How do you deal with the soul crushing fact that you will never be Norwegian?
How do you deal with the soul crushing fact that you will never be Norwegian?
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I don't have to deal with it since I don't care.
you tell me, retard
It's alright, we have mountains, fjords, and oil here too.
>i will never be a virgin from a country with no histroy or culture making the same thread everyday
apologise for the viking raids NOW
Not really.
If you don't know anything about our country, fuck back off to Mexico you spic.
It really makes me want to die.
>tfw dual-citizen in two worthless countries
The northwest is filled with them faggot
Pretty bad, but I'm trying to cope by thinking that one day I'll return to my ancestral homeland (which isn't this shithole) or move to Canada.
overrated af
But I am
T. Minnesota boy
but i can become user
But you can't go hiking anywhere, because everything but a few designated hiking playgrounds is private and the owner will shoot you on sight, or you will be killed by your savage wildlife.
Don't ban me, I love America and Trump, I'm just keeping it real.
Im crying all day long
I may have Scandi heritage on one side but I've got British on the other, mothefuckers.
my great great great great mother was from yorkshire, so i'm basically scandinavian
grandmother*, ffs
I just thought you really loved your mother.
Zero fucks are given
that too, i have a great mother, the best, believe me
Then why are you posting a lake and not a fjord?
I remember this from taking the scenic route along the west coast from SF to LA.
We stopped by big sur, but couldn't get down to the ocean 100m away because there were huge gates with pictures of shotguns everywhere you looked.
Eh, you live long enough to forget and move on.
i prefer being Latvian
by being norwegian