This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!
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People say "Merry Christmas" instead of hello when it's Christmas We have a lot of kind of greetings like Happy Halloween, Happy Easter, 明けましておめでとう, 良いお年を and things like that but why お盆 doesn't have templated greeting? How do I say hello in お盆? お盆の挨拶は何ですか?
>Boys will never get old when they watch anime Are you an English teacher?
>Boys will never get old while they're watching anime (´;ω;`)
Justin Cook
千葉ってどこですか? 田舎ですか?
Jaxon King
Aiden Jenkins
蜂の子 美味しいんだって しかも高級食材らしい
Michael Campbell
これは、TARI TARIの「かまくらこうこうまええき」 とりあえず、OP絵にちなんで江ノ島・湘南 ただ、有名な観光地は中国人・韓国人がウヨウヨしているぜ >Boys will never get old when they watch anime ええこっちゃな >お盆の挨拶は何ですか? 特に決まったものはない 盆は仏教の行事「盂蘭盆会」が起源 地方でかなりの風習が違うが まあ、今年は「暑いですね」が挨拶替わりかな >感情に駆られてしただけ ○気の至りと云うやつやね 今日もビールが旨い
the temple at the middle of the mountain that I climbed when I was 22 yo. The morning I saw the sea of clouds. the sunset at the day on the way home from high school. the sunrise at the morning during summer vacation when I stayed at high school facility to take place 部活動. the sunset I saw from back yard when I was 7. it was the impressive day where I felt an extreme satisfaction to play with friends. the vast rice field filled with flooded water of the typhoon. there were billions of fishes jumping out of it.
it is said that ancestor’s spirits come back home during お盆 no special greetings between living people because お盆 is the days while people chiefly facing the deads in their heart i think お盆 is somehow similar to Halloween