Pakistan and Afghanistan rightfully belong to the pashtuns

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The whole old world belongs to MVNGVL BVLLS

Indo Aryan master race signing in

afghanistan is the country of the pashtuns and also tajiks
pakistan should just be split between india and afghanistan
pakistan unrightfully occupied the land that belongs to AFGHANISTAN per law because BRITAIN signed a treaty that abolishes the DURAND LINE when INDIA gets independent.

Pick one

No All of Pakistan belongs to Afghanistan

Sorry I mistyped I should have said All of Pakistan belongs to pashtun's

everything in that map belongs to the nords
fucking zerg rush arabs

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>when social justice bits you back

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Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran rightfully belong to the pashtuns and Baluch.*

We are brothers. Don’t forget that.

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Indo-Aryan is more of a linguistic definition of languages in South Asia then ethnic

nah Iran is for the Persians they can keep it

fuck the Baluch


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> German
> Aryan

pick one neanderthal

Punjab, Kashmir and Sindh don't belong to you. You can keep rest of Pakistan.


p*ki kutte ko sabak sikhana padega

The khorassani people will rise up and make towers out of your filthy indo-trash skulls inch’Allah

One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls

Kashmr,all of North East India,South Indian Punjab don't belong to you

>All Indic lands don't belong to India.

What else should be expected from a Pathan.

>You can keep rest of Pakistan
Rest isn't Pakistan anymore. Just occupied Afghan area

All Indic lands of Pakistan should join India and all Iranic lands of Pakistan should join Iran or Afghanistan.

India and Indian people didn't exist till 1947
it was just dozens of different kingdoms all fighting amogst themselves
can you honestly tell me that a Tamil speaking south Indian would be able to live with a English speaking in North East Indian
face it India is a civil war just waiting to happen

That's why Pathans can keep it along with Afghanistan.

see poi

>Bla bla bla

Indic means South Asian you retard.

Indian subcontinent I know that
by your Logic all of Europe should be one country

>English speaking North East India
Every part of India speaks English and now a days more and more North East Indians and South Indians are learning Hindi.

>Civil war
Well every part of India is getting more intigrated with the mainstream every year.
Pic: Modi with former Nagalim separatist militant leaders.

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also take baluchistan back from the majoos.

Iranics should unite
>Yes ofcourse

Indics should Unite
>Reeee India was never a united country bla bla bla.

>Iranics should be exterminated

fixed that for you

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Pathans are Iranics too.

Im not saying all the Iranics groups Im talking about the pashtun groups who will soon be the main majority of Pakistan

Did you forget that these Shi’a dogs are our eternal enemies? We BTFO’d them together and didnn’t stop until we reached the gates of Tehran. Iran is to be ruled by the Sunnis in the East once more. Iran’s rightfully ours, just likePakistan and Afghanistan are.

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There is no problem with uniting Pashtun parts of Pakistan with Afghanistan. But Punjab, Sindh and Kashmir don't belong to Pashtun.

And which form of Sunni Islam is correct Islam?

25% of Karachi is pahan in a couple years all of Sindh will be majority pathan
you guys have more then enough land to do your shit and resources
hell India alone has more fertile and arable land then the entire Soviet Union
I don't know about Kashmir of Punjab of whether or they should Join but I sure as hell know the people will never willingly be a part of India

We are already here infidel

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>this thread

Sindhi will not let that happen so easily.
They will start a civil war before submitting to Pathans.

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All religions are false heresies including all sect and theological schools of Islam (except one).

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Except which one.

Sindhis are like less that 10% of the country, majority of sindh is just ugly muhajirs, never have I seen a more ugly group of people but they all have nice jawlines and strong chins

>pashtuns are iranic
Pashtuns are more semetic looking than persians. They dont look like hair disgusting manlets.

Anyways pashtuns went from 16% of the country to 25% in a few decades and Im not even including afghani immigrants and hazariwal people. Quite high birth rate

If More Pakistani will get good education mainly about history and Economics they will rather choose to join India. Ex: Tarek Fatah and many other Pakistani historians and economists.

Pretty sure this guy is a French tourist.

Whats the point? Its the equivelent of saying Afghanistan should join us since we have 3 times more pashtuns and better economy

Why you Pathans only care about looks? An average Mujahir is way more richer, educated and skilled than an average Pathan.

Afghanistan is not only for Pathans.

