
Geordies Scousers and the Scottish are the foundation of British culture edition

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aggressively early thread

janny's nut is gonna be completely done in when he sees this

don't mind my lack of posts, just overwhelmed with the barrage of /brit/ traffic x

Its what...
Bite tongue...
Deep Breaths...

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just got oi'd in /brit/ lads

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how fucking gay are you seriously

Once fucked a petite 19 year old qt, she wasn’t on the pill and I wasn’t wearing a condom and she begged me to cum in her pussy and I did. Was one of the best sexual experiences I’ve had because of the risk felt animal like

makes you think doesn't it

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feel like a 2nd class citizen of Jow Forums since the pass ran out
it's the cooldown that gets me the most
sometimes i need to make several posts in quick succession

installed tinder and my only match was a fat transgender person I randomswiped

just going to focus on my job and friends at this stage

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If anybody needs me I'll be in the /brit/ discord

hate how runts don't even give a shite about how retardedly early this thread is and just want to hop in here and post their faggy gimmicks


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>Once fucked a petite 19 year old qt, she wasn’t on the pill and I wasn’t wearing a condom and she begged me to cum in her pussy and I did. Was one of the best sexual experiences I’ve had because of the risk felt animal like

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That fry up was half decent feeling good now xx

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still would though tbf

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I would absolutely ruin that, love imperfect girls

what do I do after I watch someone whip

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strange little freakazoid you are

what's your favorite american tele program lads


big fan of the dab program

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When I dip, you dip, we dip

Black mamba

with every year that goes by, it's another half a pint less required to get me drunk

i'm done in 4 pints now

how do you guys stop drinking? once i'm pretty drunk/black out I just keep going and can't remember it besides when I check the statemen tthe next day

>A famous Bangkok lawyer has warned employers that it’s illegal to cut salary as punishment for an employees’ tardiness.
>Rachapon warned that in eyes of the law, employers who violate that statute are subject to imprisonment of up to six months and/or a fine not exceeding THB100,000 (US$3,000)

toilporn btfo




Ooh and that's a bad miss.

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a lot of Thai names end with 'porn'

Have you ever seen anyone else at toil read a book on their lunchbreak? I love it but feels a bit odd.

blackjaguarwhitetiger on instagram lads

sorry lad i took a couple of days off aha x

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betrayed by the autocorrect lmao what have you been searching for mate

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>Reading is so unusual in Australia that it's worth commenting on

well we're not in Thailand are we you miserable worm

u meant to be socialising with ur work m8s

What is the crack lads

fuck off alcoholics


thread theme

I like my workplace but I have absolutely zero interest in talking to anyone I work with based on our chats so far

g00d p0st

Fuck off Aussie abo rat

but it was relevant to what I posted

Shit! Are you me?

that's what office parties are for you fucking cunt

I remember buying this album when it came out when I was 13 I was obsessed with it haha, don't really listen to air anymore.

miserable little invertebrate

Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know

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but his name ends in pon you illiterate prick

Gonna sick Alan on you, you twat

fuck off you neurotypical party going maggot

most br*ts are sad mongrels tbqhwyl

You're not white if you live in a country were the natives are brown

piece of mind

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shut that slimy little trap of yours you malnourished freak

doesn't your company throw an annual christmas party?

sorry lad youre one of the good ones innit

any other lads rmb when this classic came out?

gas the proles, gas the poshos, gas the foreigners

Chicken pot noodle down the gullet


ye and I don't go to it bc i'm not a neurotypical freak

feeling noided

downed 7 beers on friday then chased it with a few double vodka and redbulls
was out like a light by 12

last 3 months: £7,500 in, £6,100 out

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i also nick pics from /tv/
board's a goldmine

Might not bother going gym

the middle class are objectively worse than every tarquin, chav and rasheed put together though

awful people

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don't @ me

t. me for the last 22 years

drinking a tyskie



stop it



fuck off you're not my bank manager


tarquin is a very middle class name
more middle class than upper class

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i'm "upper middle" class according to you runts here but have never met anyone called tarquin

Tim is a fictional character, he doesn't and never has posted in /brit/

How do Americans shart themselves so easily?
There's a VERY clear difference between the sensation of a fart and a poo.

call me school bully, you ghastly little toad


no the tim who posts tinder screenshots

this is classic boomer song

Would you rather be fat or a 20 a day smoker?

they don't make em like this anymore

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for me, it's a perla mocna