only thing you can rip is your clit.

t. MENA immigrant

my dogs now 14 and it feels like an abusive relationship
she often needs company but can't be bothered to get up so just barks even if its in the middle of the night. She just doesn't care about being told off anymore and what am i supposed to do hit a fucking dog which is 100 in dog years and insanely good natured normally

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>Cats are CLEAN
Already you are 100% wrong.
Cats cover themselves in their own shit, carry literal parasites and germs from eating rotting corpses and they just love rubbing that shit on you because you are a convenient towel.

Now leave, muslim dog.

AYO HOL UP....*barks at literally nothing for several hours*....LEMME GET DIS STRAIT.....*attacks toddler unprovoked*.....YOU BE SAYIN...LIKE....*vomits unidentifiable bile on carpet*...WE WUZ....SUM...*farts rancid corpse gas*....SUM FINNA....*kills neighbours cat*....LIKE...SUM FINNA.....*tears brand new $7000 mattress to pieces*.....WE WUZ SUM.....*consistently stinks like putrid shit*....MANS BEST FRIIIIIIIEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN-*gets hit by car*

Attached: cTbEtnblbyezina.jpg (640x856, 63K)

Just put her out of her misery

Based pommy

As someone who's owned cats my whole life I'd life to know where this meme comes form.

Probably because they can bathe themselves lol

I know there is a good place for you in tumblr. Now just leave Jow Forums forever.


Man, this thread reminds me of my French bf. Sounds like him and everything. "olol" "URR" :(

They are as independent as a pet can be.