Be Finnish

>be Finnish
>get cum shot

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Other urls found in this thread:


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*watches anime*

No, of course there are no gay men in Finland.

They're all "girls".

t. Kaj-Görän


it's hotter when they're "straight" and "resisting"

Greeks have gay genes

Attached: 3f6c20b0.jpg (2055x1024, 175K)

Must be from western Finland


Screencapped this fag
you're done cocksucker

finno-germanic mans
homo mans

There's unironically nothing gay about liking feminine guys in cute women's clothing.

Nyt se proxy pois, ylisjonne

>at first...stigmatization did not extend to active male homosexuality. To take revenge on the disloyal priest Bjorn and his mistress Thorunnr in the Gudmundar Saga "it was decided to put Thorunnr into bed with every buffoon, and to do that to Bjorn the priest, which was considered no less dishonorable." Dishonorable to Bjorn, not to his rapists. In the Edda, Sinfjotli insults Gudmundr by asserting that "all the einherjar (Odin’s warriors in Valhalla) fought with each other to win the love of Gudmundr (who was male)." Certainly he intended no aspersions on the honor of the einherjar. Then Sinfjotli boasts that "Gundmundr was pregnant with nine wolf cubs and that he, Sinfjotli, was the father." Had the active, male homosexual role been stigmatized, Sinfjotli would hardly have boasted of it.[2]
Germanic, uh, """"men"""" of Jow Forums have little difference to their forefathers it seems

Yes please give me all the cummies ~~ I can't even live without dick anymore I'm such an addict for big cocks :3

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>There's unironically nothing gay about liking feminine guys in cute women's clothing.

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The truth is that through hundreds or years of oppression and selection pressures, the Finnish race has been polished into the finest boipucci on this small blue dot of ours.
Many Finns are still trying to deny this nature of them, claiming that they're straight, and that Finland is straight, but the truth is coming out. Every single Finn has it written into their genes, when they take the step into homosexuality and dick sucking, there is no coming back. Every single Finn wants to be dominated.

>being attracted to femininity is bad
>the idea of emasculating a qt feminine trap isn't hot as fuck

just shut up already

Attached: breivik myötistelee.jpg (960x1280, 78K)

Maybe in Satakunta

Wow, Finns sure love cocks :o

Left I don't know

Middle is mentally fucked up, visiting hospitals and escaping from them, gets his hormones from the chinese since Finland won't give him hormones. The China site got shut down so now he says he'll kill himself if he can't get hormones. Worst trap.

Right was the best trap, but, unfortunately, with a heavy heart I must announce that he has already gotten rid of his penis. He is just a guy without a dick now.

The age of the Finnish trap is over. The time of the Korean boypucci has come.

Attached: raindrop.jpg (713x918, 58K)

Yes. As you see in this thread many of them still deny it, and it's hurting them.
If you want to help them, you should offer your own dick for a sucking. It wouldn't hurt to assert your dominance as well, slapping their ass or pushing them down on a bed.

Left is the most qt tbqh, so not all is lost.

When will they admit it? Nordic identity is centered around implicit gay pride and gay supremacism
If we want to make Finland straight again we need to ditch mandatory Swedish

Det är arvet som dom fick utav oss

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I love binland :DDDDD

Did evolution select for men who loved cocks in finland?

It originates in the shared bloodline between West Finns and Swedes

I think he attentionwhored in /mämmi/ but he isn't the cutest, right is the cutest.
Right wasn't even an attention whore. He was just cute in every way. Then he chopped of his cock.

Also middle is the only one that still posts. Only in Ylilauta of course.

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>he can't even find a regular girlfriend (girl) so he gave up and started to like mentallly ill losers in women's clothes.
Pathetic australian virgin incel. That's so sad (not really)

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Yes, loving dick proved to be very advantageous in the cold, harsh environment of Finland.
Also under the rule of the other nations, a little submission and dedication went a long way.

