Did you just call Russia not based?

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Whats cool in gaining religious nuts?

You can start new Crusades, I guess...

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So an ex-communist country has religion gaining ground. What a surprise. It also means you are late, religions are for uneducated people.

pjotr go to bed

Religion is a refuge for disinfranchised with the reality so it's only logical that it happenes rather fast in here.
Also, OP is gay and can fuck off and take his TIGERS with him.

fucking ukies

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>Starts call the concepts of God and divine providence the Big Bang and Nature
>It's a our paradigm now
>Everyone who doesn't believe it is uneducated trash.

Every time. Just like now with Racism and other social contracts...

Masallah brother i hope orthodoxy and islam will work together to kill all gays

Everyone is gay sometimes? that's not a rason to kill. Fucking goats, though...

Why do religious retards always believe evolution and the big bang is some religion of its own opposite to traditional religions?


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>implying non-believers understand what is evolution is and how it works very well.

Darwin used to be a deism or something like that anyway. If you a hardcore scientist in early XX century and believe that God had just started the universe you were a respected members of society.

>Days of Creation in The Bible = Chronology of the Universe due to The Big Bang theory (cosmological model).

If you don't use God(s), angles and unicorns it doesn't mean you are not a believer in Scientism

In Germany/France/UK half of answers came from Muslims, Slavs and Hindus for sure.

This post was written from Swen's cuck shed.

They have much less Muslims than Russia. If you'd exclude Caucasians, Russia would be the least religious country in the world.

Even here we are based.

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We are Protestants now actually.

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You need another Northern crusade

only protestants do that


Converted to orthodoxy, never felt better

Only when i start my jihad, kaffirs.

>gain christianity
>be religious in 2018

I hate Protestants so much, how can you turn a religion into such a joke same with the current pope.

The way the have cross painted in t he second pic looks very creepy like some cross drawn by a kid in a horrpor movie.

Group singing looks like very traditional sign of spiritual life. Seems like Protestantism becoming more "pagan" (folk).

Catholicism absorbed Ancient Roman burial ritual plus Mithraism and may be Sol Invictus cult's influence.
The highest degrees of initiation in Mithraism was a Pater (father).

What was your previous religion affiliation?

Religion is stupid.

Had none

I will pray for you anyway, brother

Are you ethnic Eesti?

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Did you know we baptized penguins?

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Too bad its ordoDOGsy

Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Christ alone and we all live for the Glory of God alone.

Ukraine is about as real as the holocaust.

>Faith Alone
Even the devil believes in Jesus
>Scripture alone
Who do you think decided which books are cannon and which where false