Genocide against Bangladeshi's
we committed mass rape and murder against at that time our own countrymen
Worst thing your country has ever done
Dunno, probably Gorbachev as a president was biggest mistake. Other things are fine.
existing, reproducing, and being promiscuous.
t. member of both (((worst cult group))) and (((worst ethnic group)))
hard choice
literally nothing
freed the slaves
Creating America, I'm really sorry lads
Falling for the Independence meme too early.
OP said:
>worst thing your country has ever done
not what was our greatest achievement
From what I see, most young bengalis dont care about the genocide anymore :/
Not finishing what we started with the breed of animals commonly known as "Aboriginals".
Nothing can top this
>According to Nehemiah’s memoirs, Ezra brought the written Torah to Jerusalem and read it to the people, with the Levites translating and explaining. (See Neh. 8:1-8.) Ezra and Nehemiah both called for ethnic separateness and both banned intermarriage
we gassed some niggers
Unironically killing some jews and poles.
not shooting enough gyppos
nothing, we were always good in our entire history. :^)
Bogans are worse desu.
this but unironically
probably the treatment of natives with residential schools, and especially the resettlement programs where we moved them up north
any place in canada north of the 52nd parallel is pretty much the fourth world
A small teeny weeny genocide.
No fucking way. Bogans don't block traffic on the streets when they get shitty and have protests.
made animes mayde?
Kill some muslims
Nothing happened between 1939 and 1945.
The destruction of the american white race
Giving the world yanks
the Armenian genocide
Disease wasn't our fault but slavery was the worst mistake the US, and honestly the entire western world, ever made. Bringing them into our country was a travesty and now that they're here we have no clue what to do with them.
Nothing, Japan have done nothing wrong
Nah you did a bunch of other fucked up stuff to natives.
Ending slavery
Why are Canadians such humourless, self-serious, self-loathing faggots, Jow Forums?
Red Hands typed these posts
We didn't end slavery with genociding the blacks.
Nothing. We're God's chosen people and Christ of nations.
We let the (((international community))) pressure us into giving the Congo shits their independence.
Leopold II should have never given up the Congo to begin with.
USSR was defeated in the Cold War. Worst thing ever
It was his own fault. He was massively in debt, a lot of it to the Belgian government. If you can't pay your debt, you lose your stuff.
Fuck off to 9gag or Jow Forums, please.
What about the genocide during Stalin's reign?
Eh, wiped some Islands clean. Decapitated people and put their heads on sticks. The usual.
Ignoring the torturing and punishments of course.
What's wrong honestly. I think you are trying to start a kerfuffle and honestly that doesn't sit well with me.
Our history is overally free of crimes - since middle ages honour and empathy are virtues of our nation.
But if you really need to find anything, there's Bereza Kartuska prision established by Polish sanation in the 30s, for terrorists and communists. It wasn't very impressive in crime count tho, even compared to democratic countries. Only 4, max 20 prisioners died at highest prisioner number 3000.
On other hand, it's hilarious to watch tankies, stormfags and hoholshits to try to make some death factory of this place, while desperately trying to find flaws of the purest country in the world that they hurt so much.
Aaaand again forgot to switch to my roaming
What about the Polish death camps?
Turned a bunch of Tibetan refuuges over to China. Probably did more stuff, but I've never heard of it.
The civil war was pretty horrible too. Peasants branding themselves commies took up arms, killed lots of families, beheaded landowners and all that shit. Then they entered the fucking government, and now people support them. Fuck 'em all.
Assisting Poles in their deathcamps.
Why haven't we launched a coup in your country to save you all?
N a n k i n g
>poojets killing eachother
nothing really we're pretty chill
We've NEVER done anything wrong.
the underarm bowl
worst thing was ww1 imo
Treating sami bad and being chickenshits during ww2.
Throwing bad products off ships.
Fake and gay. We're pure.
It's hard to remember all these shit, which we did.
Just pick anything and it will be worst.
pick one
Making niggers equal
We didn’t genocide the niggers
Discovering America
One of the major parties is composed of commies, and all their leaders are criminals(the current PM served 15 years in prison for beheaasfasding a person), but the country is not communist. Too poor to even think about that. We're crony capitalist.
That would have been an impressive feat.
The 13th amendment
we're doing it right now, manus island and nauru
And here I was thinking you were all buddhist monks.
We've never done anything morally wrong
People generally think it's that or Sherpas.
t. russian diaspora
I also thought of Sherpas. But I couldn't think of the name.
Not enough genocide of non-whites
Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled
Sad and blackpilled
Ascended and bogpilled
>not satan's pawns
pick one
Run over an elephant defending its herd.
>make your way through an entire continent
>pay multiple smugglers thousands despite supposedly being poor
>try to force your way into a country
>rip up your passport when you get caught
>bitch when you’re rightfully detained
literally nothing wrong here
Wtf i hate malaysia now
these are the only british answers itt, based
>This guy wanted our country to be occupied by scatmany
Annex Eesti!
Nah, just not autistic enough to be incapable of empathy.
we stopped at 2 nukes
Letting the partition of India happen.
Try to find something in deeper history.
>Federation of Malaysia
The Empire ran the federated malay railways.
We dindu nothing
How long have you got?
Joining EU
wtf why