ITT: We use vocaroo to imitate american accents to say dumbshit only Americans say

ITT: We use vocaroo to imitate american accents to say dumbshit only Americans say.


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That's so sweet...Imitation is the highest form of flattery

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While you're doing that, I'm going to post these Ameribear screencaps.

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that was so bad, both of you should be ashamed of yourself.


you sound like a french Arnold Schwarzenegger with down syndrome

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God bless you for these Ausbro

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You always can count on the aussies to dab on the americans. Bless.

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hey i buy ice because the ice you get in bags i perfectly clear, that cloudy shit you get from an ice tray really triggers me

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that was really good

Think that is all I have.

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This will not go to waste.
This one didn't come out so well.

Well, I'm ever so slightly aroused.

Kek. That is a very good generic American male accent. Usually slavs can't do it well because of the accent.

hehe, he even got the nasally timber right

I get €1000 per month imitating an eternal anglo


you sound like you've hit one too many crack pipes or joints, the cadence is disgusting

certainly sound foreign

protestants don't call their church parishes do they?

please rate

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What on earth is all that noise at the beginning.

kek, it's so over the top

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The Jews aren't even the ones that pushed circumcision, why would they want filthy gentiles to do it? The "chosen people" don't want to convert you.

Circumcision was pushed by crazy white American assholes like Kellogg because they thought it would stop boys from masturbating.

>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.[50]

America has literally the worst white people in the world because it was founded by the ones that got kicked out of every other white country for being religious fundie assholes nobody liked. And 200 years of immigration hasn't made enough of a dent in it yet.

no, it has too many syllables

He's fucking right though. It's very pathetic hearing Euros complain about 25C weather when they can just buy a $200 AC. Unless of course their wealth is just an illusion and they're poorer than the US which would probably explain why they're assblasted all the time because they're jealous of U.S success

Never knew that Bill Clinton lurks in this thread

>this is all one autist

nice poverty laptop mic

all this but unironically

You guys sound like if you have your dad's cock in your mouth.

actually do stay away from my guns

>a totally not upset American male

>You guys sound like if you have your dad's cock in your mouth.
See, i can tell you're not american because your english is shit.

I didn't listen to it, I'm not gay I don't listen to other men on the internet gargling cock

Honestly best in thread. Surprised

Can anyone imitate a more standard American accent, or something from the Northeast, or is "exaggerated flyover" the extent of your abilities?

that's not even the "flyover" accent, they're sounding like someone from Georgia with a disability

All of these just sound like Bill Clinton with brain damage. Someone try doing a Boston accent or something.

I would love to hear an attempt at the Rhode Island accent, but that's probably way too specific for dem furriners.

j-just for me?
gee thanks user

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Now you understand what it's like listening to people do "Australian" accents.

>All of these just sound like Bill Clinton with brain damage.
That's because they're all done by one guy you retard.

this guy have a bloody gut accent

Rate. You would not hear a more accurate one.

sound like an Italian speaking English while sucking a black cock.
Rate: 5.5-6/10

I actually laughed.


maybe if you're making 300k+ a year

my state doesn't even have state income tax or sales tax, if we lives under just about any european rule our taxes would probably be closer to 70%


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don't you spend ~8 euros per liter of gas? kek

This picture is retarded, they didn't go to war because the tax itself, it was the taxes being collected while getting nothing out of and having no representation.

>Make fun of Americans for going into bet over broken fingers while living an a newly asbestos reinfested cancer wonderland
>They actually try to retort with Y-YOU'RE JUST J-JEALOUS

the whaat race

Just fyi, Americans say "pawce-tuh" and Brits say "pass-tuh".

He's not wrong desu

I know what you're referring to, and your post is a clear sign that you can not understand context in grammar

Lol. Anither one saying I sound Italian. Weird.

>a Muslim country made this thread
Of course

*dances in front of your post*

Attached: leafs.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

it's hardly official yet, give them that credit!

that is simply the most embarrassing thing I could imagine witnessing

little jew

sounds like swedish goofy
