Rural small towns are a huge fucking meme, they're boring as shit and infested with tweakers

Rural small towns are a huge fucking meme, they're boring as shit and infested with tweakers

Attached: Oceana,_West_Virginia.jpg (1200x721, 218K)

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That scenery looks like Costa Rica

>American "towns"

Of course Appalachia is a shithole. Why would you think otherwise?

Cities are full of crackheads, what’s your point? There’s shitty lowlifes everywhere you go.

i wonder how rural small towns in europe are

Go to the big cities user, drug usage has been eradicated and only the highest educated professionals live there

wyoming is the ruralest of the rural

small towns are comfy :)

Attached: portsmouth-nh-north-church-waterfront.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

You're a faggot that cant appreciate nature

I really fucking wonder what's the definition of "boring" for people who talk shit about rural areas.

not enough restaurants, bars, shops, and events I assume

boring = theres nothing to do/see

Better than the big city infested with crime and niggers


not enough people getting robbed and shot

Where's the problem with that?What would you want to do/see?

Some small towns are shit, economically depressed places with lots of drug use and nothing to do.

Some are amazing with access to every kind of outdoor sport.

Compare that to big cities which are ALWAYS shit.

Attached: lake-wanaka-township.jpg (1280x440, 167K)

How small are we talking here?

Countrysides are nice for holidays, but shit places to live at. You'll get bored with all the nature stuff eventually
t. 22 years in Lapland

I can understand the meth heads argument but..
>nothing to do.
What the hell would you want to do?

Small towns usually don't have music scenes and suck for tinder

I lived in one of the coziest small towns in England

It was a great pace for families but an oppressively boring place for someone in their young 20s. Muh comfy vistas only carry one so far

the problem is it comes full circle, you get bored
>go to work/school
>come home
>do nothing because there's nothing to do

i don't believe u
i want to live in twin peaks

>You'll get bored
Explain this
Who cares about that though?

American rural towns are crawling with crackheads too.

Cool people

This and the gender ratio is fucked up since all the girls move away after high school

>do nothing because there's nothing to do
What the fuck would you want to do? You're like the 4th poster who says that but doesn't elaborate ffs

Its hard to explain to someone who hasn't live in the middle of nowhere for a large period of time. I've lived in cities and villages
Best thing would be to live in a city and own a summer house near lake


Let's be real, most people on this board do fuck all with their time anyway, and living in a small town would be exactly the same as a big city for them.

The argument about music and young people is bullshit in the case of outdoor towns. A lot of young people move to outdoor towns to do their sports and often work in related industries (ski fields, gear shops etc). There are often cool music scenes, craft beer scenes, etc. Those kind of towns are really great.

So much better than big cities where using public transport or going to a market feels like you've entered a third world country.

you could drive from one end to the other end in 1 minute

>What the fuck would you want to do?
like going to a cafe, concert, zoo, whatever

this isn't a town it's a couple houses

Alright, so basically most of the replies I've got so far are made by shallow normalfags.
The ONLY arguments I can agree with are degenerated population and lack of work, everything else is irrelevant.

that sounds like a hamlet

>wow why do you want to do things besides serving the jewish state?
classic israeli posters

Living in the countryside means you might have to drivers hundreds of kilometers to do something. While in city you drive just 30km and be in forest and do forest stuff if thats what you're into


who the fuck goes to the zoo as an adult
Towns have cafes and restaurants, and you can stand traveling an hour or two to see a concert if it's a band you like.

I'm not Jewish and I hate this shithole more than anything, try again.
>to do something.
Such as?

What you can't do in a village. If you're hikky i guess it doesnt matter where you live

People move to the country to live
People move to the city to die

>I'm not Jewish
oh no no no

I live in a city and I hate it.

>Noise pollution
>Air pollution
>Condensed population

I don't care about any shallow normalfag activities anyway, so rural is absolutely the best thing for me

I really should post the cross I wear and my Slav/German face one of these days to make you all shut up

>Of course Appalachia is a shithole.

The only problem with rural is that it's harder to find jobs if you're in a specific field.

>Noise pollution
This is what I hated the most about living in a large city

Sometimes I want to think I'm superior to monkeys

Then don't live in a city. Move to a suburb I dont know how theyre there

Attached: kaupunki1.jpg (1024x576, 111K)

How about light pollution? Can cityfags even see the stars?

If you're in any field. Even minimum wage is hard

Those are mostly gone here, maybe a couple old folks living here or there. Some as used as summerhouses.


The countryside must die