Why are Jews so hateful towards other nations? Are they Germans of the Middle East?
Why are Jews so hateful towards other nations? Are they Germans of the Middle East?
More importantly, why is this bad joke of a country that only exists because of colonial patchwork still allowed to exist?
>still mad
The bad joke is that all you arab subhumans put together can’t chase them out
Because it's a way for the West to have influence in the region. It was always about that, as long as Israel is allowing a big power to have influence, it will get protection, see how it's even trying to get Russia to protect it, and how they helped elect Trump who is a massive kike lover
Because otherwise we'd have to kill them. And we don't want that.
But you're a Jew
god, shapiro is so fucking obnoxious
because we dont want them here in europe, so we dumped them in your shitty desert, You have the problem now.
How can you guys not see your spreading the hate? why do you see all jews as a collective? this is why hatred against jews still exists. if he were christian no one would say "Why are all christians hateful racists?"
God this hypocrisy is something that i will never understand.
Fuck off. You would react very differently if it was a Muslim saying it.
What makes you think that?
no they're the jews of the middle east, quite literally
and arabs don't have sewage problems
>ben shapimeme
This. Collectivism in all its forms is cancer.
What's hateful in that post?
It's just how it is.
Because I’ve seen the way Israelis talk about Muslims and Christians here in Egypt, they consider them a lower caste. It’s also very common to see Israelis comment on Arab YouTube videos about how much they hate them. I don’t like the hate when it’s coming from either side, but I’d rather protect myself when you guys would happily slit my throat and burn me just because I’m not Jewish.
it's not
find me an arab country on this list
That’s how the whole world feels about muslim apes
So an anti-muslim minority that obviously makes a lot more noise than normal people who just want to live their lives in peace and quiet are reflecting the majority of israeli opinion?
If you bothered to actually look it up you'd see we live with 1.5m muslims and except for some extremists fighting each other once in a while we live in peace.
Arabs don't live in open sewage
Yes they do Ahmed
I went there and that was how it was like
New World Jew Boomers were a mistake
You seem like a good person so I apologize about judging you harshly. It’s just that I believe looking out for myself is important, especially against people who’d want to kill me. I despise extremists on both sides, both Muslim ones and Jewish ones. I hope the pointless war ends at some point. We have Jews here too, they don’t cause problems here but they mostly live segregated from other people and form their own community.
>I went there
In arabia?
In Bougnoulia
>Radical centrist
You sound like a fucking cuck.
I prefer arabistan
I'm glad that you wrote that. Hopefully fanaticism will end soon so our realities will stop revolving around this pointless conflict. thank you.
You sound like a low iq person
aslong you are on stolen ground and even expand into palestine lands (westbank) therw will not be peace.
When did you become so WOKE? please tell me in detail about the moment you managed to solve a 70 year conflict that the UN can't even solve?
shit dude i gotta call bibi and tell him some german dude on the internet has all the answers.
lack of self awareness
also they are massive heritagefags. probably the most heritagefaggy in the world
Shapiro is a christfag, though. He and his ilk often sperg out about grant Jewish conspiracies making the USA "degenerate", etc. They have a hardon for Israel in particular due to the final volume in their book of worship stating that in order for Jesus to come chill back on Earth, Israel must be raised and subsequently destroyed in a great battle. This is why these fucks are so in favour of pumping military aid into the region; they want Israel to be a great big target more than they ultimately want to protect some ideal of a sacred homeland for Jews.
Top kek.
Classic shap
you certainly dont solve it by bombing civilians on the gazastrip and expanding even more into palestine clay.
Honestly when you lost a war to them in 6 days and then lost to them when they were fasting for fucking Yom Kippur, you lost your right to complain.
Nah that Egyptian flag is a cuck, Israel has been the aggressor nation towards his own and here he is talking about radicals from both sides.
That really isn't how it happened.
You have around 30% of the information about what's actually going on here and even that you got from a computer screen.
How can you speak with such confidence on a subject you have no interaction with at all?
I mean, Muslims and Christians hace treated Jews like shit for centuries. You can't act surprised when Jews start hating back.
Also remember that most Israelis are Mizrahi and probably hate Muslims because they were forced out of Morocco, Iraq and Egypt and never received any type of reparation for the loss of property.
how can second generation jews speak about muh holocaust with such confidence if they never personaly experienced it?
>Supported by most of the Arab world and the USSR
>Surprise attack on Israel on a holiday
>Still lost
Were the photos from Gaza one big LARP? Is the West Bank not under military occupation? How can you say we only have 30% of the information, the situation is very clear.
