>your country
>what do you usually offer to guests in your home
Tea or Coffee
Your country
Americans drink tea?
No, 325 million people and literally none do
Not really. OP must be gay. This is a coffee country.
I don't own a home, boomers are hoarding them all and destroying the market
Beer or vodka
beer, water or coffee
Sounds good to me. We're a British colony but I only drink coffee. Only time I've ever had tea was when I was at my friend's house and she ran out of coffee. Fuck tea.
I haven't had a friend over to my house since elementary school. That friend only came because my mother babysitted the neighbor's kid
- coffee
- bottled water
I don't ha e guests.
sweet iced tea is a thing in the south. Good for the summer
whichever they prefer
Fuck off you poofter wog, sipping down a nice cuppa tea right now.
Rakija and we dont offer it. We make you drink it one way or another
I'm from the south and people fucking love tea, but it's usually sweetened with sugar. Sweet tea is pretty much drank with every meal here.
I'll cook you something nice in the oven or on the gas cooker.
water or chai
How the fuck am I a wog? Wogs drink fucking disgusting black coffee, I have mine with sugar and milk. I don't like getting blacked with my coffee as well as my cocks.
Wine, water and coffee
Tea, coffee
I offer them to get the fuck out of my apartment because I haven't invited them.
But I hear other people do coffee.
That's what I thought.
Depends if they told be before hand or not. If I have enough time, then I usually make chicken rice or tomato rice for lunch. If they gave short notice, then I go out and buy banana fritters or other kuih and serve it with tea.
is your Vodka-button on the keyboard defect or why did you misstyped it so badly?
An entire Lasagna with ketchup and Fettuccini Alfredo for the americano gordo
>coffee and bun
Green tea, red tea or mugicha
Based i iskren
>doesn't drink tea
t. retard who probably lives in Perth and never actually met a wog in his life.
Or soda pop fizz, where ever you're from. I can't even the number of times I've been offered soda over water, tea, and coffee combined.
>hospitality corn
to leave, i dont want people inside my house. and i sure as hell hate going into other people homes
based and beerpilled
do you dip the bun in the coffee
based. but what if they're your (close) friends?
they haven't visited my home once, actually there's one but it was for a few minutes so that i can print him some documents and a cv
>do you dip the bun in the coffee
It's the only way to go.
glas of water / cup of tea / instant cappucino
A nice cuppa
It's been yonks since I invited a doorknocker e.g. a political candidate into my house, but the last time I did it I offered them a cup of tea (that's hot black tea with milk)
i tell them is chai but it's my piss with lemon and sugar
t. Arab or Slav wog
Eyeties and Greeks don't drink that much tea at home
Tea is godtier with milk
Picking up some real Nazi vibes from this one
they should be thankfull enough that i let them in my home.
Tea or coffee and usually some sort of cake/pie/pastry I have at hand (wife is a baking maniac).
If it's the evening and the guest(s) are men I might go with something alcoholic instead, brandy by default. Usually in the smoking room (with a cigar or cigarette if they smoke) since that's where my stash is.
beer or hard alcohol if i have a bottle, but usually people only come to my place when alcohol is already being consumed
Water to people who come to work (plumbers, electricians etc)
Coffee and a cake/cookies to people you know.
We rather meet in a bar or a cafe, if someone is in my house is because we are already close friends and i either have nothing to offer or we already stacked the fridge with beer
>plumbers, electricians
Why don't you do that stuff yourself?
Tap water or nothing