
Diaspora and Jordan flags not allowed

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can shi'a date outside their religion or is the cute iraqi girl from my uni whom i can only describe as a brown mirai kuriyama off-limits

No they can't. If a muslim woman marries a non Muslim many scholars consider hadd a fitting punishment

‘Morning sandniggers

ok but what if she was *really* cute

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Then you convert unless she's an unpracticing slut.

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all i know is that

1. she's non-hijabi
2. she didn't fast for all of ramadan

i probably won't do it because my chingchong family would kill me but she seems like a good person

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You can probably bang her then, second/third generation Muslims are super degenerate

>Memes are literally illegal in the EU now

Wew, why is no one talking about this?

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Because no one gives a fuck and this is a /levant/ thread

Ustraliya is an Arab country

Stay away from our women you white dog

Reporting in

Excuse me, but when did mena's women become a communal asset for you to designate them as 'our'?



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What's even more funny is that the Christian is saying this.

where are the based diaspora ?

tfw no Lebanese gf

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You haven't answered yesterday's question you bully!

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fuck that's ugly

Since the last time we spoke? Just the seasonals we already talked about and gabriel dropout. Other than that I didn't watch anime because I was preoccupied with reading the game of thrones books. I know it sounds normalfaggy but they are actually very good.

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You're for real? I picked up the first book a while ago to see what all the fuss was about and I couldn't make it past the first quarter of the thing due to just how awful it was.

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I had the same impression when I began reading it but it gets better the more you go. The tv show however is over produced garbage

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bAnne ?

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stay away from our women you yellow dog-eater


t. subhuman

No sir thank you sir, I've already read 10 volumes of the Walking Dead's comics under the promise that it would get better later on, and all I got was disappointment.
Don't get me wrong, I love my trash, as long as it's entertaining that is. I can read chuunige about magic nazis and watch Uwe boll movies all day long but GoT? Ech.

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What is up, my dudes?

>posting subhuman music used by kaffir atheist communist state russian mongrels


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Just go for it. Her dad will just want her to be happy most likely so if you do make her happy than go for it. But keep in mind you'll probably have to marry her. I'm thinking of marrying my Iraqi gf in a few years when we finish uni and have jobs. Her dad is kinda already expecting it, he basically already sees us as married.

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diaspora kaffir GTFO


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stop LARPing subhuman you can get a date with a goat.

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whats your nationality? how the fuck does everyone keep finding an iraqi gf, and me an actual iraqi, can't get one?

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I'm really not larping at all.
Half Dutch half Spanish, we met in university and basically started dating and sleeping together after a week of meeting. We hang out everyday and always eat, sleep and cuddle together every day. Basically best friends at the same time.

This is basically what I look like but a little less attractive. Blonde Dutch colours with blue eyes but a Spanish face.

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please tell me she's a shroogiya from the south so i can know she's trash and not feel bad you're stealing our women.

She's not, her dad is from Baghdad and her mom from Mosul

they all just want the BBC (Big Bavarian Cock) now.

you're defo larping

I'm really not larping. Is it that difficult to believe that someone is actually normal here? Basically this is what she looks like but slightly less attractive and smaller breasts.

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Aaaand, thread's fucked. Thanks guys, real bloody appreciate it.

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If you don't believe me fine, it's better anyway since I don't want me and her doxxed. Picture is basically where I'm from but don't live anymore as much.

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Well just have to wait for a few weeks until they get bored. If not then you should make a /morocco/

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you're sharting nonsense out of your mouth at this point NEET, quit LARPing.

I'm not larping at all, I go to uni in a different place than my town and have to travel 2 hours to get back home for a weekend if I want to. Is it really that difficult to think someone is normal and actually has a social life outside of this?

t. pathetic LARPer

post her pic with timestamp or its a sad LARP

at least tell me she's not christian

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Eh she isn't really religious at all, her dad is Muslim but a moderate one and her mom doesn't really follow any religion either. She isn't a Muslim but not a Christian either. I'm officially Catholic in name but I don't do anything with it.

lol mawasla getting cucked

first their city gets flattened by drumpf and iraqi army, and now this.

2khoi !!!

Wait.. are you the guy who mistook me for someone else and then proceeded to freak the fuck out as a result of it? Plus, accused me of lying about my gender.. which is ironic since, if anything, I've RP as a male for the longest time until assman and genrikh leaked my gender.
Understandable reaction or concerns, however lurk more next time. Anyways I should digress from this silly shit..
To be brutally honest, stop. You're not special for having a mena girlfriend.

Tbh I'm just happy I met someone with the same sense of humour as me who loves me. Her dad sees how much happier she is than before when she wasn't with me and didn't know me and I guess he's ok with it because of that and because I'm at least not an atheist. Her older sister is kind of a nutcase and is together with a Belgian/English guy now. We all get along actually.
What? No that's not me.

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You should learn fluent Arabic and give your children Arabic names, and convert to chaldean/syriac catholicism.

I'm afraid that if I make a maghreb thread, we'll end up only attracting an even more unsavory bunch, and sharing a thread with the likes of the bougnoule and molenbeek would not be much of an improvement over this.

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We already thought of a name for if we have a girl, Layla. Works both in Arabic and Spanish.

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the whole maghreb/levant thing is stupid because these just end up being unofficially /mena/ threads in all but name.

we should just start a general arab thread without turks or iranians.


generic as fuck with westerners, but I guess it works. Could also use Lena or Randa/Rhonda.

Rhonda sounds like a fat girls name.

I like Layla since it's not that common here at all and works in both languages very well. Plus the song from Jimi Hendrix is nice and we both like that music.

>they only end up being X in name
This thread was far from being that for since its inception.

honestly in my opinion, I think marriage between cultures always ends up in a disaster for the kids, since they are neither here nor there, they will never feel fully as part of either culture.

