Canada, Saudi Arabia diplomatic crisis

>Saudi Arabia Orders 16,000 Students to Leave Canada Amid Escalating Clash
>Saudi Arabia stopped all medical treatment programs in Canada and is coordinating for the transfer of all Saudi patients currently receiving care in Canadian hospitals to be moved outside of the country.
>Saudi Arabia also cut diplomatic ties with Canada, frozen all new trade and investment and canceled flights via its national carrier to Toronto
>Saudi Arabia has expelled Canada's ambassador to the kingdom
>The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and the Palestinian Authority have all stood by Saudi Arabia amid the country's spat with Canada, according to the kingdom's state media.
>Canada to ask allies to help cool Saudi dispute; U.S. offers no aid

It all started with this one tweet -


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Other urls found in this thread:

>all those butthurt sandniggers in the comments


Oh fugg, this sounds serious. Though I've never given a shit about politics. How fucked are we bros?

>yfw it starts another oil embargo like in '74

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Hardly. The reason Saudi-Arabia does this is because they figured Canada and Saudi-Arabia, being both oil exporters, hardly need each other for anything.

But America is a net oil exporter too.

Looks more like Saudi Arabia is fucking over its own citizens. Feel bad for the students and patients there in Canada, I hope it actually doesn't happen.

its basically sjws virtue signalling vs cultic religious faggots ignoring every human right

canacuck sjws mustve thought they could convince muslims though lmao fucking naive

America and Saudi-Arabia need each other for multiple things. Canada and SA just don't.
Canada has no real political interests in destablizing the Middle-East nor fought multiple wars there.

But why are they doing this? What happened?

I think our ambassador there tweeted something that offended them.

>Guys we don't think it's ok to imprison protestors
If only more countries would treat them like this.

Canada tweeted out this:

>Canada is gravely concerned about additional arrests of civil society and women’s rights activists in #SaudiArabia, including Samar Badawi. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful #humanrights activists.

Saudi Arabia lost its shit and threw a tantrum and claimed that Canada was violating their sovereignty and some shit and then posted this

Only countries that don't need them can treat them like that. But don't you wory the moment their oil runs dry the west is most likely going to give them a dicking of a lifetime.

Meant as a reply to

>caring about them

All this shitshow for some sjw tweet?
World leaders are acting so childish

saudis response is lame but very traditional and completely expectable.

why did cuckanada do this. did they think they were as relevant as muttland? religious regimes are always ideologically hard-line and oversensitive. they wont compromise anything unless the opponent has an obvious stronger economy/military power. smug sjwism can work there. only actual benefits can.

>can work

>hey can you stop killing Yemeni children
>[autistic screeching]
Fuck is wrong with these people

lel dumbass leafs. play stupid games win stupid prizes

This decision is really sad. It won't affect Canada in any way. The only losers are the Saudi students studying their. Some of them have even one term left to graduate and now their government is calling them to come back.

I was surprised to learn that, despite the enormous amount of oil they possess, Canada actually import crude oil.

>they wont compromise anything unless the opponent has an obvious stronger economy/military power.
Literally this. How fucking hard is it to understand, Canada?

Also that Canadian tweet looks like it was written by a high school debater or something.

>is americuck
>close allies with the people who keep blowing up his own people via wahhabism
now that's really sad!

>Also that Canadian tweet looks like it was written by a high school debater or something.
Welcome to Canadian politics

Lmao the Saudis don't seem happy

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*PTSD intensifies*

why are saudis such pussies? over a tweet no less?

>Canada to ask allies to help cool Saudi dispute; U.S. offers no aid
To be fair both are being little bitches.

pathetic of them to even ask the US under a trump administration. have some dignity sheesh

>their concerns of lost indigenous women
Those women are probably dead on a tundra from wandering into it while drunk or burried in another indigenous person's yard.

They didn't specifically ask the USA. Unlike you guys Canada has more than 1 ally.

Every backwards society is obsessed with the concept of honour and "saving face."

