Do you love romania?

Do you love romania?

Attached: 510px-Flag_of_Romania.svg.png (510x340, 476)

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Would'nt say I love it, but its history is interesting, the landscapes seem beautiful and most Romanians I know are decent people.

Everything about this country is dull and boring. Including that shitty flag.

>t. ex-colony with no culture

Blame this autistic trend of the late 20th century/early 20th century, when everyone based his flag on the French one because of muh revolution.


Yes, Vlad was based as fuck.

Pic related is the best Romanian flag, because the sky-land-blood symbolism is represented properly instead of sideways.

Attached: Flag_of_the_United_Principalities_of_Wallachia_and_Moldavia_(1859_-_1862).svg.png (1599x1066, 7K)

I love Vee and hate Gypsies

>Do you love romania?
I love the music, listening to this now

As a matter of fact, I do.

Attached: IMG_8438.jpg (3648x2736, 3.51M)

I don't know much about it and have never been to it. But Transylvania is there and that place sounds cool.

what does the yellow stand for? gold or copper?

It stands for pissing on Shitalian subhumans

based and redpilled

Attached: 220px-Nicolae_Ceausescu.png (220x282, 115K)

Attached: your-tears-9700762.png (500x478, 119K)

honestly, it should be split between all of it's neighbours

I'll split you between all my neighbors, if you know what I mean.

Yes. Thanks for this beautiful gift. She isn't romanian tho, she was born in Japan and one of her parents is from Romania.
I just wanted to thank you guys.

Attached: IMG_20180111_050538.jpg (2048x1536, 328K)


Attached: 1472037551766.jpg (427x333, 29K)

Watch your mouth or the only thing that will be spread will be your buttcheeks

> romania
beautiful nature
> romanians
oh god no

I can say the same about Italy, honestly.

just jelly that 2/3rds of your subhuman population lives here while the rest of you rots in the hell hole called "ROMania"

Most Romanians I've come across online were off in some way or another. I wonder why?

Thank you for taking in our gypsies and provinciali :)

just because you think you're better than them doesn't mean you are

Just because you think you're better than them doesn't mean you are

i never said anything about your people but yes probably i am better than them

>tfw had some shitposting material about romania
>tfw wait for the right moment
>tfw I totally forget about what was the shitpsoting material

I want to find love in Romania.

You were about to say repeatedly "gypsy" 5 times in one post. That's pretty much all you can say to hurt our feelings :(

Attached: 😢.gif (220x184, 8K)

You guys have produced some amazing house music in the end of 00's so you got my respect for that.

No, it's a shithole noncountry
regățean prost

Independence for Transylvania

Yes and no. I want to die

HAHAHAH all romanians are gypsies you dirty thief.
Also build more toilets you subhuman animals

Attached: cam4dBo.png (1210x900, 735K)

t. kissless virgin from Brașov

I am Transylvanian

>t. source: my ass
terroni imbecil

Brașov e în Transilvania garoi imbecil ce ești

cry more subhuman, also tell your mom and sister to stop prostituting in front of my house, dumb whores.

Attached: Capture.png (621x307, 26K)

ce cuvant de turco-s(c)lav

>italian calling out anyone else subhuman
Italy is literally a shithole full of stinky gypsies and niggers though. And for the ethnic italian, how do you make the difference between italians and gypsies, lol.
>cra cra cra cra
Ce a vrut sa spună cu asta?

Attached: ethnicitalians.jpg (850x448, 29K)

Cum poti sa deosebesti tiganii de fratii tai regățeni?

>o cioară borâtă vrea să comunice cu mine
Pentru tine, n-am bani să-ți dau.

lmao literally offending your own kind, god you subhuman gypsies are so fuckiing stupid

Attached: 1516563564676.png (1011x1877, 3.36M)

regățean tipic, traieste din ajutor social

What is different with rome and Romania?
Romania is bigger area is it?


Attached: iron-guard.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

thank you for being our toilet (along with the UK) where we dump our shittiest people so that all the superior Romanians can stay in places like back home or north america, I'll probably visit italy too to see how the old brothers are doing :)

I know their girls have hairy feet.

Nah it was some obsecure fact about some medieval custom in Wallachia. I forgot it.

What is the second most common spoken languae in Hungary?

are you a vampire


very aesthetic country

Attached: IMG_4006.jpg (2592x1728, 544K)

That actually sounds interesting. Also
>shitposting material
Can we take a moment to agree that we just randomly fling shit at each other for no reason?

That's Transylvania though

why do italians do this. it's clearly you stole my oc you filthy nigger
>riii I will project myself cause I have nothing to say

Attached: subhumanitalians.jpg (861x1600, 299K)

fake, I don't see any gipsy that sells strawberries

he was around that first corner

Attached: IMG_4619.jpg (5184x3456, 2.43M)

Who are you quoting?
Also Transylvania

>so mad he had to edit the pic

Attached: IMG_3196.jpg (330x250, 29K)


how can I edit the pic when in the first pic (guy in a sewer) is genuinely an italian?
his name is Paul Denino btw

Attached: pauldenino.jpg (597x487, 86K)

Post an example

>60 thousand dollars each month


Attached: issaMeMario.jpg (644x386, 52K)


based moldovan chad from across the Prut. ma inclin


Based balotelli

te OMOR ardelene



i had a friend in highschool who moved here from romania is 9th grade. he was funny and didnt give a fuck.
he would watch soccer streams during class, and he was always down to smoke some weed. hearing him speak romanian on the phone was cool. it was like a mix of slavic and romance.
i miss ya tudor

Native? Gypsy
Learned? English

Attached: tudor-chirila.jpg (800x533, 72K)

was his last name Decebalescu by chance

native romanian. his english was really good when i met him in 11th grade. this is in california
nope his last name starts with Mih****** according to fb.

everyone joked and called me gay because my family's spare car i drove was a miata(lmao) but tudor was the only one who was excited to see it and say "damn dude this is like a racecar!"

tudor mihalache? he was my friend too


have you by chance been to california friend?

no i was joking but there was a guy with that surname in my school. not a cool guy, he wasn't too talkative

How do i get a cute Romanian gf

Canadian dollars

a settembre vado con alcuni amici in romania, dobbiamo ancora decidere la città ma con molta probabilità si andrà a Bucarest. Visto che costa tutto poco dove possiamo spendere soldi in pace senza essere derubati?
Stavamo considerando anche Budapest ma è più cara e noi vogliamo fare la vita da nababbi

why romanians live in sewers?

Attached: romanian sewer stalin.jpg (992x744, 119K)

opsie wrong thread

no no it's the right thread because ROMAnians should understand you

that's a russian singing the russian anthem with his soviet cap on after he gotten sober, though.

yeah but if they know more about this maybe they will try to rob me and my friends

how about I expand your anal ring with my 1 foot pinus and take a shit on your chest afterwards. how would that make you feel, you fucking slut

that's why nobody want to talk with them

see, you attack first and you expect people to be nice afterwards. fuck you bitch ass italian fag

shut up, you re annoying

i don't know about romania

how prevalent are gypsy pickpockets in your country?
ill study there soon, so im not sure if buying an expensive wallet is worth it

Submit to MOL.
We shall control your energy, we have already taken over INA.

Depends on where you go but generally if you have common sense and do not emanate weakness you'll be fine