Would you visit Vilnius now?

Would you visit Vilnius now?

Attached: tapatalk_1533722496438.jpg (770x484, 80K)

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Ew, no, it's full of poles.

If we the g spot who is Poland then?

That's because Wilno is rightful polish clay

Depends on the scale, but probably the asshole.

We seduced the Lithuanian virgin with our SuwaƂki cock and she like it

Very good and reasonable post.

Is this real?
Are you "people" literal cucks?

i dont get it

No, just retards. Nobody likes it here either. There's a whole scandal about it.
The other side of it is, no such thing as bad publicity.

Low IQ

I think this ad is kinda funny.

I would visit Vilnius again now

It's a "trendy" tourism marketing campaign. Probably cost a couple mil of germon investment shekels, too. We occassionally have them too. Pay some faggots millions of euros just to get some ms paint art.

Attached: 091001_riga_live.jpg (300x222, 8K)

Apparently the pope liked it too. He's coming over for a visit.


Based Russian propaganda

you should unironically pay sega or whoever makes total war to make riga a playable faction in the next medieval total war game

Publicity equals niggers coming for a guest visit.

Not until it returns under rightful administration, that is true Lithuanian - Belarussian, or Polish.

Attached: 1530883702372.png (2704x1476, 252K)

Providing they can find it. Ironically, much like the g spot, Vilnius doesn't exist. It's a meme we invented to fuck with poles.

>muh cucks

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)

t. butthurt kaunietis sudakas

Calm down Gzregorz, you'd think that with all the money that Wlodek and Adasiek are sending back from UK you could afford a sense of humor.

Are they implying Lithuanians are whores? Cuz I would love to fuck a proto-Russian

the asshole

For a moment I thought you were estonian.

Would I get beaten up in Lithuania as a manlet gook?



Yes! Lithuanian blondes are so fit and hot! How to get a Lithuanian qt, desu?

t. Pole living in the UK posing as British