>Unlike you guys Canada has more than 1 ally.

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Canada made some SJW statement about S.A.

As much as I hate sandniggers in general and saudis in particular, that will teach these canadian faggots to shut the fuck up and mind their own business
Irrelevant petty shithole that wants to be a human right superpower, how fucking pathetic

>hey can you stop killing Yemeni children
To be fair they wouldn't be there if Iran didn't decide to support violent minorities there.

That still doesn't excuse them from targetting civilians, which is what they have been doing for quite some time now.

>Unlike you guys Canada has more than 1 ally.
>Another Euro thinks America's entire foreign policy revolves around the EU.

You guys are fucking delusional.

It is not even about that. It is about some Saudi thots.

>around the EU
No I'm convinced it revolves around Israel.

Canadians died to liberate your country, and this is how you act today. Very sad!

I thought the joke was about Putin and Russia

israel, russia, north korea. 3 already

Nobody considers North-Korea to be an ally of the US. So far the Trump administration made it very clear their only friend is Israel, the homeland of his Jewish children and grandchildren.

was a joke you spastic

You forgot S.A. it's interesting how many Arab countries suck Trump's dick despite his rhetoric. Maybe they aren't as retarded as everyone thinks.

Honestly I'm really proud of Canada of standing up to those fucking barbarians. Saudis and their Wahabi bullshit are the biggest cancer in the entire planet. I would've thought someone like Trump could stand up to them but instead he's busy spreading his asshole for Putin.
Honestly wish I was Canadian right now.

Big Saudi Cock is going to absolutely destroy sissy canadian asshole.
Based Saudis.

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>Honestly I'm really proud of Canada of standing up to those fucking barbarians. Saudis and their Wahabi bullshit are the biggest cancer in the entire planet.
Agreed on the wahabi shit but you reek of an Iranian.


>how many Arab countries suck Trump's dick
Yeah well, hard not to lick the ass of the greatest military and economic power in the world considering what happened in other Muslim nations like Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria.

i thought chinks were bad when it comes to get absolutely unimaginably assblasted when someone criticises their country but saudis take it to a whole new level, christ

desu these Saudis are such oversensitive little pussies
I'm proud of Canada for pissing them off
I just hope they don't try to damage control and suck them off

not really hard to understand why. trump just takes them for what they are instead of trying to forcefeed western sjw crap down their throats

Pointing out that they are barbarian shitholes isn't the right thing to do? Arab countries have no place in the developed globalised world if you ask me, no idea why we even accept them into the UN and such.

Kys shill

All sandniggers can suck my farts I am a proud Catholic BVLL

funny how canadians gobble chink dick while speaking out against a weaker cunt like SA. if you're not strong enough to back up your shit just stay silent, jesus

If you think this is bad, try Russians. They're beta males too so their revenge is suddenly finding bacteria in your exports and shit like that

>funny how canadians gobble chink dick
lol so does your government

have you like not read any news for the past year

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Shouldn't have insulted the brotherhood of the orb.

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Asking KSA to stop executing human rights activists isn’t SJW, you fucking Jow Forumsscum

just curious have you ever solely made these sjw statements about chinkland? japan has done pretty much every year.

btw this tweet sounds literally like sjw shitposter tier virtue signalling and must be an amateur work of a millennial or an sjw leaning person.


why the fuck is canada so SJW? it’s like if only californians were allowed to vote in the general elections and all presidents were SJW cucks

Incredible to think that on one hand trumptards believe islam to be the greatest threat to western society yet wholeheartedly support the capital of the whole goddamn religion.

so you guys want a US led liberal democratic order or not. make up your minds already

>stop killing human rights activists

what matters is they have solely done this to china. if they havent they mustve thought they could do this to saudi because "they are weak". that would be pretty insidious.

>human rights

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>washington post
user i...

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*culturally appropriates you in a manner so racist that it would put Hitler to shame*

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>this to china
or not.

