Chinese debt levels are in excess of those in the United States

>Chinese debt levels are in excess of those in the United States
>Manufacturing industry rapidly being replaced by poorer nations
>No nation has accrued debt as fast as China without crashing hard at some point
So much for the "Asian century". It's gonna be at least another 100 years of western dominance. When do you think their crash is gong to happen?

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really curious how the CCP will handle it. they've literally never gone through a recession

>any day now

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Why are Americans sooo good at dental care by the way?

power of the free market

Much of them have horrible teeth. Trump's just filthy rich.

They seem to really like having the white teeth smile, although it often just seems excessive. But is it really above and beyond any other country's ?

hopefully it continues downhill. criminals should be punished
probably this ):

what are 60s

Chinese public debt is at 4.1 trillion, 41 percent of its GDP. This is much lower than US debt at 120%.

Even countering with external debt inc. private or corporate debt china is still low at 14% vs. 300% for the UK for example. This is with them being able to forcefully take over debt heavy companies and jail the CEO's mao style like they already did a few times to make them "solvent".

China is probably unstable for other reasons but debt isn't one of them. The world will probably start following China's model of semi state control and not let big business run everything.

All major banks are state owned, they could default and nothing would happen

The US is fighting a monster it doesnt understand

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China will not be brought down by little tricks like this. If the situation gets too dire they just nationalize the companies and kill the CEOs.

any day now.....

right guys?

This. The only way to take down China is by force and simply stop them from importing and exporting things.

Any femtosecond.

>western dominance
Europe will continue to decline
the future is not Asian specifically but it will be a Pacific world instead of an Atlantic one

>stop them from importing and exporting things.
Hmm you mean like through some sort of trade war?

people always point to US medical care as "free market", but it's not. It's not government run healthcare either, it's just a mess. The government spends a ton on medicare/medicaid, and the health sector is the most highly regulated part of our economy (more than finance, aerospace, etc). For some reason, most aspects of optometry and dentistry were not provided by medicare/medicaid; and those sectors were never regulated anywhere close to as much as our healthcare sector. Unlike general healthcare, it might actually be appropriate to call or optometry and dental systems part of the "free market". I always know how much a procedure will cost at the dentist before I go there, I can see different dentists competing with each other, advertising different costs. On the optometry front, you have a lot of options on where to get that taken care of; if you want to be cheap about it, you can even get a vision test at Costco. I've been thinking about laser eye surgery for decades, my dad got it done when it was first available to the public; and I've seen laser eye surgery get cheaper and better every year as different providers compete with each other.

Europe is only half the west and it's not declining

The difference is Chinese debt is held by SOEs and other governmental enterprises. The US governmental debt is solely a result of excess spending, not business.

wtf i love west now!!
go west!! destory China!!


t. Californian.

>trade war
No I mean a blockade, an act of war.

if we do we should act now before they get their three or four carriers online

Can't wait until Trump cuts off China's cheap oil supply from Iran. Fuck chinks.


I'll give you a tip: artificially whitened teeth isn't necessarily a sign of healthy teeth.

Whiteness is a meme, but it is true his teeth are perfectly aligned.

>They could default and everyone who put its money in it would suddenly loose every savings he have.
What a perfect dream, didn't lead to a world war last time.

they spend crazy money on it since you should always smile like a retard in their mind

>and not let big business run everything
Probably why the libertarian bent of the American political class spergs out about China so often.

if china dies and stops building all our cheap goods, who else will?

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not gonna happen.

They steal white teeth from the middle east. It was never about the oil but about getting fresh new teeth.

vietnam. malaysia. indonesia. india. plenty of cunts with ginormous populations willing to manufacture western crap

America will, obviously. The likes of Wallmart and Amazon already have a workforce of glorified slave labour ready for the factories. MAGA.

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>really curious how the CCP will handle it. they've literally never gone through a recession
Weren't they literally starving in the 50s?

don't they all already do that?
wouldn't increasing their production just make them all more powerful and take chinas place?

But they don't have stability, which is why China is still the factory of the world despite wages raising.

>Canadian comes to the defense of China
Not even remotely suprised.

well china already overproduces it's why they keep getting sanctioned for dumping steel

They literally cannot do what China did. Nobody can. The speed and efficiency, despite all memes, in which they managed to build up their industry is unprecedented. It takes a specific mindset (and disregard for the individual) to accomplish this.
You can't build a Shenzen in Indonesia or Vietnam.

China was a joke since the very beginning. You can't build a powerful economy and successfully spread your influence all over the globe if the only things you do are stealing technologies and patents and producing low-quality garbage. Not to mention the fact that their biggest trade partner was also the country that can easily crash them in a number of ways.
Also you can't prosper in modern world if you can't have strong (at least economically) and reliable partners and allies, and China does not have those.

What should he say instead? That China will collapse any day now like all the other retards have been doing for 20 years?

Ignore the ethical problems involved and hear me out. There are over 2.2 million people in Americans prisons and many of these prisons are part of the private prison industry, which happens to generate some billions in profit. They are already employed to work in these prisons; what is stopping them their labour activities being funneled towards creating cheap goods for export?

If pointing out reality is defending China then it sounds like you have a personal problem.

>towards creating cheap goods for export?
America is the #1 consumer of cheap trash at their dollar general stores. Why would they export it if they had to set up global supply lines to get it into the country to begin with?

>employed to work in these prisons
Oops, made/allowed to work while serving time in these prisons

pretty sure the US just picked china banking on its potential of a huge future domestic market, when the chinese """""liberalize""""". now that that pipe dream hasn't panned out it could just move on

Domestic, international. Whatever works best.

