What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?

Attached: CzechRepublicFlagPicture2.jpg (1000x800, 110K)

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Chechia still sounds weird to me

Slavs pretending like they aren't and almost succeeding


and same
it might sound better as Czechland or something

Czech hunter


Hey, Henry has come to see us!


Based Duterte

Right? I guess I really did not mind the Republic part. I would hate to have to start saying Dominica instead or Republica Dominicana. Just force of habit I guess!

Ex-commie Slavpoors who think they're First World and part of Western Europe.

that i can never tell whether it is checks or flips.

porn, pilsner, and pohemians


Poland and Germany's love child.

Porn sluts

Terrible posters, bitches and Nedved

Poor guys had a particularly nasty communist regime that pursued doctrinaire Stalinism except for a brief liberal period in the 60s.

why do Czechs no longer affiliate with Bohemia?


And then when it was over, Vaclav Havel freed actual violent criminals from jail but not political dissidents.

These dubs

Slavs larping as Germanics


I agree, Bohemia is a better name for a country.

Best gay porn

Czechia sounds like a new Indian brand sugar subsitute that gives you the shits and colon cancer

the country and the guns they made

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Something like 40% of their women under the age of 45 have done porn or some ridiculous number.


gay porn

and this

Klement Gottwald was one evil motherfucker.

More like a victim of circumstance. You had to obey all of Stalin's commands or die (unless you were Tito).


Tito only got away with it because he was far enough away from the USSR. If Yugoslavia had bordered the USSR, it's probable that he wouldn't have lasted a month. And in fact, the communist bloc cunts were preparing for an invasion of Yugoslavia in early 1951, but Stalin called it off after the US rescue of South Korea.

man that would of been one hell of a last ditch effort by those poor bastards
I wonder if that would've made them worse off than they are now? Not that they're bad right now anyways really



Gottwald became so paranoid and terrified that he'd end up getting the rope that he became an alcoholic and ended up dying only a week after Stalin.

Milena Velba's milk filled udders

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School trip

all my fav pornstars

What? More like they pretend they don't have Germanic admixture.

Czech Republic and Tomáš Berdych


But they are partially Germanic...


Attached: german-ww2-nazi-5-x-3-flag-1494-p.jpg (1106x649, 107K)


(also mole, but he's chehoslovak, so he doesn't really count)

I'm dyslexic.

probably not that high but it is amazing how many pornstars and nude models come from there given they have a small population.

Fuck it, I'm going to sleep. I give up.

That guy who killed a bunch of people, dressed as his sister, then LARPed as the next Hitler.

Also, the guy who did the music for Miami Vice.


Because it consits of moravia and silezia as well, plus every region and kraj has a different law system

Sudetenland du Sumpfkreatur.

colourblind U.S. flag users detected.

Drugs, whores, organized crime, weapons, squatting angry drunk men.

>organized crime, weapons, squatting angry drunk men.
Czechia is not Russia, mate


Part of the same eastern horde to me mate.

Helena Vondrackova

You too, then, dumbass.

an irrelevant nation

Reminder that the nazis did a study and found that czechs were whiter and more blond than austrians, bavarians, ethnic germans in poland and even the neighboring Sudetenland germans.

>In the furtherance of his goals, Heydrich decreed racial classification of those who could and could not be Germanized. He explained: "Making this Czech garbage into Germans must yield to methods based on racist thought."[4] Racial surveys, conducted under pretext of tuberculosis prevention, found the Czechs to be more Nordic than the Sudeten Germans, East Prussians, and many Austrians and Bavarians. These results were kept secret.[5] In 1940 Hitler agreed that around half of the Czech population were suitable for Germanization, while the "mongoloid types" and the Czech intelligentsia were not to be Germanized.

cute trams

oh boy


My ex

shitty name but we needed a shorter one

reported your IP to your gov :)

it's a latin name refering to the western part of the country



many of them don't come from here, they come here from other eastern shitholes to shoot porn because of our laws

not a real place

based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

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Shut up, dumbass. No ones cares about your country.

They made terrorist attack on American soil few years after Russians attacked Georgia.


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Švejk and beer, obviously.


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Cyka blyat and violence


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chequia is fairly common here

spineless conformist cowards. and knedle

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>poles would eat krtek
Truly savages

Adriana Chechnik


Hedonistic beerguzzling self hating slavs who havent got a fighting bone in their body since they got cucked after the hussites

Comfy lads with a comfy country

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why do you love us so much tho?

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You brought us catholicism

whoah, I didnt even know that. Well dont worry, Poland will get out of it. Were just ahead the curve a bit. Soon there will be Poland streets porn and gay bar at every street of Warsaw


Czech Republic

Loud drunk English bachelor party drunk tourists

Last time we fought, Polan lost.

Slovaks are Czechs in denial

Slovaks are based bros

I'll pray for this to become true


song "Jozin z Bažin"

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What differentiates them from Czechs anyways Czechbro?
Btw I've gone to Prague and it feels fucking nice especially during the winter with your Christmas Markets.I hope I can get to eat Caramel Apples again

Little caprice