>was on my way to the bus stop
>at first I didn't believe my eyes, but as he was getting closer, some people crossed the street in haste
>I followed the same suit
>thought that was it
>but as I was waiting in the bus stop he came back, probably done with his business
>the old lady he sat next to immediately stood up and walked away
>then he took off his baseball hat, and everyone around took a collective step back
>a really young child started crying and asked his mother whether he is the krampusz that preys on children
>then he took out his phone and started listening to some awful music out loud
It was horrible. Why can't these people stay in their own countries?
I saw a black person today
Other urls found in this thread:
Everytime i see a nigger on the streets he is always asking people for money, food, ect
Because people like to travel
Similar happened to me
>Live in Budapest suburb
>100% white
>No gyppos, only commie block and concrete
>go to the spar
>See a nigger doing his shopping
Every summer a black girl comes to live with her grandma for a couple of months. She lives in the commieblock next to mine. It's always funny watching old people stare at her as if they've never seen a black girl before, even though she's been comming here for about 7-8 years now. It's not mean staring, just sort of full of disbelief.
you came from the steppes to europe you disgusting nigger you are occupying rightful romanian land you magyar gypsy
why didn't you beat him?
Lucky guy ,I see them almost everyday
t. came from the same steppes 2000 years before us
Romanians are native to Europe
In elementary school when we had a field trip to Helsinki whenever we saw a black person we would shout "who is afraid of the black man" because of a game we used to play
Let me guess, her mother went to England and fell for the nignogs are rich meme.
Half of Greek dna is north african , which migrated to middle east and evolved to be a little cuacuaisan and then to greece
When I was a kid I never came across any foreigners either.
Now they are everywhere.
wh*Toids fear the BLACK BVLL
finno-ugric subhuman, scared of a nog
a RUS BULL would have honorably challenged him to an MMA duel on the spot, demanding he leave SLAV ZEMLYA forever upon losing as a condition, then demolished him, whereupon the nog would admit his inferiority and leave to africa forever on his own will
and all of albanian dna is turkish/egyptian, so fuck off enverbey
They are all arab terrorists though. Only one black guy lives here and he acts pretty gay.
>Why can't these people stay in their own countries?
Funny that a Hungarian has the audacity to say this when the niggers he calls his countrymen flood the workforce and undercut native workers because they work for african wages that is actually a kings salary in their native shithole of hungary.
>this thread
Your fault for abandoning us.
>asshurt labanc
go ahead and kill yourself, you already sold yourselfs to negros and balkanites anyway
>Abandoning """""people"""""""""" literally behaving like apes and speaking unitelligable NON EUROPEAN gibberish wasn't the correct choice
No idea, never talked to her, but yeah probably.
You are literal turk-gyspsy mongrels
Sounds like real racism. Not the pussy shit African Americans complain about today as if they’re oppressed.
Unfortunately, you will see more and more niggers.
and taking your job, dont ever forget that
>see a hungarian
>day ruined
I once talked to a black qt at my uni. She spoke fluent Croatian. I pretended like there's nothing unusual about it, but was dying to ask "how are you here? W
where did you come from?" and more importantly "what color is your pussy and what does it taste like?"
Also, Pannonia belongs to the Slavs.
What a racist
Whitey shivers at black precence
>all these iffy blickies
>tfw I see many when I go to college
Once one even asked me for money
It was your people's god given duty to help and sturggle with us, but you betrayed us.
A black buck from my highschool class is in Hungary right now.
I probably see at least 100 a day
>magyar cigany posting this
>Country is literally all desert
>Population: 192/138/61/83/62 million
What the fuck
>Why can't these people stay in their own countries?
He was probably a Parisian tourist.
>black grill asks me to take a pic of her and her white bf
>take a few pictures
>can't see her facial features
>tell her that there must be something wrong with the lighting
>"nah it's ok, it's just that I'm black"
not sure if she was ridiculing me or not
NIggerocalypse is coming. Remember how putting niggers in Detroit was more harmful than bombing Hiroshima in the long run? A nuclear holocaust would be nothing compared to this.
You should learn about fill flash.
You should've tried HDR or taken multiple puctures with different exposure for them to combine later.
>pop projection for 2100
Ahh yes, probably from the same people who predicted China would have 5 billion people by now 50 years ago.
>go to Croatia
>visit Split
>tourists everywhere
>heaps of western-European families with their daughters mandingo on holiday
Must've seen at least 5 of them.
>the same people who predicted China would have 5 billion people by now 50 years ago.
I honestly hope these predictions are wrong too. I also wish every major apefrican city gets the Czar Bomba treatment.
Africa is huge and Africans have next to no environmental footprint. If you properly close the borders there's no chance they will ever bother you.
>If you properly close the borders there's no chance they will ever bother you.
You're right. It only takes political will, some barbed wire, gas, rubber bullets and some boats to take them back. The problem is people keep voting for shit governments like the one in Spain.
Well, I'm not her personal photographer and don't have time to fiddle with the camera settings, she should've just made a black people preset or something.
scientists say the opposite
but i guess an albanian on Jow Forums is a better source on Greek genes
Enjoy refugee politics, f*rstworlder.
>black people preset
I mean, HDR should work, but I like your name way better.
Often if you click on someone the camera focuses on them. Downside is that any white person on the picture will be white as snow and so will be the entire surrounding too.
Of course it requires political will, but I don't see the current situation even go on for 5 more years.
I just wanted to point out that whether there's 1 or 5 billion Africans won't matter much as in 50 years they're still just small scale farmers and live in slums.
>If you properly close the borders
ah yes
if only
Fill Flash works better.
>go to the spar
What if whitey were standing next to him?
Shitty Dutch supermarket that's somehow big in Eastern-Europe.
Over here it's known as a 'camping shop' since their strategy is going to sparesely populated places with no competition around.
Just make sure the exposure is based on the negro.
Eh how was that a scary event.
Eh his argument though?.
The average IQ of a sample of half-negroes will be lower than the average IQ of a sample of full whites.
It also shows that BMWF offspring is closer to WMWF than BMBF
t. cuck fetishist
Yes, 7 < 10 (for age 17 IQ). You know how to subtract.
>go to grocery store
>see niggers driving cars, talking on the phone and using bank cards
day ruined
>saw one recently near my home
5 years ago, gopniks would've beaten him to death
saw lots of arabs today in what's supposed to be a white area. maybe 3-4 families