>don't they all already do that?
I definitely have clothes that say they were made in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

No it was more than that. In the last 20 years China has often proven to be completely impossible to compete with.
At some point NOT having something made in China was pretty much robbing yourself.

>that formerly poor third world country is becoming too rich, we need to stop them!

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I wonder where will China buy oil after he does it? Got any ideas? And China needs a lot of oil to keep producing their shit.
Also South Korea is going to have some troubles too, it seems.

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Also to add to my post, China never really liberalized. Americans (and Europeans) happily accepted gigantic trade restrictions like not being allowed to own their own Chinese company nor bringing any Chinese made profits back just so they could to business with China.
The situation of today is just a combination of western greed + Chinese leadership being very high IQ.

Also why does Italy import so much stuff from Iran?
What do they even buy?

It's worked well enough for them in dealing with South America.

>The situation of today is just a combination of western greed + Chinese leadership being very high IQ
yep, the west were just really naive when it came to china. if you equate high iq with being completely comfortable with acting in bad faith and lieing for decades then i guess the leadership has very high iq

Forgot the pic.

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There are Chinese companies in the process of dealing with the Saudis and Israelis.

>the west
Don't conflate the USA with the west.

>if you equate high iq with being completely comfortable with acting in bad faith and lieing for decades then i guess the leadership has very high iq
I'm pointing out that from the perspective of some hive mind country wanting to grow as quickly as possible without too much foreign influences, China did everything right. They are ruthless as hell and the reason we turned a blind eye to this is because they are profitable as hell.

Chinese know how greedy we are. They very happily played into this to the point our complete industries have been shipped there. Just given to them on a gold platter.

not every western cunt is bought out by the chinese to the extent australia has been. eu and canada shares the exact same grievances with china that the US has

>I wonder where will China buy oil after he does it?

I really wonder...

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Chinese debt is mostly American debt. If they dump American debt, American economy crashes.

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isn't iran like the biggest producer of saffron in the world? We use it in cuisine.

>Don't conflate the USA with the west.
are you fucking retarded cunt

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Paradoxically when the USA's debt becomes unserviceable and the international finance markets stop treating Wall Street as being too big to fail
Suddenly all that yank sovereign debt that the Chinese are sitting on will actually start meaning something for China's own level of risk at the same time as American consumption declines

>the brit has the worst looking teeth

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>I wonder where will China buy oil after he does it

You know they can just buy oil in euro or yuan, right?

but now they're building a blue water navy and claiming entire seas for themselves, picking off pieces of territory along the way. if chinks just stayed greedy without becoming a challenge to the western order militarily, they'd just be an annoyance instead of a future national security threat

australia is not in the west

yeah sure

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Once again this is just another step in their plan. They have the industry, they have economic leverage, now they will try to contest the western(or American) military hegemony in their area.
They're never going to stop doing this.

No it definitely won't be Russia. Iirc China refused to make Russia its biggest oil supplier after Russia declined China's offer to use chinese currency to trade oil and abandon USD. Why would russian oilgarchs even need fucking yuans anyway? Chinese currency is totally irrelevant on a global stage. Also Russia doesn't want to get Libya'd for abandoning petrodollar.

The amerimutt has to stop third world countries from becoming too rich.
And then you wonder why everyone hates us whites.

This thread just shows why China will win, can't fight what you know absolutely nothing about.

yaeba OwO

I can't hear you

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There is nothing to understand. China wants their piece of the pie and America/the west is not willing to give it up. Conflict ensues.

You know that Trump stated "whoever does business with Iran won't be doing business with US", right? And trade with America is crucial for chinese economy.
It's not about the particular currency they use.

The Chinese debt is mostly government debt, their levels of consumer debt are very low as compared to say USA/Canada. Western Europe also has a low level of consumer debt, but that is slowly changing.

With government debt they can print more money/sell off assets/ issue bonds to cover which is how Japan has been pulling through for the last twenty years. With consumer debt - once people can no longer pay it and pay for their housing, you're fucked, the whole economy spirals out of control. When the dragon truly awakens, and I mean socially, economically and militarily it will shake the foundations of this world.

Here in Canada, we already got a large influx of Chinese money without which we will have a housing market crash (great for people like me, terrible for the government and all the systems and outright leeches relying on taxes). Netflix has a shitload of Chinese and Indian movies on it. I wouldn't say they're winning the culture clash, but on an individual level Asians do a lot of things correctly.

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Based and redpilled. I suppose they will try to go for Venezuela or something? That’s assuming Trump will find a way to take care of Iran without turning it into another Vietnam.

>we should start a casus belli blockade with a nuclear power right now

Yeah they’re definitely getting democracy’d.

If you ever want to take them on you better do it today than tomorrow.

>11 May 2018
Trump said this like a few days ago. China won't risk it, you'll see, it just isn't worth it.

I love how it's 2002 again and all the Magapedes are spouting the same nonsense Bush was yelling back then and completely fail to see the pattern.

either that or just accept that an authoritarian non-democratic state will essentially be suzerain to half of the globe

I think that has been accepted and we’re just watching the west throw some final beta fits.
Contesting China in Asia will be impossible in the future

rip australia

Australia and Japan will probably remain some western outposts but it's nations in SEA that will enter their sphere of influence.

What is even the China National Petroleum Corporation's share of US oil market?

they are tasked with importing oil to China and are the world's largest company by some estimates

>they've literally never gone through a recession

>without which we will have a housing market crash
i think you mean to say
>without which our housing market would have never bubbled

lol nah they fucked. you think all those chinese immigrants aren't a part of a broader plan by the chinese government

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>Brit got awful teeth
Nothing new under the sun

I never really trusted Chinese people.

your question triggered a lot autistic replies.