/brit/ another picture from the aesthetic folder edition

Attached: alanwave.jpg (719x770, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hope everyone's having a good day

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>No spots at the train station
>Drive to work
>Forget that I drove
>Caught the train home
>At the train station with no car to drive home.
Have to catch another train back to work and then drive home. Gonna take 1.5 hours.

it's a tad noncey

haha dumbo

Thanks lad. So pissed off and tired right now.

why not just get an uber home, take the train tomorrow and drive back then

haha alright don't create too many biological weapons

lots of australians here today...

Just realised next Monday is a day off

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they love us its cute

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shut it down

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/brit/ is and always will be /ausnz/ without anime nonces, simple as

expecting a dpd arrival. (deep penetration by dick)

fuck bro, i nearly drove home with the keys to the work van today. thank fuck i checked all of my pockets before driving home

what does sprinnard mean?


Australians are British

My dad organised for a guy to come tomorrow and make a duplicate key for the car. So it needs to be driven home tonight.
Spewing at how retarded I am.

Good job

i for one don't mind anime

Attached: f88.jpg (850x1063, 171K)


Haha I'll try lad

who is this Deutsch meme i keep seeing

one of these posts is mine haha

tpain seems like an alright bloke

doing this for the festival tomorrow


that's the Highest Being, his Lordship Himself

Attached: 1494199743534.jpg (901x1600, 153K)

haha I posted that now one of my posts is a webm :))

Whoa, you really know computers. Are you a developer programmer?

yeah so who is it?

9/11 was a national tragedy

The Seven Main British Races


I'm sure you can just pull it off from the seal rather than going through all that shit

... for Afghanistan

more of an 11/9 man myself

obviously you cant otherwise thats what people would do

Do Thais get Ekka holiday too

I'm all about that 7/11

This, my dear old chap, is Professor Dr., lord of dragons, the highest being in existence, slayer of haiders, meddler, forever undefeatet, virginous Rainer Winkler, blessed be his name.

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for me, it's 7up

tiocfaidh ar la

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why doesn't your dad give you a fucken lift the dog kunt

Have you never opened a drink and it's come off with the cap accidentally? Just push it up from the seal or something.
Yeah, it's mother's day

Need some new clothes lads. Find me some shit



more irish people would understand this if it was written in polish

more of a 212 fanboy myself


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have absolutely no idea how to use Twitter, Tumblr, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, Skype or kik

reckon I could make a decent attempt at Instagram because it's just pictures in a grid format but that's about it

self loathing lad

you have a pretty good grasp of reddit by the looks of it

see? you arent any better than me :D hypocritical nigger. dude just let the bitch ride or cant you keep your dick up? what good are you sick fucks anyway? No wonder you watch so much weird shit. :)

irrelevant language, it's time to evolve

facebook, the old person's social network, is too complicated for you?

Hes going to the RSL with mates.
Little sisters got glandular fever and can't drive me.
Mum just kept yelling that I'm a fucking idiot so I don't wanna share a car with her.

You say like you expect them to be complicated.

call the queen mum a bender

Attached: jesus.jpg (307x399, 73K)

third eye opened
arsehole pozzed
pineal gland decalcified
chakras aligned
*blasts into the 8th dimension*


read a study that found social media runts were more depressed
>Mum just kept yelling that I'm a fucking idiot so I don't wanna share a car with her.

k e k


Attached: hello.webm (359x319, 1.07M)

seething abos. havent built a single thing in 65000 years

>arsehole pozzed
Ahh that's why I can only ever make it to the 7th dimension.

ancient gimmick

I want to lick Emma Watson’s anus.

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Posting from work, cant bully black people ;_; (there are none at the site to be seen lol)

>He's going to the RSL
oh no
oh nonono

does emma watson lad ever fucking sleep the obese spic


Here I am then, back on /brit/

Yeah she's a bit neurotic.
It's not all bad. I'll grab hungry jacks on the way home.

what are your Thoughts on Nepalese people?

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I’m ethnically Anglo.

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>tfw I've actually licked a girls arsehole
not sure how to feel about it in retrospect as I was extremely horny at the time

can't wait for my favourite camwhore to get over her glandular fever lads

shared a few classes with a Nepalese girl at uni

she was 18 but looked about 13, very '-ey

Short and weird looking


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>He doesn't enjoy schooeys and cheap steaks in a big room full of old Australian men and their mail order brides from asia.
Hmmmm, seems like we got a bender on our hands.

i've done it loads. fucking love it. although i do recognise it is quite disgusting.

>I'm ethnically anglo.

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yeah i feel the same about gay sex with cute femboys a few times a year, probably have a couple percent gay genes in me

Emma watson lad is way cool compared to niggers

Chinaman is the least offensive racial epithet

need to go to the shop but cannot for the life of me be arsed

> probably have a couple percent gay genes in me
yeah, I guess you do after taking all that cum

in galway, might go to salthill pier if weather stays nice


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Cannot for the life of me muster up a fuck to give

that was worth posting

my first job after high school was at the local RSL
did NOT like the people who regularly attended

stop saying "RSL" as if it's a thing any time

is licking arse more disgusting than licking feet?

these posts will be assigned to your Jow Forums profile and sold to the highest bidder (the future Nepalese parliament of your country)

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Major Groggy

Does poo come out of feet?

Dropped my guts on the train and two cute asians walked on and I know they smelled my ass air.

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number of arses I've full on noshed on: 1
number of feet I've done the same to: 0