Why are African Europeans so different compared to African Americans?

Why are African Europeans so different compared to African Americans?

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Europe has a culture

they are?

Black Americans are super mixed and haven't had anything at all to do with Africa for hundreds of years

They are not iffy


african Americans are mutts that deny their euro ancestry

Theres a good Trevor Noah bit about this and if you really think about it it's kinda sad.

Who the fuck wants to claim their euro ancestry when it basically came down to

>bored massa wanna bleach his slave for fun XDDD
>go to the slave quarters to "copulate" with whatever girl he likes
>ends up selling the child

Who the hell wants to claim that except supreme cucks?

>Black Americans are super mixed.

Really depends on the population of Blacks you pick.

>haven't had anything at all to do with Africa for hundreds of years

There has been a lot of contact between the continent and Black Americans in both directions though.

They don't deny it though.

I work with quite a few black women and one in particular has told me that a lot of black Americans don't really have an ethnic identity like a lot of white Americans do. It's sad.

True, and to be honest they still carry their slave-owners name with them since they were stripped of their own name.

Yeah, that always struck me as fucked up. My ancestors probably had lots of slaves because my last name is super common among black Americans.

Black-americans are there own ethnic group that can also be considered an American "ghetto" subculture that glorifies violence and ignorance.

While African Europeans are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants from Africa with culture and identity.

France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Spain and Italy get pure blacks.
The USA has have mixed blacks. Mixed with whitey.
The Netherlands has blacks that are mixed with Hindu's.

>American "ghetto" subculture that glorifies violence and ignorance.

It doesn't though at all. African American culture is heavily similar to Southerner culture.

Basketball Americans are the only negros that have created anything close to a “culture”

Black Americans are rude as fuck assholes.
When I worked in a restaurant my black coworkers told me
1) when they’re ever in a customer service situation (like calling technical support), they avoid dealing with black employees
2) when they’re waiting tables they try avoid serving black people

>dindu hindu

>Black-americans are there own ethnic group that can also be considered an American "ghetto" subculture that glorifies violence and ignorance.
So just your standard American culture?

Our blacks come from the Carribean and Suriname. They are always laughing and friendly and hospitable. And really fat and round. Super lazy. Prefer to sit on their ass and eat all day.

Of course they are just as criminal as Moroccans. But nobody notices it because they appear likeable.

probably because moroccans rape and beat while caribbeans sell fake items and bootleg

>African American culture is heavily similar to Southerner culture.

That's the classical afro-american rural (slave) culture. Modern Afro-american culture is primarily urban hoodrat culture. (ebonics, rap, hostility, etc)

Basically Afro-americans ghettoized themselves in America in a bubble of death and idiocy - their only escape is to accept white culture ("uncle tom") or become a minstrel (rapper, athlete).

>become a minstrel (rapper, athlete)

Blacks are more into petty crime. But Moroccans also harass and annoy random people. They discriminate pretty much everyone (females, gays, blacks, asians, white etc). Their accent is horrendous. Plus all potential terrorists are Moroccan.

>fake items and bootleg
That's more what happens in Italy and Spain. What we call 'beach niggers' trying to sell you fake items.

you seem strangely invested in this

For the same reason European Americans are different from Europeans, they were cucked out of their roots.

>African Europeans
>African Americans
They're just niggers and need to go back to Africa

Why did none of them take African names? Had they and their ancestors been out of Africa for that many generations?

AAVE is a variant of the American south dialect you nimrod.

Don't rhino they can take on their own name.

Sieg Heil!

You mean why are Africans so different compared to African Americans.

Lol blacks are the sole creators of any culture in this country. SPECIALLY music.

African Americans are more Americans than most white (European) americans

Caribbean males are about 11 times more likely to be the victim of a homicide. Antilleans have the highest % of schizophrenia and always end up beating and raping someone senseless.

It's just your typical media shilling that makes them liked more. "Wow based black people so good at music and sports, please take my wife"

You mean jews you naive moron. Blacks are literal slaves

Sorry, it's 15 times as likely as white Dutch males. Double that of Surinamese and Moroccans.

Different in what sense?
I've been to several big European cities that had noticeable black populations and they were always shit. They loiter and play loud music and sell stolen shit on the streets. They do drugs and commit tons of crimes.
Where is this myth that they do so great in Europe coming from?

>Where is this myth that they do so great in Europe coming from?
Imageboards. I have no clue where it came from. Maybe back in the 70s when they first came to the UK and Netherlands they saw very rapid positive trends in terms of integration.
Nowadays black people are supposed to be tough and agressive and play hiphop all day long while glorifying crime.

Jews promote it, blacks create it. From Jazz to Blues to Techno to Hip-Hop, you name it

>Jews promote it, blacks create it.
Blacks didn't create satanic imagery and nigger tunes you absolute moron

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Awican Fwench from Afwica are different from African American because they are 100% congoids, but our Antillese look like African Americans and are slightly more intelligent than Afwicans from Afwica.

african immigrants (a decent amount of them anyway) were wealthy enough to immigrate to europe and were fairly intelligent
blacks in the us are descendants of slaves who obviously weren't selected for their intelligence

Tell me more about how Jews created the genres I mentioned

Look at it this way. This shit is not from Africa, it's a product of Jewry in Jewnited state of Jewmerica. Jews pick these guys off the streets and fund their careers. It's Jewish on every level otherwise this music would've spawned in Africa instead

>fund their careers
Yeah like 20 years after said music was created first. All of it started very genuine and local

>Yeah like 20 years after said music was created first.
Not in Africa you absolute moron. It's a product of western jewish civilisation. Give Jews credit where credit is due

The burger variety are fatter because they have inherited fat genes. This all started when the others starved to death before the slave ships docked.

>Heard this on Oprah no less.

Who is talking about Africa? We’re talking about America, AFRICAN AMERICANS and the music these certain blacks create it. Doesn’t matter what led up to it, everyone gets influenced by something

It's a jewish invention that you're trying to take credit for. Reminder that my people are more responsible for the creations of those genres than your people ever were

I can’t name a single Jewish artist from any of those genres. Blues (which led up to Rock music) was literal slave music, how did Jews took part in that?

Product of western jewish civilisation

Yeah you retard, Jewish influence in ghettos, Hip Hop is most natural music genre

>Hip Hop is most natural music genre
Imagine actually being this stupid. Sub-80 IQ monkey detected