Spaniards accidentally launched a missile over Estonian air space

>Spaniards accidentally launched a missile over Estonian air space
>they can't find it
>they say it detonated mid-air, but there's possibility it passed into Russia
Where were you when Spain started WW3?

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We just want to see the world burn.

Have you been outside these past couple weeks? I'd say it's burning plenty.

Still not enough

i don't see the problem...

why the fuck are the spanish in estonia? they should be sending those missiles over morocco

Really? Rotating NATO air police mission.

It's not really, just a bit funny in a morbid kind of way. I'm kind of curious how Russia will blow this out of proportion.

Based España

cucked by our nato overlords, we don't have money yet we spend it to fly over countries that hate us

What we did to Spain? Why they want to destroy us?

gib the gold back, you motherfucker, we didn't genocide a whole continent just for fun

I dunno, but it’s time to blitzkrieg the shit out of Europe Boris, those tank divisions aren’t gonna mobilize themselves

>countries that hate us
Wot? Spain's literally all sunshine, oranges, wine, flamenco and bullfighting in the mind of an average local. No one knows about your unemployment rates or whatever.

AMRAAM has like 100km effective range, so they've got a lot of ground to cover.

This. Refugees not welcome btw.

Who hates Spain?

To be fair it was aimed more towards Finland than Russia, and the locals reported hearing an explosion. It's probably nothing.

People from Spain


> Spain's literally all sunshine, oranges, wine, flamenco and bullfighting in the mind of an average local.

another reason to hate you even more

But not me.

You are white.

>You are white.

wtf I didn't insult you

Unwilful ignorance is not basis for hate, my friend. It calls for compassion and sharing of knowledge.

i like spen
do u lik
spen ?

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spen is ok
shoot russia and no afraid
russia is buli

so, trump was right? is spain like montenegro

>Shooting Russia instead of UK

Nothing will happen, as usual.

spen is fren

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Agreed, we'll just shoot another missile into cuckranian airspace and call it even.

All that happened is a moose shit itself in the forest somewhere. I do hope this pushes us to buy the Patriot air defence thingy.

At least we don't have to defend the Baltics now, since they attacked first.

we're gonna be a military superpower soon.
you should be shaking in your boots

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Lmao take a look at russia's demographics, particularly the number of healthy combat-ready males. Even if Russia somehow managed to invade and occupy eastern europe (which is already impossible due to American troops stationing there) Russia literally doesn't even have enough military personnel to keep it under control. And if the current demographic trends continue it'll be even worse in a couple decades.
There is a reason why russian military nervously developing lots of new kinds of nuclear missiles and submarines. Russia doesn't stand a chance against even small portion of NATO in a conventional war.

Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if that Spansh fighter was orderer by a superior officer to shoot a missile towards Russia just to see what the reaction will be.

>they should be sending those missiles over morocco

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hope russia responds by nuking barcelona. would be based, epic style.

Think of all the cheese and shitty beer you'll get in Tulipland....

I didn't know that Russians had such little faith in their own army.

The Baltics have basically no air force, so other NATO countries are patrolling their sky for them. Baltics are generally knows as worst freeloaders in the entire Alliance.


Ignore this blockhead. Truth is - any Russian ocupation force would consist of bydlo and immigrants from Central Asia, which we have plenty of. But there will be no occupation because it will undermine oil/gas/metals export as well as technology/consumer goods import market in a major way. You must stay vigilant, though, simply because there is no worse state of a country than complacency.

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>worst freeloaders
Oh Pawel, how could you.

arent blackhawks just a poor mi8 copy?

Any euroshits died?

>NATO on Russian borders brings peace and stability

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>brings peace and stability
Is that what your propaganda tells you?

If an enemy absolutely outnumbers, outclasses you and its combined economy and production capabilities are 30 times bigger than yours no one stands a chance.
Also i served as a conscript in the army and know many guys who did, and i can tell you that conscription here gives you absolutely nothing in terms of actual military training, we only have a elatively small number of well-trained professionals.

Yes, you fucking are. There's serious talk in NATO that letting Baltics in was a mistake, for you do jack shit to meet your own commitments. You even have no air force and no navy to patrol your own air/waters. But the icing of the cake of that giant NATO excercise a few years ago where all you sent was a platoon of sappers.

Poland is no saint either (in fact noone in Europe is - Trump has some right here), but at least we are increasing the spending several years in a row and invest a lot in new equipment. We are also able to patrol locally and render these services to your countries.

Well it kind of does.

It was irony you dolt...

>There's serious talk in NATO that letting Baltics in was a mistake
source needed

We were good at war when war was real war and the fight was real fight: with swords, spears, knives and arquebuses.

