Why does this tiny country have the highest murder rate in Europe?
Higher than Turkey, Niger and Liberia.
Why does this tiny country have the highest murder rate in Europe?
Higher than Turkey, Niger and Liberia.
>American reading comprehension
Country Rate
Poland 0.67
Czech Republic 0.61
Belarus 3.58
Croatia 1.04
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.28
Serbia 1.35
Albania 2.70
Montenegro 4.46
I don't think slavs generally have this problem. What's their deal?
they are an aggressive country
well, their cunt name means nigger mountain
Muslims, obviously.
in croatia 90% of the murders happen within family. i bet it's the same in montenegro. nobody gets murdered or robbed on the street here.
They have a lot of Albanians.
and yet, it's still lower then the USA
>Muslims, obviously.
But the highest murder rates are in the town of Kotor, which doesn't have a muslim population.
Negro = black = nigger
>They have a lot of Albanians.
They have fewer Albanians than Macedonia and Serbia, I don't think that's the issue.
Also Montenegro's murder rate is higher than Albania and Kosovo combined.
Croatia Murder rate: 1.04
Montenegro Murder rate: 4.46
No....this is something different.
montenegro has albanians
This and mafia (of which the biggest branch is the government).
Albania is 98% Albanian, has a murder rate of 2.7
Montenegro is 5% Albanian, has rate of 4.46
Makes sense...
Montenegro has a population of 600.000, so it's prone to greater statistical variation, ie. just a few murders more can really skyrocket that number.
For example, it was "only" 2.7 in 2012.
Also, just a guess, but the montenegrin mafia is quite notorious, might have been some recent internal dealings or whatever, that led to some murders.
Yeah but Montenegro has consistently had one of the highest homicide rates in Europe since the country has been incepted (2006).
Seems unlikely this is a statistical "fluke".
They have culture of kill. Blood of Montenegro, Honor killings, Serbian genes.
>unlikely a statistical fluke
it's 25 murders per year.
If you take Serbia as a comparative country, it should be 9.
So you're left with 16 murders. Use google for 5 fucking seconds and you get a bunch of articles about gang violence, inter-criminal gang assasinations and so on.
And as a few people here said, the montenegrin mafia is a bit notorious.
That satisfy you?
so basically, a couple of very small gangs commits very few murders in an even smaller country
Montenegro had 28 murders in 2016
Serbia had 120. And Serbia is 12x larger population wise but only 4x as many murders.
So proportionally Montenegro has the most criminals per capita out of any European country.
Why is this?
you just might be retarded
along with finnics, dinarics are the most violent Europeans
while they were one country with serbia, most of the mafia was concentrated in montenegro. then montenegro became its' own country. what don't you understand
is sub-saharan africa not that bad or are the murders there just underreported
That doesn't explain why tiny Montenegro is the hub of the mafia, you autist.
>you just might be retarded
You are clearly missing the point.
>along with finnics, dinarics are the most violent Europeans
According to the statistics, Montenegrins are 4x more violent than other Dinarics.
Maybe Trump was right about Montenegro starting WW3.
montenegro was just a part of serbia that bordered albania(drug factory) and had sea access. that's why
The fact that you can't reply to posts properly kind of proves that he didn't miss the point
And yet Albania has a lower homicide rate than Montenegro. Not buying it.
they just make the drugs, montenegrin mafia's buy them
Albania has sea coast as well, they're known for smuggling and mafia too. Doesn't explain Montenegro's higher amount of murders.
While we're at it, Croatia has a longer coast than both Montenegro and Albania, but has much lower homicide rate and crime. Why is this?
>That doesn't explain why tiny Montenegro is the hub of the mafia, you autist.
Maybe the fact they have been led by the same guy (almost 10 years longer than putin's reign) who switches places between president,pm with short episodes of "retirement" will.
Urban areas have higher crime due to higher density and more opportunities for crime.
>The fact that you can't reply to posts properly kind of proves that he didn't miss the point
Shouldn't you be conquered by Russia already?
albanians make the weed, monetnegrins buy and sell them, croats smoke it
Why are most of the criminals in Serbia of Montenegrin origin though?
They're all crypto Albanians
>They're all crypto Albanians
Like Arkan?
Are there albanians in Poland?
Non meme answer is that Montenegro is really an actual mafia state. Ever since their independence referendum and it's no joke. Their president started off by rigging the referendum and pretended to pass with flying colours after it passed by 55.5%, which is 0.5% over the needed percentage. Then he rushed Montenegro into NATO after the country was bombed by NATO, this caused mass protest but he still went with it. It is a frequent occurrence for forest fires to mysteriously happen in national reserves where immediately after a hotel is built. It is a lawless country and the government is supporting it.
>Why does this tiny country have the highest murder rate in Europe?
but it doesn't