World map of tradition of removing shoes in home. Green: shoes removed; Blue: shoes not removed.
World map of tradition of removing shoes in home. Green: shoes removed; Blue: shoes not removed
blue countries should be nuked until there's nothing left from them
I remove my shoes when I up the stairs.
i alwyas remove my shoes in home
Think again sweaty x
The only place where I had to remove my shoes is at people with carpets on the floor and that one friend who's mother was a complete maniac.
are those counted as shoes?
I've literally never been to a home here where people walked inside with shoes. bullshit map once again.
t. Vanya
No one wears shoes indoors here.
It's pretty common for people to remove their shoes inside the home in Australia.
I don't remove my shoes??
Imagine being more barbaric than people who crap on streets.
You almost always take your shoes off when go in your home or someone else's in Canada. Does western Europe not do this?
wrong map then we wear them at home during winter and some people still ever wear them during summer
>t. Vanya
Even if I was a Dmitri it still wouldn't make sense according to OP's map
We dont have carpets all over the floor
But how do you clean it up when it's dusty?
Keep your dirty shoes off my floor, dirty apes!
Not removing shoes in home is literally Africa-tier.
Also i think map is wrong, people in Kazakhstan and Baltics remove their shoes at home, they are not so barbaric.
Nonsense, it's a recent custom, you take your shoes off at home about as often as we do
I'm autistic about clothing and I hate not wearing shoes or not having long sleeves shirts and long pants it makes me feel bad if I don't do it when I'm not showering or in bed.
>"Let me tell you about your country"
This is bait.
>Hurr durr I'm a Canadian, I like to LARP as a European even though you'd have to tell someone abroad that you're not American because our cultures are identical
I've been to Canada, I know Canadians, hardly anyone takes their shoes off on the ground floor of their home especially working class people
Most Europeans don't do it either. It's an imageboard meme spouted by dumb slavs.
You have never been to Canada
Iraqis, Iranis and central asians remove their shoes in home. You're a dumb faggot op
That map is wrong.
Don't you guys live in yurts?
Everybody here takes the shoes off. I can also confirm that people in Austria do the same.
Like I said, slavs.
This. Shoes indoors are literally as unheard of as in Japan. Meme map.
Nobody uses shoes in home here.
It's a mix here honestly. Some people make you take your shoes off and some people just make you take them off if they're dirty.
I never wear shoes indoors because I never wear shoes due to being a NEET.
>americans microwave their shoes
Such is life
Here, as far as I can tell, there is a 50% probability that they are wearing "Hausschuhe", which are either slippers or something like this:
It's extremely rude to not take your shoes off here. I've actually had a Dutch guy walk into my apartment with shoes on and we discussed this cultural difference quite a bit.
What the fuck is this shit? Walking with shoes indoor is considered very disrespectful, literally everyone takes off their shoes.
Why would you wear your dirty shoes inside your house? It also seems bad for your feet to never let them get some fresh air.
Oh man I have people entering my place and sitting on my couch with shoes on and vice versa.
How can sub saharan Africa be blue if they have neither shoes nor houses?
Now i understand why France is blue
Yeah, he told me it was common. I find it a bit strange though, because I suspect you have a pretty wet climate as well. Your shoes must get pretty dirty and muddy.
We remove our shoes too
People usually don't remove shoes here, only some do.
These are called "tourist shoes", most commonly seen on Germans and Czechs.
Of course you take off actual dirty shoes, but we have doormats where you stamp on and wipe then you check whether someone has wood floors or carpet and in case of the former you enter with shoes on.
I mean I just vacuum my floor 3 times per week and it's fine. We choose easy to clean floors for a reason.
Nobody uses shoes in Brazil. Period
I only once not removed my shoes and it was at wedding when we been at bride house.
Yeah, literally everyone have hardwood here too, but that is still haram to walk on with shoes, no matter the weather or shoes.
*Nobody can afford shoes.
You do realize the Netherlands is blue on OP's map, and, for instance, Germany isn’t?
So you people rather have people with smelly stinky feet walking around in your place?
You also notice that Germany is halfway into Eastern-Europe?
Never been a problem desu. Maybe you should let your feet breathe more.
That's literally never been a problem. And I'd prefer smelly feet to dirty shoes in my house.
>taking shoes off
t. been to Europe
You do when you're a child. When you're an adult it usually doesn't matter.
>been to europe
What are you a fucking american in holiday?
"been to Europe" is such a vague statement as if every country there is the same
literally burger tier statement is what he implied.
It means why the fuck are you talking abotu europe as if it were a homogeneous mass of culture like you are a fucking braindead american?
we remove shoes here
You are the same though. Two neighboring regions in Russia can have more cultural differences than Spain and Sweden.
>as if it were a homogeneous mass of culture
for a russian it is
hello janek
I don't think anyone wears shoes in their own home, unless they're working outside their house or whatever.
To you your differences may seem major, but for outsiders you are all basically the same, m8.
>World map of tradition of removing shoes in home. Green: shoes removed; Blue: shoes not removed.
Bullshit. A lot of Americans take their shoes off. It's not a black and white issue.
Afghans don't wear shoes at home.
Literally every country in europe removes their shoes
I always take of my shoes. Only subhumans wear shoes at home.
Take your shoes off, Mbongo
Who cares how small the differences are you retards? We are talking abotu keeping shoes indoors. You literally can find people who will and won't do it in every single city and most likely in every single flat. How can you think it's ok to generalize it on the whole of europe?
>You literally can find people who will and won't do it in every single city and most likely in every single flat.
Not here. But in Europe you can, that's the whole point. Not that hard to understand.
Do you really think in your whole city there is not a single retard who wears shoes indoors?
t. lower middle class
I bet your house faces a motorway
also for
>m-muh regional differences
fuck off no one cares
they’re the only civilized nation in the americas
>not having shoes you only wear at home
Fucking barbarians I swear to god
>keeps his shoes on indoors for no reason whatsoever and drags dirt and filth and whatever else inside a civilised person's home
t. feral underclass
I bet you live underneath a motorway.
Or the only one with as shitty weather as Northern Europe.
>the cleanliness of his DFS sale carpets is more important to him than not being a precious petty host and demanding guests to remove items of clothing
I bet you don't even have a housekeeper
what dirt and filth? people that aren't angry little pikeys on a muddy camp site usually have pavement to walk on
>the pavement is clean
IMAGINE being a retarded subhuman who thinks this
>pavements are clean
I bet you eat off of them.
Why would you ever choose to wear shoes at home?
Like, what's even the benefit?
Not having to take them off, duh
fixed it
I know this for a fact that Iran and Iraq takes their shoes off, likely all the stans as well. Did you make this map?
>MFW Eastern Europe, North Africa and Middle east are litteraly more civilised than Western Europe
Its now irrefutable