You unironicalky do that on a dayly basis Ivan.

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Your made up bullshit notwithstanding
>we are increasing the spending several years in a row and invest a lot in new equipment
So are we, what's your point?

Not really. The Mi-8 is older, heavier, carries a bigger payload, has a rear ramp and isnt nearly as manoverable

He is definitely bullshitting. Baltics are a very important strategic point, and even if those countries contributed jack shit to the alliance it is still extremely beneficial to have full military control over them.

Unironically yes. Ukraine didnt join Nato and look at them.

Our (then) Minister of Defence said in 2014 that upper NATO brass thinks that, recorded on tape (if fact the recording was a big scandal for other issues).

What exactly did I make up? That you can't even patrol your of yard? That you are unable to send any forces abroad? That's why you are freeloaders .

>Fortunately, there has not been any fatal casualties.

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The baltics are hard to reinforce. So strategically it is a bad idea.

But they are part of the EU and the EU can't let their own countries get invaded lol.

Yes on both points, actually. Also accordi g to apoland has not been increasing it's military spending (as per GDP%), but it actually decreased s8nce its peak in 2015.

I speak from absolute ignorance in military matters. But how is it possible to launch a rocket accidentally, is it as easy as pressing a button or what?

It's what happens when you let monkeys fly planes

Could've been a malfunction, or they let Sgt. Butterfingers take the Eurofighter out for a spin.

That's why a said "another".

he said this, he said that. this isn't source

Sosna-U doenst mean 100% T72B3 since it can be integrated on any T72s, as one of non-lethal donations from Russian Federation. Of course it could be a tank from Russia but nothing wrong with helping their people.
>hostile anti-Russian alliance on Russian borders means stability
Nice try hohol, every time such things happen it results in another major war and every time Eurocucks end up BTFO'd
If Urine joined Nato we would have a WW3 now, but at least Urine and USA wouldnt exist anymore

>Urine and USA wouldnt exist anymore

Every family needs a psycho to look good in comparison - let them be.

Other features indicate a B3 too, and replacing the original 1K13 with a Sosna-U is a relativly large operation, and not something you do in your backyard on a weekend.

No, we wouldnt have a WW3 since MAD is still a thing, no matter who is tha bad guy here. That said I belive that all nations should be free to join whatever alliances they wish.

What are you talking about, José?

>the EU can't let their own countries get invaded lol.
Y-yeah, we sure can't lol haha. Right guys? G-guys?

break up NATO. it's just too dangerous to be making mistakes like this

why do we send our soldiers there? og

Why are Poles always so smug and arrogant?

Then you should join ISIS, you already have half of their personnel in Sweden anyway.

inferiority complex

they're NATO soldiers

When Spaniards will apologize for their crimes to humanity?

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ISIS isnt an alliance tho

> the flu originated in the U.S. state of Kansa

>The Allies of World War I came to call it the Spanish flu, primarily because the pandemic received greater press attention after it moved from France to Spain in November 1918. Spain was not involved in the war and had not imposed wartime censorship.

I'm fairly sure it's just the one autist. The posts are too similar.

Without NATO Putin would invade the baltics and several other eastern euro countries within a matter of days. IT would only work if every European nation actually had their own military.

I hope too. Nothing of value would be lost.

let PESCO supplant NATO. why should americans get dragged into a war with russia over inept european morons in charge of security. this is actually scary. imagine from russian perspective, tracking an unnanounced missile launch from nato right at their border. jets can carry nukes you know

Agreed. I don't see why the US should be in an alliance with anyone but pic related.

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Because we get dragged into your wars.

Can those dirty Spaniards just apologize one time and stop spreading their bacterias whatever they go?

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You could just leave it if you dont like it

>Who hates Spain?
Latin Americans sometimes bitch about them.

Fuck off and change that fucking ugly flag.

They are smaller, faster and two decades newer so no.

Probably just some wildlife in Russia.

>the flu originated in the U.S. state of Kansa
It didn't but it didn't start in Spain either. They've traced it to a British supply Depot in northern France where humans lived in close quarters with pigs and chickens (thought to be the pre-human source).

Brits would be really funny people if they did that
>Yeah rule the wave let's suck the dick of the guy who beated us with the help of our sworn ennemy WE are such proud and strong people
Would be banter fuel
holy shit, I didn't know NATO actually did something.


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he is not wrong though

literally makes me wonder how 90% of the time everyone's talking about how russians are about to invade the baltics any time now, and the baltic countries spend like 1% of their gdp on defence
i want them out
no bravo estonia

Our patience have limits! One day Spaniards will pay for their crimes to humanity

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