Salvini edition
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Looking for a friendly Black Guy in London to spend some time with while visiting the capital.
We also visit Bournemouth on some weekends.
We visit every second week on Wednesdays mostly.
She would like to get to know you.
i am 5'3
i am diego rivera but uglier
but one think I do thank the lord for is that I was not born with a micro penis fuck me that must be awful
only time im somewhat happy is when im off in my fantasy world
going to keep tempting the ex with my virginity
going to dangle it in front of her like a carrot on a stick aha
how big is your willy x
Leftypol, turn away!
>3 philips head screwdrivers and not one flathead screwdriver
state of my tool drawer
just ordered a strapping young nigger buck to look after me
Lexit mate
6 inches average probably looks bigger than it shud bc i'm so small otherwise ha
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy? Is he based?
that's a nice tummy
balding lads
the fucking nerve
trying to fob me off with diet
hey same you should get an imaginary gf
pepsi max tastes like shite
already have loads mate haha
Shave it lad
he's kicking the wogs and refugees out and cracking down on the mafia
>Saudi Arabia carries out a rare CRUCIFIXION on a Myanmar man accused of stabbing a woman to death in her home
love the 'si max me
If you want some insider knowledge. Management in stores has been telling .com staff NOT to go out back to look for stock during picks, so even though they might have it, if it's not on the shop floor you're fucked.
theyre really loyal lol
Man's gonna destroy Logan
Have all governments after WW2 been ZOG then lads?
any choons?
remember going through my angsty teen nationalist phase where I was angry at the world and shit
then as you grow old you realize nobody gives a shit about you or what you think and you set out on a life of individualism, not caring about anything but yourself and your friends/family
>decent size willy but looks bigger due to small stature
Reckon homealone should get in touch with that Spanish manlet pornstar and star in some vids.
the 'ginary gf fucked my chad neighbour the other day
left me fuming
hate sue perkins
therapist moved my appointment back two hours lads
literally me
not all
dont kys
whos got the smallest willy in here
Shame the brain tumor didn't kill that lezzer twat
Statistically, not I
Lei Fang poster I bet.
ive probably got the thinnest
im 4.9 inch not bone pushed
dumb crossposter
I've got 4.5 inch girth
i see therapists for fun desu
i try to make them fall in love with me aha
gay nigger
absolute king on the phone
absolute king in one to one conversation
complete shithouse when talking to a group
aaaa shaddapa ya face
further support for soft brexit
this but unironically except only the first one the last one to a middling degree and the second one not at all
dont really know how much that is but i bet mines less
heh I’m the complete opposite, i come alive in groups
Hmm ahh yes because raising kids in the state that britain is going to be in in twenty years will be just fine. You sir, are a naive and short-sighted fool.
did you really wanna with alice
did you really wanna like a wolf
thank god I've got the unemployed alt right virgins on Jow Forums to keep me on the straight and narrow
Oh collyhurst road iam forsakken! An it’s not that my poor hearts an achin!
*gives out a bunch of mortgages to people that literally cannot afford them*
Reckon having a 3 inch willy is much better than being 5’3. Atleast some girls won’t be horrible enough to turn you away once you’re already about to have sex and got your willy out. At 5’3 you won’t get into that position in the first place
Don't matter what, dem nuff jewel mi wear
Caught me pants, it nuh have no tear
Shoes cost a few hundred a pair
An' me have money all through the year
Rumours dem spreadin'
Claim that a sensee me plantin'
But I man a de Don ina de jugglin'
A pure rumours a gwan
Rumours a gwan
this supermarket sandwich is not good
yeah id rather have a really small willy than be 5'3
would rather be 5'3 with an 8 inch willy than 6'3 with a 3 inch willy
China is a paper tiger and is already losing the trade war
the gf
Today's Fragrance : Hermes Terre d'hermes
That’s fucking stupid. Girls will fuck a 6’3 man with a 3 inch willy but won’t fuck a 5’3 man with an 8 inch because they won’t know you have an 8 inch
Things that need to come back:
>smoking at work
>drinking at work
>hitting women
>type writers
>they won’t know
yeah they will
word gets around
i used to live with a manlet who had a massive cock and he was swimming in pussy
any bubble n squeak man in
*puts you on ritalin*
I feel like NEETs used to be way more common on Jow Forums, like a solid 50% of the people you spoke to would be a NEET and NEET culture was very dominant. Doesn't seem that way any more.
this picture makes me miss winter for some reason
unironically use reddit as a source of information, it's a good tool for troubleshooting problems with hardware and DIY tips. guess it is what you make of it really, a lot of good content on there to be fair but you can equally find the absolute toilet end of it if you so wish. bit like the chans of today
Her entire face is caked on make up. Looks like a geisha (I mean this in a bad way btw)
I bet he wasn’t 5’3 though, that’s child height
enjoying some sushi with your soy sauce there love
depends on the board, /brit/ is relatively normoid(or as normie as the 'chon gets)
meanwhile on Jow Forums its practically 90% NEETs
Looking up alcoholic liver disease to see how far I want to push myself
would give up toil forever if I could just get a £1500/month payment(matched with inflation) for the rest of my life
honestly just not worth the hassle for a little more money, you can't put a price on freedom
that's eel sauce/unagi on the sushi not soy sauce. the only soy sauce is in the bowl
/brit/ used to be 50% students 50% NEETs - now it feels like there's basically none of them left and everyone's just a toiler
interesting really
>unironically use reddit as a source of information