Most Jews, at least most Ashkenazim have family members that experienced it. It's not like blacks complaining about slavery for example, where all of the people that experienced it are long dead. There are still many living Holocaust survivors.
Who said i'm ranting on the holocaust? can you quote when i mentioned the holocaust?
i make holocaust jokes cuz its funny af , you think i care about people who died 70 years ago?
Stop looking at us as a collective.
I'll ask again , how can you speak with such confidence on a subject you have no interaction with at all?
We even have videos and colored photos about the israel conflict today which are even more reliable then some random jew claiming he was gassed 6 gorillion times but still survivied to claim reparations.
>Were the photos from Gaza one big LARP?
I don't recall any oppressed population that has these kinds of luxuries , and you now why that is? because we enable it.
>Is the West Bank not under military occupation?
Not at all , its ruled under the palestinian authority , and once in awhile we make raides on weapon and drug caches(i'm assuming you think we occupy the west bank because of some finley edited videos by all the leftist reporters we allow in because we support freedom of press)
>how can you speak with such confidence on a subject you have no interaction with at all?
I dont need to live in Israel to understand the situation and what is happening there. In todays age there is alot of video material and documentaries from all sort of perspectives. its a known fact that you build settlements in the westbank and your goverment is even supporting it by making the living conditons and cost there cheaper so people move there.
so you are saying all this photos are photoshops and there are no settlements in the westbank?
> that has these kinds of luxuries
You're pathetic, that these people are trying to have somewhat of a life completely disregards any injustices done by the Israelis. They have 4 hours of electricity per day and the water they drink is dirty, the houses are still bombed out from the 2008 war but LOOK SHOPS!!!
>ts ruled under the palestinian authority
Only these small Bantustans are under PA control, the rest occupied by military. If there is no military occupation why was there a solider around Ahed Tamimis house?
>I dont need to live in Israel to understand the situation and what is happening there
So you're ok with relying on the unsupervised media that can take anything they film , edit it and give misleading titles while interviewing palestinians only and not giving a stage for the other side to make its point?
This kind of idiocracy is why terrorism exists , because you enable it and you're weak ass politicians are using your deformed opinion on use to advance their own agenda.
Of course there are.
And i can't believe i need to tell you this for the 3rd time ,STOP LOOKING AT US AS A COLLECTIVE , you just assume i support jewish settlements in the west bank because i'm an israeli jew?
Go back to tumblr you media slave soyboy.
Nobody mentioned the Holocaust until you. Dude, I don't even understand what your point is.
Stolen land that has been governed by Romans, Ottomans and the British? Palestinians never had their own country to be stolen. They should have accepted the original UN partition which would have given them a state, the Arabs were unhappy and started a war. Israel won and they ended up seizing Gaza and the West Bank (which were occupied by Egypt and Jordan respectively before the war so I don't know why they specifically bitch about Israel)
>you just assume i support jewish settlements
you do because you are denied them in your last post.
>So you're ok with relying on the unsupervised media that can take anything they film
i watched dozen amounts of them from all kind of Point of views. I saw documentations from the palestine side and israel side. And the only arguemnt jews have is that they are muh gods choosen people and muh god choosen land.
i look at your countries actions
Because they are the only democracy in the Middle East.
>never had their own country to be stolen
Nation states are arbitrary, that no country existed is irrelevant as the land was inhabited.
> the Arabs were unhappy and started a war.
Israel had ethnically cleansed nearly half a million Palestinian villagers a year before the Arab states declared war.
> that these people are trying to have somewhat of a life completely disregards any injustices done by the Israelis
The fact that we enable these luxuries means they can build whatever they fucking want and advance in their lives instead of clinging to some old world ideology about land , but they build terror tunnels instead of schools and normal infrastructure. 3rd gen pallis are dying for a land they weren't even born on or even set foot in.
>They have 4 hours of electricity per day
Egypt gives them electricity
>water they drink is dirty
HMMM if only there was a way that they could take all the building materials that they got from israel , egypt and UNRWA and build some sort of invention that filters water? HMMMM I FUCKING WONDER
>the houses are still bombed out from the 2008 war
Sure lets let hamas operatives launch missiles at our civilians but we won't stop them because a house will be destroyed. Are you serious? how can a person get to a point in his life where he's so incredibly stupid?
>If there is no military occupation why was there a solider around Ahed Tamimis house?
Because she reguraly hits soldiers throw rocks at them and calls for the open death of jews , leaving someone like that unsupervised while she has potential to join hamas is fucking retarded , why wait for a fire to start when you can deny it from ever happening?
btw i found no information about her being supervised ill need a source please.
