Grumpy womanlet edition
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
Just jumped some poor ass white kid lmao
Classes soon
Don't like summer being over
Why are mexicans so small?
>"We heard you talking shit about Turkey, user bey."
Partly genetics partly malnutrition and environmental factors
I always have mixed feelings because I hate working full time
Have you ever eaten at a mexicans family dinner?
Stuff your ass full.
Did I leave or did I get kicked from the /cum/ discord???
need a chicanx gf lads
>Have you ever eaten at a mexicans family dinner?
Yes I lived next to Mexicans and they would invite me over for cook-outs and dinner all the time
Malnutrition doesn't mean you weren't getting enough calories
have you worked out today, user
>/cum/ discord
kill yourself
Where did you get this photo of me?
Who are you? Why do you post this woman all the time? Is she your ex-girlfriend? I must know your secret.
>mexican girl cute
That's Mayu Koseta, a Japanese woman
can you guys recommend a hobby to me i might like?
imagine having a girlfriend
fuck, dude
whatever man they're both asiatic races
t. 19th century anthropology pro
are mexicans the ultimate mutt race
it seems like people cant tell the difference between a mexican/asian/white
those are americans
bitch niggas
>"mexican" girl cute
looks like a Chink, Filipina or something along those lines
Collect something! I collect sand, Glass bottled sodas, playing cards, and cologne
Honestly makes you feel really good, atleast for me it does.
*cough* bitch *cough* niggas *cough*
arr rook same
(mural by diego rivera)
>tfw unsure if i'll be able to sleep tonight
mayhaps some diphenhydramine is in order
just meditate until u fall asleep at least some good will come from it
Anyone else like to add traps on kik then send them pics of chads and not yourself to get them to send pics to you
i dont have a kik im an adult
observational data have linked long term use of drugs with central anticholinergic activity eg first gen antihistamines to increased risk of late life dementia
>I post on Jow Forums I'm an adult
guy telling the joke should be either mexico or estonia or maybe finland
How about you leave with the CHIs
Dumb nigger
>disassemble PS2 controller
>tiny wires on the rumble thingies brreak off
good thing i don't care very much about them
I broke my PS2 last week
>posting the same bait again
what is this, the 90's haha. what is this the 1890's haha
get nice and confy friend
imagine not being able to disassemble and reassemble your electronics
i didn't know op was a /cum/ite
>take my headset apart to resolder the USB charging port
>its fuckin tiny and i've never soldered anything before
think i'll just take it to some guy who knows wtf he's doing tbqh
I don't have any friends
nobody knows what they're doing
I want to fuck my german friend
ready to play wargame
you have us
Well, if you pay him for repairs, and he breaks it, he's liable to replace the entire device, isn't he?
He'd probably lie and claim it was busted from the start though tbqh
theres a girl with huge milkers in my class i want to make loud suckling noises every time i walk past her
>tfw finally found a young femdom escort that doesn't look like a LA CREATURA goblin
just letting you boys know that I am about to get my balls crushed
Do it.
I thought her right foot was a fat penis
It was London tier and it was in North America
Lucky guy. I wish I could do that.
I can't, there's a [spoiler] 8 years [/spoiler] age gap. Plus >9k kilometers in between
went to the supermarket today and saw a bunch of qts and one of them was a happa
how old are you
Mexibros, what is your hourly wage and what do you do? (NEETs need not reply)
How can you tell if someone is half East Asian and half Mexican? Wouldn't they just look like a regular Mexican?
i go to college
im not sure if u know what NEET means
they would look asian
who /rubberdome/?
Unironically using a gay man laptop. Couldn't justify lugging the old rig to my pad since it's about 6 years old now
Only bad part is feeling the keyboard warm up
gf is gonna leave me in May of next year
Gonna join the military and get KIA
she is unironically beautiful
i think im gonna run for public office
look for me in northwest missouri
pls support me buds
Some native americans look highly asian
democrat or republican?
>live at home and work
>mom keeps taking my car everywhere because it's fun to drive
>doesn't even leave me the keys to her car
>uses up all of the gas and doesn't fill it up
>have literally run out of gas because i didn't realize my tank was on empty
>doesn't seem to understand why this bothers me
>also expects me to chauffeur my siblings and their friends to and from social functions any time day or night
The best part is that I can't even afford to move out.
democrat probably but not super lefty
The solution is to move out at 18 like me
start typing out a post, realize no one gives a shit. fuck you all
There's a senate candidate in washington who's unironically named GoodSpaceGuy
give her a DIRT-NAP
try splitting rent with someone
Can I get a >=3TB Laptop HDD for
want to run on a platform of universal basic income, where no one has to worry about whether they're gonna be able to pay their water bills or electric bills
protip: don't do this unless it's in their name of course, than by all means
gonna read a bit then try to sleep i guess
No but you may be able to split it into multiple drives with an expansion bay or replacing a DVD drive with a drive holder (they generally use SATA)
whatcha readin homebre
Prefectly fuggable. Go over there and do it.
storytime, have you been fucked over or know someone?
want to run on a platform of socialized medicine, worker's rights, education, police reform and closed borders
Funny, my manufacturer decided DVD was DVDead.
I probably just wont touch it most of these games stink anyhow