The one

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>race rank:
1)Pathan high dignity warrior rank
2)muhajir high iq beta rank
3)sindhi ghetto tier try hards rank
4)punjabi back stabbing low iq rank
5)baloch nigger tier fishermen

fuck the pasthun, qaum e yahud
fuck the baluch, savage human traffickers
fuck the hazara, apostates
fuck the uzbeks and turkmen, turka e ghar

afghanistan belongs to the TAJIK BVLL


this is the greatest modern arab hero, literally a guy who hide in a hole for 6 months while his country was being fucked from all sides.

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Muhajirs are disgusting dravids subhumans, sindhis are south indians tier pajeets

>north pakistanis(gilgitis, hazariwals etc)

Your warrior spirit is useless without high tech weapons which you poorfag Pathans can't afford.The days of Pathan have ended and will never return. You are like Mongolians, irrelevant.

Well you have half-Mongol breed of Hazaras in AfghanisKHAN.
That is a start.

Yes truly people don't wanna be associated with street shitters


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It's funny to read those Pakistani and Indian ethnicities arguing which one is superior to the others. When they all have one thing in common : smelling like shit. I'm living in Saudi Arabia and literally every pajeet/pakistani I have met doesn't shower except when it's Eid

>Diarrhoea-related deaths among children under the age of 5 total over 9,500 a year in Afghanistan. This means some 26 children die each day as a result of an infection that leads to diarrhoea, many of which are avoidable.

Poo in loo Pathans!

Pathans are Iranians. They are just a pest in South Asia.

Baluchs in pakistan are 2 types, the pure ones and the ones with some dravidian admixture, brahui, who are the majority and the pure ones who are further away. The brahui ones are dark but still have persian features

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>look I have more loos than afghanistan

High tech weapons are pretty much useless if you don't have the courage to fight, pajshit

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They are more nationalistic than any other ethnic group here and its not the same here as with punjabis in india who are in the corner of the country and identify as punjabi first and indian second. Pashtuns are all over pakistan

Pathan areas of Pakistan also lacks toilets. They don't even have streets, just dust trails.

Khar, cringe kar karey de

>The irony of goat shaggin', lacnor drinkin' oil nigger in this thread.

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Not really, google peshawer. Pashtun areas are literally the western half

Who needs to go to battle field if we can wipe out every Pathan by just pressing a button.

don't majority of Saudi Arabians officers get training from Pakistan and you have to beg for help from the US and Pakistan when their military starts falling

Wow, a whole national economy devoted to fucking little boys!

I am Punjabi and we are very nationalist. Khalistan movement is a thing of past.

iirc He's a syrian in saudi arabia. Saudis are pajeet tier as well but worse than the niggerest of dravidian

>just one city.
What about the pathan tribal areas.

Hazaras can join too you are bro tier

Pajeets confirmed fatass.


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I am Baluch and I think we (Baluch) are all of Dravidian origin. I think we were the natives before the Aryan/Iranian invasion. And the Brahui language is our original language before we started to speak the current Iranian language we speak (Baluchi). Keep in mind that our land is an inhospitibale desert do I doubt Iranians came to our land. We might be mixed with others but we are still much more Dravidian than anything else.

You can conquer nothing with just rocket launchers and AK-47.

The 2 baluch grils I was friends one was really fair and thiccc whike the other was a bit darker but cute and tiny with big boobies, they vary alot. My teacher was also baluch and he looked like sultan suleiman from the turkish show unironically, we teased him for that

Baluch are Indic by virtue of being backstabbing bitches, go back to Ind*a and P*kistan

>Being Dravidian or not is all about skin color and appearance

Stop being dumb. Being of a certain origin is all about genetics and language.

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We were never friends with anyone (except Pashtun brothers) so that we could stab them to begin with retarded. Anyway I don’t mind being associated with Indics so long they are South Indians/Dravidians.

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When Ir*n descends into chaos i will fight for Hazaristan

were not gonna conquer we just want our land and wish to be left alone


absolutely disgusting

t. Indo-European scum


Still scum. I wish the info Iranians never came here. The world would have been different.


Yeah no you guys fucking arnt. It's sad to see how the punjabi brathran are so cucked. The holiest temple in sikhism was violated and a literal genocide took place in the 1980s and you did nothing at all. Punjab on the Indian side has become a shithole congratulations. So many farmers have become heroin addicts and in a few decades the soil wont be able to grow anything due to GMO seeds destroying the soil quality.

t. butthurt paki who wants india to get balkanized

dont get me wrong, I hate both pakis and indians

No I dont care about India becoming the Balkans in the slightest. It just saddens me how the breadbasket of north india is quickly becoming a shithole. We used to have family members on the Indian side but there prolly dead now.