Why are American millennials so leftist?

Why are American millennials so leftist?

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left and right
which has more cute boys?

everything is expensive
especially the thing they take out loans for thinking they'll make more money when they often don't

Are they though?

The real questions

>tfw american SJW start a witch hunt shitfest in a small game community just because someone's being "transphobic" and "offensive"
ngl probably the left

virtue signaling
as a response gen Z is extremely conservative

>go to college
>90k in student loans
>have to """intern""" (legalized slavery) to get "job experience"
>live with parents
>make no money
>fucking pissed at the political system
>boomers call you lazy and ungrateful
>turn lefty

Everyone just wants to be that guy in front of the tank at Tienanmen square despite having no reason to.

>mass import hordes of 3rd worlders
>they all vote left
shocking how could this have happened

>grow up during the bush wars where those who did it went wholly unpunished
>grow up during a global recession where those who did it went wholly unpunished
>grow up during a giant housing crisis where those who did it went wholly unpunished
>grow up during wage stagnation and assasination attempts on unions where those who did it went wholly unpunished
its a mystery

If boomers were your parents/employers you'd swing left too. Zoomer parents are generation X

So basically making bad decisions turns you into a lefty

The trend in europe has been the opposite. Millenials are rather right leaning than left

everybodies dissatsified because the economies so saturated so you have to compete against more people for less jobs to be paid less for higher bills and not be able to start a family without shooting yourself in the foot.
Thats why people turn further left and further right

>small gaming community
Also, nobody gives a shit about compshit “celebrities”. You have to have a special kind of autism to know about these microdramas, but, considering that you’re clearly a /v/ poster you aren’t very far off.

va va voom my fellow MAGApedes

USA has higher wages than anywhere else on earth. They're all just ungrateful shits.

i dont browse /v/ and i was reffering to comp community when i said small community

What the fuck are you on about, that's completely untrue

Not a magapede, didn’t even bother to vote, but you’re a fool if you go 90k in debt for a bachelors and take an unpaid internship. No one to blame but yourself for that

i mean its heavily depended on where you work, the average norgay shitter probably earns more (but also pays 20000% taxes) but in specific american areas like silicon valley wages are the highest anywhere (ofcourse rent is also 75% your wage)

Everyone is a centrist aka neo-liberal. There are no real leftists here. Even universal healthcare is seen as a far-left idea in the US. We're really not leftists.

Pretty much this. Republicans don't actually give a shit about anyone without six zeros in their bank account and dress up thier flagrant cronyism and criminal activities in the flag to fool uneducated flyover idiots.

Maybe he means higher max income and not average? As in after tax and counting on some doctors (200k is on the low end) or investment bankers. Otherwise he is wrong.

Americans don't understand it how good it is for them. Purchasing power is in other level and most people live in mcmansions, cars and gas is cheap and all that shit.
I end up having 2000€ after taxes and everything is expensive as fug. At the end of the month I can save like 300€

leftist domination of the american education system

What the fuck is a zoomer?

Both do but the left will be more gay

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American millennial leftist here AMA

They aren't, it's just that the left-leaning ones get more coverage because the media identifies with them more (and they're more likely to live in major media markets like NYC and San Fran). Most baby boomers didn't dodge the draft or throw shit at cops either in 1968, it was a small minority of that generation that got a disproportionate amount of attention.

Every article about Millenials I've ever seen in mainstream rags like Time Magazine dealt almost exclusively with rich hipsters living in overpriced lofts in Brooklyn. It's nothing me or anyone I know can identify with.

The generation under millennials. Generally under age ~21

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They're broke.

It's a /v/ meme. Nevermind.

>In specific high paid industries the pay is higher

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Learn to read please

>Even universal healthcare is seen as a far-left idea in the US
We've had it for 50 years now. It's called Medicare/aid.

They see the successes of leftism approaches to government in the rest of the world and want to replicate tried and true methods in their own country