>if they havent they mustve thought they could do this to saudi because "they are weak". that would be pretty insidious.
What a stupid statement. Of course they made some considerations before releasing this tweet. And Saudi-Arabia made the same considerations before coming up with their reply.

If the US were to tweet this, nothing would've came of it.

modernize islam at the source, not seeing the issue here

You've pretty much described Canada right there

Jesus fucking christ, poor kids.

The US is over a trillion dollars in debt to China, you know. When they come to collect you'll be gagging pretty hard. We just sell them stuff.

Having money doesn’t mean you’re modern, especially if the majority of said money belongs to the theocrats in power and oil barons. And even if that weren’t the case, this is the country that just barely decided to let women drive we’re talking about.

i dont think they "solely" did that. they wouldve done together with other 1st world countries like g7 tho. im not either a pro islam or a pro totalitarian regime. but this shit looks like an amateurs fuckup to me. why did they suddenly do this?

99% of all this jihadi crap is saudi arabia and iran fighting a cold war to spread their influence in the middle east. if everyone just calmed the fuck down by modernizing all this terrorist crap will die down

>why did they suddenly do this?
Do what?
They released a tweet urging Saudi-Arabia to release human rights prisoners and stop being a 3rd world country. There was little offense about the whole tweet nor was it an official declaration of anything.

The Saudies just sperged out because of them being sandapes. Maybe Asians understand them but this is not a proportional reply to a fucking tweet.

yes yes, keep dreaming about the downfall of america leaf. besties for life~

>boo hoo muh poor 6 gorillion yemini babies !

shut the fuck up shia shill cocksucking retards

>twitter is the way countries try to settle or start diplomatic disputes
I want off this ride. Are modern day politicians that stupid. Is this a farce? Using a social media website like that and taking it seriously?

it's trump's world, you're just living in it

The real joke is I think that Twitter is almost exclusively used by journalists, Jow Forumstards, sjws and black people.
I mean 'normal' folks don't use it for 5 years now and only read about Twitter shitstorms on the journal when some journalists reports on it.

to make the sjw-ish statement about saudi. if drumpfs tweets are alt-right bullshit this can be the same kind of bullshit that comes from the modern western liberals.which also can be reckless. im not defending a religious regime oppressing people since i loathe every religion especially its hierarchy. im just saying this is an sjw tier ill informed action and this sjw type of political action wont ever work outside their country or the west. also why did they do it on twitter? isnt it the same assholly attempt as drumpf? aside from saudis butthurtism.

>The organizations involved argue that keeping funding decisions at arm’s length from the State Department allows the NED network to do things on the edges of the pro-democracy movement that the U.S. government can’t or won’t, such as supporting Chinese dissidents in ways that upset Beijing.

It is awesome how they admit they are meddling everywhere while going crazy over facebook memes from Russia.
Their last massive lie was not even 6 months ago and they still try to claim moral highground.

what was the last massive lie?

Your father being your father LOL

Nerve agent being used in Syria, which they used to justify their missiles.
In the end, not even chlorine is proven.

>im just saying this is an sjw tier ill informed action and this sjw type of political action wont ever work outside their country or the west. also why did they do it on twitter?
Our Foreign Ministry has been making such statements about abuses in literally every authoritarian shithole. We did it when China was torturing human rights lawyers last year. We did it when Maduro imprisoned his political opponents on bogus charges.
The only difference in this case is an inbred manchild who's trying to act tough on the world stage by "making an example" of a Western country. However even the most astute geopolitical analysts are scratching their heads, since Canada-Saudi trade amounts to a paltry $1.5 billion per year and the only people he has fucked over so far are 18-25 year olds from his own country who were studying at Canadian institutions until yesterday.

maybe canda should worry about itself as it gets colonized and turned into a literal tributary by china

i see. so you wont lose anything other than those studying in saudi right?

i dont care if what happens in saudi. its basically a religious country and will never change, but ill keep an eye on what you keep doing against them or similar countries.

>Canada to ask allies to help cool Saudi dispute; U.S. offers no aid
I don't know why this made me laugh so much.

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