However if you've already slept with her then just marry her cause no way any Arab man will agree to marry a woman who's slept with another guy. Arabs are big on the virginity thing, but they don't say it cause its politically incorrect.

I know, but we're really not from that different cultures. She grew up in Germany and England until she was 13 and then moved to the Netherlands for a year and then back to Germany while still going to an international school in the Netherlands close to the border. Her main language she uses at home even is English but she can also speak German and Dutch. But yeah the virginity thing I'm happy with, makes me feel even more connected to her actually that she chose me

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You can't avoid bad posters on this website. Just ignore the lost causes and try to talk some sense into the others, in hope that they mend their ways. Then stick to openly communicating with the good ones only.

it kinda pisses me off how arab girls assimilate so well. My sister is basically the same, she's a hardcore (((westernised))) normie bitch, can't even speak arabic, and doesn't give a shit about arabic culture or politics.

then you've got me with my arabic songs and rants about jews.

The girls do assimilate a lot better for sure. Tbh she still follows Iraq's development and the politics and hates Israel with a passion but other than that she's just a conservative western girl who hates sluts, Israel and the average normie.

sounds pretty redpilled. Makes me wonder why she went for a european. I knew some girl like that here. Syrian and passionate nationalist but her bf was a german.

fucking hell, arabs are more cucked than white people or even asians.

Reminds me of when I told you guys that disjoining won't improve the quality of our threads indefinitely. I told you so.

You can't talk about "cuckoldry" Christians from Mosul are Assyrians and here you are calling yourself an Arab.

The main part of integration happens under the sheets.
Yeah she is pretty redpilled and gets annoyed with basic girls very fast and hates them with a passion. You don't choose who you fall in love with.

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Yes yes please make a /mena/ and stay there

these threads would literally only be two people if all the people you keep bitching about never posted here.

When we first started them we kept reaching the bump limit and had a good amount of posters away from you fags. Thanks for ruining our threads.

You say that like it's a step down from the incoherent racial/religious politics propagated by you and al turdoni

no you were bitching incessantly as soon as y ou started them. the reason you started them was because of you're incessant bitching in /mena/

you're the one that posted and now you're whining about racial/religious politics?

No we didn't we kept saying the threads are alright until you started spamming saddam pics and Al yazidi started being a pain in the ass. And /mena/was in the same situation but even worse when you add retarded maghrebis of the caliber of molenbeek.

either Bushra is getting her kicks larping as a white man or integration is going just as planned desu

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Some chaldean families got arabised under saddam's rule, no? I wonder what their ancestors would have said.. After all these centuries of keeping their religion and language alive.

I'll say anything to get you to fuck off.
Pretty much, the Chaldeans are open to calling themselves Arabs because they dislike the Assyrians more than they dislike Arabs.

good thing i'm neither assyrian nor chaldean.

You really are the most inconsistent fucker to ever post in this god forsaken general

Rewatching the first Rambo is always such a treat!

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ok kurdi if that's too difficult for your small brain to contemplate then maybe you should piss off

hdi of mena regions

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I have a bit of a question regarding 日本語 if you'd be so gracious as to answer this illiterate idiot.
How do I make the distinction in between the 「に」and「を」particles? In what context and for what grammatical purpose do I use do use one or the other? I can't make heads or tails of the Tae kim and neocities explanations.

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Disclaimer: It's effortless to shit up a thread but it's not my main intention and this will be my only post in this ''general''.
You can blame it on all kinds of different posters and various pathetic causes, but there is always the political or religious conflicts that will come into play for obvious reasons, no bifurcations of any sort will solve this, as if putting ''no X allowed'' would actually work, childish idea especially on a forum like Jow Forums.
Mind you I have 0 interest in the levantine culture so I'm leaving, but really arabs are immature punks who have apparent issues with accepting the divergences mentality-wise between their own kind and with the rest of this planet, and it happens irl and virtually. Come back down on earth, you guys are not superior to any individual here, quit the arrogance, insecurities and nonsensical logic nasty brats. Besides I don't want my name to ever be cited here, thanks.

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Disclaimer: It's effortless to shit up a thread but it's not my main intention and this will be my only post in this ''general''.
You can blame it on all kinds of different posters and various pathetic causes, but there is always the political or religious conflicts that will come into play for obvious reasons, no bifurcations of any sort will solve this, as if putting ''no X allowed'' would actually work, childish idea especially on a forum like Jow Forums.
Mind you I have 0 interest in the levantine culture so I'm leaving, but really arabs are immature punks who have apparent issues with accepting the divergences mentality-wise between their own kind and with the rest of this planet, and it happens irl and virtually. Come back down on earth, you guys are not superior to any individual here, quit the arrogance, insecurities and nonsensical logic nasty brats. Besides I don't want my name to ever be cited here, thanks.

Eh, have never worked with the grammar much because I was always told to work on the kanji and vocabulary first. Plus, laziness. What I remember noting is :
に = indicates the movement or time. Marks the destinations, movements, places, and time. Can be translated as "at", "to".
を = indicates direct object. Marks the direct object (the thing you are directly doing the verb to).
That's all my notes said. Very sorry I couldn't be of more help, user.

Good taste

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GENRIKH where are you

Huh, so it'd be something like this?
Well, I don't know about that. I already know the kanji for creampies and tax evasion, but what's the point in knowing them if I can't even construct a very, very basic sentence?

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There's tofugu's way of explaining too :

That really depends on your goals for learning japanese. If you are learning it primarly to be able to understand the texts, then focusing on the vocabulary first is the way to go. Ganbatte, user, hang in there.


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>be me, smart Arab kid
>parents forcing me into medicine
wat do Arabanons ?

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Live with it. I'm in the same situation to a certain degree.