ITT: posters you recognise

Swedish Jow Forumstard
that one guy from Ethiopia
Croat who larps as a chetnik
Danish gayposter
that one Turk who grew sort of stale but I still like seeing him
Houndouras (I think?) who made several threads about becoming a Jow Forumstard before unironically becoming one
15 cm penis HUNGarian
Chilean who lacks a gimmick but makes recognisable and excellent shitposts

It's difficult to know French, British, German or American posters because of sheer number

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poor snek

Finnish EVROPA guy
Brazilian retard (probably slav with proxy) obsessed with Russian girls

That Swedish incel.

The Spaniard who posts about his family and his height

That Chilean could be annyone

Jow Forumseaf
trap corean

better plaec nao fren

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hi, please take my worhtless life

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That South Korean faggot that keeps posting COCKS! threads.

>doesn't like based gay korean

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>Swedish Jow Forumstard
these and that analbainan anti-anime poster


>Uncle Tom Guatemalan
>Peruvian who knows a lot about genetics
>Dominican who absolutely hates Haitians
>Russian who shits on first worlders

The eternal Iberian

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-28-18-28-32.png (720x1280, 579K)

Jesus fucking christ, snek STOP.

just get a womanlet 150 cm gf

greece has the most recognizable posters per capita

wait a minute i just converted this to inches you have a 6 inch penis you fagot why are you disappointed

I said in my image that short girls are the same

tfw 15cm and thin

And where did you get from, maymuna vereshvila?

yes, that's a micropenis

Fuck you all the danish cucks live on one Island

My goal is to be recognized in all boards. So far, only in one

French user from Strasbourg who's also my greatest ally.

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Al Turduni + the KILL AL TURDUNI namefag

I hope he kills himself

The anti-West Hungarian
The nigger-lover Croat
The nigger-lover Finnish
The Afro-Brazilian who hates white people
The Dane who hates Israel
The suicidal Spaniard
The catholic French

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>the german greece supremacist
>the swedish karelia supremacist

i miss chubak