Do you like tourists?

Do you like tourists?

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except chinks, yes.

except gaijin, yes

Sure. The only ones I dislike are the Chinese, but then, they're not really tourists, they're future colonists scouting out new settlements.

No. I don't even like the locals.

i hate american, chinese and german tourists
i love norwegian, swedish and dutch tourists

Do you love Fennoswede tourists?

We like them because they spend good money in our country.
We don't like tourists with an empty wallet.

Yes. Even though I had bad experiences with tourists from several countries I wouldn't say that I dislike them entirely.

But up until now the tourists that I had more unpleasant experiences were the Chinese, the Germans, and the Poles. In that order.

No, except tourists from:
- Japan
- Sth Korea
- R.O.C.
- HK
- France
- Anglosaxon countries

Rest: Please choose a different destination.


Never meet one

I have no idea why people visit switzerland when you can just go to Austria and everything costs half the price.

Everything I've heard from people that visit France is that they fucking hate tourists and are either rude cunts to them or just ignore them entirely. Or maybe that was just in Paris.


never seen one
why would they come here

no most of them have no concept of personal space and talk too loud.

no such thing, and if they were they should be stopped right at the border

Anglos don't like it there actually. Other people it's alright because they know not to have expectations like 'everybody should speak my language', or 'I deserve to be treated like a man-child and everybody should be at my disposal'.

Great strawman, faggot. Actually my accountant, who is from Cyprus, said he and his wife were treated like shit in Paris, and that when they tried speaking French they were laughed at, and so then they stopped doing that, and they were ignored and even refused service in a couple of cafes.

We don't get tourists.

That totally happened.

> yfw you realize we are all chinks

>everything costs half the price
And probably les niggers / rapefugees, less dirt everywhere, friendlier staff in restsurants.

I know.

sure thing

where's mf

They can be annoying, but the eye candy some brig with them is worth it.

I love tourists. We don't get many of them

What's there even to see in Finland?


I was Lappi.
Aurora, sauna, Santa's house.

France is not about being talked nicely in a café in Paris dumb nigger.
It's about the history, the sights, the food, the nature, the art etc... If you pay a 1000$ plane ticket and want to waste it by drinking café in paris nobody can help you....

Did you like it?

I love tourists cuze it's a chance to practise english . But especially i love black girls )

Based ukrainebro

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No, we're full.