Wow! I had no idea about that

Homoutuneet länsisuomalaisfemakot näytti persettä ryssillä talvisodassa ja peräänty 24/7 ellei ollut jo soutanut ruotsiin

I never said I preferred traps to women. I'd also never go for a trap irl since cute ones are extremely rare and I'd be too ashamed to be seen with one. All I'm saying is that the idea of making love to them is hot as fuck.

This is tragic. Millions of cock-starved finnbois and nobody providing adequate dickings. Why hasn't UNESCO done anything about this???

this ;_;

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This is especially true in the Eastern parts of Finland, by the way. Generally as in the West the Baltic sea is nearby and warms the weather a little, and because of the Swedish people moving to the coastal areas, this is not AS MUCH the case in the West of Finland.
This is why they're extra desperate about asserting their heterosexuality on Jow Forums. The more they claim that they're straight, the clearer their lust for cocks should be for you. If they struggle, it just means they want it even more.


Is this why homos like sexually harassing straight men?

yes, homos love "harassing" and "raping" "straight" "men"

Pohjalaiset oli koko armeijan kovimpia äijiä

Homosexuality in Karelia was never taboo. Vorna himself was a faggot who loved coming to Southern Finland to suck big cocks.

Wow so eastern Finns love cocks? Do finns spend so much time in the sauna just to look at cocks?

based and redpilled

No sauna is a holy place you fucking faggot.
But after they come out of the sauna they might enjoy biting into some 'sausage', if you know what I mean.

Yeah. In Eastern Finland especially. I'm Karelian and we do have gay orgies in saunas. But we aren't faggots, we're just bros who fuck.
>Jatkosodassa esiintyi aikaisempaa laajempaa sotilaskarkuruutta. Elokuun 1941 aikana Suomen armeija ylitti vanhan rajan. Muun muassa useita munsalalaisia pakeni joukolla kesän 1944 suurtaisteluista.[3][4][5] Pakomatka suuntautui kotiseuduille, kuten Munsalaan.[2] Osalla matka jatkui veneillä Pohjanlahden yli Ruotsiin.[5]lähde tarkemmin?

I especially love fucking other Karelians because they have smaller penises and my asshole is really tight so it doesnt hurt as much

>But we aren't faggots, we're just bros who fuck.
Hmm okay

Redpill me on Ylilauta

Sieltä pakeni ihan kaikki suurhyökkäyksen aikana ja nuo oli hurreja.

Munsalan hurrit on pohjalaisempia kuin pohjoispohjanmaalaiset joilla on karjalaista verta

Based finland, never change and keep on sucking big veiny cocks
Love ya

Jow Forums for Finnish kids
Our Jew king Sopsy (pic related) lives in Malta. He's banned porn and anime. The site was recently updated to a mobile version, even for computer users.
Creating an account is encouraged, if you don't have an account you have to solve a captcha.
We have gold accounts with several benefits.
We have tags that we can display next to our names or the Anonymous name.
Sopsy, the king of Ylilauta spends his free time doing interviews and advertising Ylilauta for the MSM so that more kids will come and buy gold accounts.
The mods are female and they will ban you if you say anything that makes them angry.

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>ANOTHER gay erp thread full of Finns

Is it the same poster(s)?


So it's basically Reddit? Do many /mammi/ users also use it?


Literally r*ddit but with more strict rules. Absolutely not an imageboard anymore. Officially an "image forum"

Ok miksi olen 3/4 pp ja 1/4 karjalan ryssä mutta geneettisesti lounaissuomalainen?

Kyllä siellä on itäsuomalaistakin perimää, mutta ei ne ole täysin sekoittuneet. Toiset on länsisuomalaisia ja toiset itäsuomalaisia ja kaikkea tältä väliltä.

Alunperin hämeestä sinne muutti porukkaa ja murre on selkeästi läntinen.

Why are Finland and Korea so similar?

>Jow Forums for Finnish kids
It's funny because the average ylilauta poster is way more mature than Jow Forums posters and they're lot smarter too.

Yes it's basically reddit but anonymous. Although we have several namefags (you can auto-hide their messages if you have a gold

I don't think /mämmi/ users use it, that is why they come here to post in /mämmi/.

