wtf did Ethiopia do to Italy?
Wtf did Ethiopia do to Italy?
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>Bombed hospitals and ambulances, deployed mustard gas via plane and artilllery, mutilated prisoners and used expanding bullets
Based Italy
lmao did italian women have sex with ethiopians???
ecks dee so epic of the Italians amirite guys??? fuckih nuggurs BTF:GO!!
what's got you so upset deshawn?
They can't win a war and they're wondering if it's because they didn't do enough war crimes like Japan or Germany
Answer is no
>so epic of the Italians amirite
yes in fact it was
epic fuckingg burn my dood!! nigs will NEVER recover from such an awesome owning (epic style!)
Italy is getting ravaged by the forces of KARA BOGA as we speak. You thought they'd get away with committing these atrocities unscathed?
I'll ask again what's got you so annoyed today? Genuinely concerned for you.
Wtf is with this post? Sexual relations between Italian men and Ethiopian women were way way more common. has anyone noticed how historians pretend like sexual relations between bw/wm didnt exist and they project their BBC cuck fantasies every time?
Your general posting style is annoying so I don't blame him.
its fucking obnoxious
fuck off already
If you think these
Are more obnoxious than these
Maybe you’re a faggot
>lolsorandum American mocking vs. pussy passive aggressive British Isles-style whining
I'd rather have neither t.b.h.
>t. Ethiopian mutt
They're both annoying, but the Irish guy sounds particularly fucking stupid. He genuinely sounds as dense as a boulder.
>both are faggots
Its like americans inherited that retardation from the brits isles faggots
>He genuinely sounds as dense as a boulder.
that was his point
Turns out that even incompetent fascists are still fascist when they get control over others.
Not so proud of it
Look what they did to libya.
>white male fucking a black woman is rape, abuse of power, etc
>white female fucking a black man is womyns empowerment, etc
why are libcucks like this?
I bet that the poster in the reddit post is an american, aka the ones that dropped 2 nuclear bombs, genocided the native americans, enslaved the blacks, started meaningless wars in the middle east and asia, tortured people and so on.
Fuckin faggots
they are black
>2 nuclear bombs
we killed thousands
to save millions
>genocided the native americans
that was mostly disease and the british
>enslaved the blacks
mostly the british, spanish, portuguese, and the blacks themselves
>started meaningless wars in the middle east and asia
we had our reasons
>tortured people
waterboarding isn't torture
They beat them in a war. Wh*Tes tend to lash out like toddlers when things dont go their way just look at what the Russians did in while they treated after being defeated by the Japanese.
90 years later, in Shitaly
>we had our reasons
No you didn’t. You just destabilized the Middle East and turned into one of the biggest shitholes on the planet. Cheers buddy
>we killed thousands
>to save millions
In theory.
Apparently Italian settlers participated in the killings as well.
Why does the world let It*lians exist?
>waterboarding isn't torture
You should try it, it's really relaxing.
my neck training is technically waterboarding
Sad thing is that this stuff will barely be known by people so in many places italy in WW2 was seen as bumbling or harmless
It always makes me laugh when Euros bring up things that happened 200 years ago to excuse things they did 50-100 years ago.
>believing League of Nations propaganda
>believing jugoslav propaganda
>believing Jow Forums amerimutt propaganda
tasi sciavo
Pfft. That's child's play. Canadians were the only Allied power who strictly followed every rule of war. Red Cross tents and convoys were regularly bombed by the burgerators.
russia had never invaded anyone it just were peacekeeping operations, or self-defence, or getting back our territories that have seceded illegitimately.
>what is the russian empire
>what is crimea
>>what is crimea
Russia, dummy
after Russia conquered it. before that it was Turkish
The other way around
Why are incels from Jow Forums so retarded? Where do you got that?
Nobody thinks like that. Try actually going outside and realizing real life is not just one big political debate.