The Gaza electricity crisis is caused by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority fighting, you tard. Hamas is dependant on the P.A. to supply them with electricity, and the P.A. is also dependant on Israel and Egypt.
Well he is not wrong about arabs, Ahmed.
They come here and the first thing they do is making themselves an open sewage ghetto to live in.
Afterwarts they start screaming "m-muh racism" to everyone who tries to divive them from their beloved sewage.
>you do because you are denied them in your last post.
Can you translate this to english?
>And the only arguemnt jews have is that they are muh gods choosen people and muh god choosen land.
Congratulations , the diaspora kike enslaved your mind , you honestly believe a photographic material that can altered to many point of views? why do you think people spend so much time and money to make these documentaries? BECAUSE THEY CAN PLAY ON YOUR EMOTION AND CASH IN THAT SWEET JEW PAPER. enjoy funding sholmos kids college tuition you soyboy cuck.
>i look at your countries actions
So a few documentaries are reflecting the ideology of 9m people? do you honestly believe the things you write?
Why don't Palestinians just give up?
Nobody is going to help them.
They're America's enemies so they're guaranteed to die.
>3rd gen pallis are dying for a land they weren't even born on or even set foot in.
If Israelis are allowed to claim a land they hadn't lived in for over 1000 years so can they.
I'm not answering the rest of your questions, on one hand you claim that Israelis aren't a monolith and here you are openly bullshitting. Your cognitive dissonance is hilarious.
you fucking kike, you are dumb af if you thin k i cant have an opinion just because i dont live in your god forsaken shithole. Cant you read? I said i watched documenatries which from all kind of media. i watched neutral ones, i watched pro israel ones and pro palestine ones. You make yourself look like you are the vicitim even tho many palestines are viticms of your nightly raids and bombings.
You sound like you need to go back to pol you low IQ cretin
>If Israelis are allowed to claim a land they hadn't lived in for over 1000
wtf are you talking about? jews were here since 1880 and bought farmlands from the local shiehes that lived here , seen how it was a barren wasteland they didn't hesitate to sell , palestinians migrated here from jordan , saudi arabia and egypt after 1880.
>I'm not answering the rest of your questions, on one hand you claim that Israelis aren't a monolith and here you are openly bullshitting.
In conclusion , you want to keep believing lies because it makes you feel like a saint and you can't counter any of my arguments , go play club penguin kid.
>you fucking kike, you are dumb af if you thin k i cant have an opinion just because i dont live in your god forsaken shithole. Cant you read?
As person that actually lives here and spends his life in this shitty reality , i have more experience and information about my country and its events than some leftshit reporter.
The fact is , you want to believe them.
>you are the vicitim even tho many palestines are viticms of your nightly raids and bombings.
Quote me when i wrote that were the true victims , do so you can prove to yourself how idiotic you are to put words in my mouth so you can feel righteous. do it.
Palestinians are human trash let them die
Lol, most of them voluntarily left because of the Zionist military victories. The Nakba is a fucking lie.
>Palestinians are human
No, they are arabs, and arabs aren't human.
>palestinians migrated here from jordan , saudi arabia and egypt after 1880.
Lol so finally you dropped the whole "Jews aren't a collective" facade and show that all Israelis are trash. Good to know.
>voluntarily left
Before 1947, that means before the war retard.
Yeah, before 1947 there were various Zionist paramilitary groups such as Irgun that operated in Mandatory Palestine idiot. That's what I'm talking about. To be fair, they did kind of troll the Palestinians and sent them radio messages saying that they had an atomic bomb.
You're so based holy shit.
I especially like how he says "Israelis comment on Arabic videos and say bad stuff" while the Arabs basically do the same but he can ignore that because he's an hypocrite.
Also about the water and electricity its basically the Hamas distributing everything and they let the cities deteriorate so leftists can cry about how much Gaza needs more support and money and it just goes into weapons and fortified bases and tunnels... People keep buying their crap.
Are you implying all muslims are palestinian?
You know there are a lot of arabs right?
>voluntarily left
Who are you quoting?
>Lol so finally you dropped the whole "Jews aren't a collective" facade and show that all Israelis are trash.
I envy idiots like you , you have no worries in life.
>that means before the war retard.
What does thee war has anything to do with the fact that jewish settlements have been around since 1880?
stupid and/or a child or neet with no real life exposure
if they live like that (and they don't) it's because state authorities impose it
you think anyone can build without licenses and services
He was quoting me because he started with the Nakba bullshit. Which is one of the biggest lies in history to generate sympathy for Palestinians.
