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That's a Polish Jew with dyed hair
>Polish Jew with dyed hair
So basically a Swede
No he's not f*nnish
Why isn't a modern Swedish guy like him?
He is Russian
>t. Mongoloids
Why is a Finnish man like him?
All hail our Swedish overlords
I have long ass alien head and i hate it
That guy is Swedish diaspora
Helsinkians are not human
He looks like Jukka Dudesons
savonian immigrant there
Is he an average Finn guy?
WTF?! I love Sweden now?!
His parents are inbred. We have a politician called Timo Soini who could be suffering from same heritage condition.
Same. I've always thought of it as an ugly feature. Looks stupid from the side aswell.
No, he is considered unusually handsome in Finland. He won Mister Finland 2017
Yeah it's called chronic f*nnoidsism
Reminder that if you aren't mesocephalic you're subhuman.
He is a sex symbol in here
Karelians don't have it
State your index and if you're a rapebaby West Finn or East Finn
Hi there Chang!
I measured mine the other day and i got 78
First of all it's proven to be pseudoscientific and secondly it's very hard to measure but like I said it's definitely not brachy.
And I'm a mutt of everything but still closest to SW Finn.
Doli herrenrasse from Oulu
True doliocephalic is 10-20% in each region
True doliocephalic index in sweden is 20-30% and most are mesocephalic just like here.
Unless you have an exceedingly long and aristocratic face, you probably look like a gay alien or a nigger. The mesocephalic man is the ideal, not too alien and wimpy like dolichocephals and not do blocky and Asiatic like brachycephals. This ideal form is true when it comes to behaviour as well. The dolichocephalic ape is wild, savage, and incapable of truly forming civilisation. The brachycephalic chinksect is barbaric and cruel, incapable of love and empathy. The mesocephalic man, however, is the thinker and civilisation builder.
But seriously how do you measure it without asking someone else to do it? I won't ask my mom who's a former commie to measure my skull.
I can see that it's rather long than short without measuring.
>very arbitrary pic
still I like japanese feachers
and important thing is that Japanese have higher IQ than Swedes.
Ask a Fenno-Swedish scientist
Use a sliding door
Yes but Swedes have much, much bigger penises than japs.
Don't have one.
he he
swedes are blockheads
Classify my phenotype Jow Forums
Why is Japan a shithole and Japanese women want to flee here then? You were hardly developed before the Americans gave you a bunch of blueprints you could use to build your Ant Cities.
Max Payne
I'd prefer if you said I looked Swedish
It's real science and used today in forensics and by archeologists. It's easy to learn, try it.
>Rättsantropologi är ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsfält som syftar till person- och kroppsidentifiering av kroppar, vanligtvis lik, samt till att utröna eventuella skador som kan bidra till att patologer kan fastställa en dödsorsak. Det har både med fysisk antropologi och kriminalteknik att göra.
Rättsantropologin arbetar vanligen med lik som på något sätt är intill oigenkännlighet förstörda, t.ex. genom förruttnelse, brännskador eller stympning. De kan då, beroende på arten av förstörelse, försöka förstå hur ansiktsdragen sett ut, bestämma kön, ålder och ursprung, bestämma tidpunkten för dödsfallet, och identifiera likets skador. En stor del av fältet innefattar osteologiska undersökningar av liket, men rättsantropologin kan också studera hår, eventuella insekter i närheten av liket, och annat som kan ge upplysningar av kroppens identitet och om dödsfallet. Genom osteologin kan uppgifter erhållas om hur den döda har levt.
>Rättsantropologer anser att mänskligheten kan delas in i tre huvudhärkomstgrupper utifrån hur skelettet, främst benstrukturen i huvudet, ser ut och att man utifrån benstrukturen kan dra slutsatser om från vilken huvudhärkomstgrupp individen vars skelett man tittar på stammar. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] I Australien anses det ibland finnas en fjärde härkomstgrupp som kan kännas igen utifrån sitt skelett. [8]Människor med denna härkomstgrupp förekommer nästan inte alls utanför Australien. För att könsbestämma ett skelett är det främst huvudet och bäckenet man tittar på.
5/5 balding incels glad we banned this cuck org
Nordfront guys usually look very aestethic. Much more than Finnish nationalists
More like brachy meso resistance
Those guys are so stupid, being nationalist and wanting to include Finland. LOL. They are from Dalarna, a county with many Finns so it's no surprise.
Only a few cherrypicked ones, guys like Pär Öberg are perfect examples of broad heads.
In social situations he will never be seen as dominant.
i wish i was semidoliocephalic like one cute boy in my uni
From what I know they'd divide up Finland with Russia because muh new storsmakstiden
Begone you un-germanic incel!
only over 50% Aryan can reply.
Karelians are far more Aryan than berrypicking incels
Your group wasn't classified as east-baltic but rather part of the northwestern russian race.
>most germanic
26% doliocephalic
6.5% nordic type
they're basically raised in barns full of pigshit
Keep whining subhuman modern genetics has refuted this. West Finns are just a mixture of Finns and trannies. Karelians from the isthmus are the purest Finns.
Germanics are pigs and niggers
Do you want?
The isthmus was recorded as 10% true doliocephalic depending on the region.
Morphologically neo-danubian and east europid.
They are both tataro baltid subhumans tho
Brachy-meso phenotype with a high but not wide nose is a powerful phenotype which invokes a deep insecurity in potatonosed trash like
195cm South Karelian BVLL Sami Hyypiä is what the human ancestors of West Finns looked like
Note the perfection of his nose which is unusual for non-Karelians because of I1 admixture
I did the test with a sliding door 73,6
I wuz aryan and shieeet now?
You're a dumb faggot congrats
You think I really believe in that shit though?
>this determines your race
>but one race has any types xD
At best it's usable like haplomemes. Not individually useful.