Has your cunt ever had an IRA equivalent?
You know, right wing, nationalist movement for a literal who country
Has your cunt ever had an IRA equivalent?
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Yeah, think yours did too. Led by some guy called washintin or something like that.
I don't know about nationalist but maybe Synarchists or Cristeros
Naw, that was Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Bad ass motherfucker, probably had some Gaelic in 'im as well.
>right wing
Weren't they socialists?
The IRA were straight up opportunists who took money and weapons from anywhere they could get it--Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Libya, Iran, retards in Boston bars with donation cans, you name it.
>Not being right wing
The left is anti nation
Neo Nazi groups, KKK, cops.
>The left is anti nation
not really
we have these dudes but they dont use any guns
I have a POLIS masternode, js
fucking cretin
it is today, by and large
it used to not be
stickers are just as dangerous as guns
>right wing
La tacuara:
to join you had to have pure european heritage, be at least 5th generation argentinian and be catholic, they got (((shut down))) after killing a jew
then why does third positionism exist?
wasn't nationalism originally about nations being the people and not monarchs?
Give me an example of when the left was pro-nation.
Sinn Fein would be a good starting point
i honestly don't know if yanks are intentionally thick at this point
the worst part is that they just don't back down
>The IRA
>Right wing
american education xD
I'd like to think it's bait but I genuinely doubt it
It’s almost as though poorly edited wojacks don’t actually dissuade anyone from posting
I bet you think the IRA was right wing because they have the word Republican in their name
The CSA probably
president calles of mexico
you of all people ought to know
Right wing death squads ROCK!!!
Well, the FLQ were a wannabe militant separatist group who shit their pants the moment Trudeau Sr put a few soldiers on Quebec streets. This is because they have French ancestry, and the French are pussies. Canadian history would probably be a lot more interesting if the FLQ had the balls of Irishmen and went full Troubles.
>edgy Jow Forumstards are now siding with drug traffickers
Jow Forums is a mental illness.
Notice that there is literally a section on Ireland in this article.
every single leftist party here is anti-nationalist except for maybe the stalinists, but they are complete monsters and have always been so.
>mega cucked IRA who had fucking women fighting for them were right wing
Yeah, the Oranges run this country now.
The liberation of our country started with pirates taking over cities.
Into the trash it goes.
You think Ho Chi Minh was right wing?
The Lincoln Regime
>Ulster Scots
good people
none that I can think of
Theres probably MPAJA but they splintered into communism after independence
Right two look Jewish, probably "Italian".
this is bait right?
The IRA were far-left, most of them Marxist and very connected to Soviet-backed independence movements like Palestine
Some leftists are anti-nation but some art not. Most Third World leftists are major nationalists, because their nationalism comes out of anti-colonialism.
Similarly, some far-right people are anti-nation: libertarians and ancaps usually see the nation as an obstruction to the free movement of money.
The Confederate States
The virgin IRA vs the CHAD blueshirts
What they do?
Ever heard of National Socialist movements, retardo amerifat?
Unless you're talking about Strasserist movements, I'm pretty sure they're ALL right wing.
Few corps DPR/LPR and ukranian nazies
We had ETA until very recently, left wing movement who fought for Baque country independence.
blacks in, brits out
>right wing
Lapua Movement
Based sharts
50% if not more of Irish revolutionists are raving socialists
KLA, (Kosova liberation army) forming a nation (with the help of NATO ) that literally never existed or had an identity at any point of history, nobody before then called themselves kosovar. Also hosts the biggest US base on the Balkan
Can someone please explain to me why yanks are so dumb. It baffles me.
Chechens. The only so-called separatists, who actually did shit.
Wasn't it obvious?
>Americans' understanding of politics