>Muh 15 trillion refugees
If you assimilated them into your society instead of letting them thrive in enclosed lawless sharia neighborhoods , maybe this would've been avoided.
Also Gaza has one of the highest growth rates in the world and is quickly becoming overcrowded and overpopulated, and Hamas doesn't have the resources to support the growing population. Muh genocide though..
>You know there are a lot of arabs right?
Anyone who refers to Arabs as one people isn't worth arguing with, the identity is like the Latino one. It doesn't imply they all have one common heritage.
>have been around since 1880
Jewish settlements made up of Jews that have been living there since the Roman era, most Israelis today are from elsewhere. It's not very hard to understand but skewing facts, playing naive is all part of hasbara tactics.
I'm not him but the Nakba is a huge scam basically and the only real excuse they can have is the Deir Yassim massacre and that was just 117 people who died and they use it to explain why most of them left
We don't have Sharia Neighbourhoods here.
It's just that they are not really capable to succeed in the job market since they have the mental capacities of 4-6 year old children at best.
The open sewer life is the best that they are capable off.
They have resources, definitely enough to work on giving them better housing solutions and something that wants to be a proper governing body that'll start taking care of the citizens there.
But they won't do it because they prefer war and only use their citizens as meat shields and want them to get more injured some some photographer will take a picture and get them more aid.
Hamas logic.
Even Egypt seems tp help blocking Gaza for security reason
That really isn't how it happened.
>Surprise attack on Israel on a holiday
Israel was the force who led surprise attacks, you historically ignorant Zionist lapdog.
They just need to give them proper German and English teaching and send most of them to do labor work in the fields or factories...
It won't happen tho
>Anyone who refers to Arabs as one people isn't worth arguing with, the identity is like the Latino one. It doesn't imply they all have one common heritage.
Latino is a literal description for spanish-americans , very bad analogy.
Arab is a description for all the nations and people who descended from saudi arabia thousands of years ago , i myself am an arab jew.
jesus this level of retardation astounds me.
>Jewish settlements made up of Jews that have been living there since the Roman era, most Israelis today are from elsewhere. It's not very hard to understand but skewing facts, playing naive is all part of hasbara tactics.
Settlements like caesarea and tiberia are roman not jewish.
Jews were exiled to today's iraq by the babylonians and after the romans came they were spread across the roman empire , btw this is completely irrelevant because at least most of the land here was bought from the local shiehs by jews.
So instead of enabling the palestinians to continue the way they are now , how about you motivate them to actually build an economy and join the global market?
You lying fucking parasites.
Both your countries need to be destroyed.
You forgot that before the yom Kippur war the Israeli government was so sure the Arabs won't attack they ignored warnings from Jordan.
It was a complete surprise to them and also Golda told the head of the military to prepare the nuclear warheads so the US information people (basically "spies") would tell them and the US will provide support.
At least they seems contributive unlike others
that whole region kind of is in the same boat when it comes to the legacy of their formation
tbqh we should just nuke the entirety of north africa and the middle east into oblivion
Are you retarded, the Yom Kippur war began with Egyptian and Syrian forces launching an attack on Israel. You're either a retarded 15 year old Jow Forumstard or just a butthurt Muzzie.
>people who descended from saudi arabia thousands of years ago
That's a blatant lie you retard, modern genetics prove otherwise. When the Arabs first invaded after the advent of Islam they only took over as rulers of the land, a mass migration didn't happen.
>this level of retardation astounds me.
It's empirical scientific evidence
> most of the land here was bought from the local shiehs by jews.
More lies by dirty Jews. The depopulation of Palestinians is well accounted for, even Zionists historians accept the narrative. See Benny Morris.
> motivate them to actually build an economy
You can't do that when you are under military occupation in the West Bank and under siege in Gaza.
Dumb kike.
that's too inhumane, we should look for a means of loading them onto a ship big enough to transport them to another planet far from this one
>That's a blatant lie you retard, modern genetics prove otherwise. When the Arabs first invaded after the advent of Islam they only took over as rulers of the land, a mass migration didn't happen.
So people can't take land and breed on it?
>It's empirical scientific evidence
This is about phoenicians , what does that have to do with arabs?
>More lies by dirty Jews. The depopulation of Palestinians is well accounted for, even Zionists historians accept the narrative. See Benny Morris.
Proof that palestinian country existed. do it.
>siege in Gaza
You actually believe there's a siege...jesus christ...
ok so why are we besieging them? what's our end goal?