More like Jow Forums mixed with reddit, but mostly Jow Forums

Korea evil version of Finland

No. Cringe. You have to fuck off back there. Mobile poster detected. Veeti detected. Normie detected. Little shithead.

>haven't sucked a big, smelly cock for a month

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How much is this gold

Why do you want it to be smelly?

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So all finns are big cock craving sissies but since they are autistic and live in isolation they are horny 24/7?

Pretty hot

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It's the mark of a real man.
I don't want it to be like disgusting or anything, I just want it to have a lewd smell to it.

Well, there are different versions, the 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year.
One month is 4 euros, one year is 13 euros.
Then there's the platinum, the eternal gold, with even more benefits.
Platinum costs 59 euros.
But, of course, Sopsy would never be satisfied with someone not spending more money on the platinum.
Therefore, he created the additional levels to the platinum. 10 euros each. Or, 10 additional levels for 95 euros.
Well? What do these additional levels give you? Nothing at all, except 4 tags (tags are useless).
First tag at 5 levels (99 euros)
Second tag at 10 levels (149 euros)
Third tag at 15 levels (199 euros)
Fourth tag, the king of Ylilauta tag, at level 255.
~2600 euros. Four users have this tag.

And of course, like in Reddit, you can donate these gold accounts to other users if they make good posts.

And I forgot to mention that you can upvote posts on Ylilauta. And you have activity points.
Giving an upvote costs 100 activity points.
If you have 1 million activity points you get another tag.
If you give 1000 upvotes you get a tag.
If you receive 1000 upvotes you get a tag.

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>Our Jew king Sopsy (pic related) lives in Malta
Living like a king with all the Yililauta money?


Attached: sops.jpg (1280x720, 30K)

>He's banned porn and anime

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kek wtf. dude probably makes more than gookmoot.

Is there any info on how much the site actually makes in revenue? This sounds crazy as fuck

He banned them on fucking /b/.

Then, due to backlash, he created another /b/.

This /b/ was to be like the /b/ on Jow Forums, but it was like a separate imageboard because none of the threads were included in the "trending threads" page, the gold accounts didn't work on it and the threads got deleted after 10 minutes of inactivity.

However, after about a week of the experiment, he also banned porn on that /b/.

Attached: 3eca4574.jpg (1200x1600, 180K)

Does he just hate porn or what

It's way beyond Reddit. That kind of shit gets btfo'd bretty fast there. It's a mix of Jow Forums; on-the-call propaganda by antifa; hobby, history, philosophy and politics forums; mental disorders; art; paid propaganda and memes. All that and much more with a posting frequency of 1000 threads per an hour.

finns are subhumans

>All that and much more with a posting frequency of 1000 threads per an hour.

This guy must be making a fortune.

He probably wants to keep the site as ad friendly as he can.
t. other

Advertising and gold accounts. And sometimes he organizes an event where people get to donate money to him in exchange for a new tag.

For example, just to show you how Jewish he is, when Finland was celebrating it's 100 year anniversary, our Jew king created a tag for us.
Of course it wasn't a free tag, it was a tag that cost I think 10 euro if I remember correctly.

Yes. He hates anime too. He is your typical reddit manchild.
He spends his free time playing video games and streaming it on youtube.

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>He spends his free time playing video games and streaming it on youtube.
Pls link

Literally pic related

He wants to cater to the normies who don't want to see porn but serious normie life discussions only.

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meant for

You Finns are so fucking fascinating

T-thank you

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>tfw no qt Finn to breed
Just give me a qt Finn to cuddle and fugg

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Painu vittuun jenkki vain kymmenesosalla suomalaisista on assburger-oireyhtymä

Left "eppi" is from Helsinki
Middle "bora" is from Tampere
Right "keksityttö" is from Tampere

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Pirkanmaa more like Cocksinmaa

Not my pic.

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I'm sorry but I don't understand :(

Does Finnish govt give you HRT?