Why is japan sooooo civilized?

why is japan sooooo civilized?
why is america sooooo uncivilized?

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>why is japan sooooo civilized?

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high IQ
no whites
no blacks
no arabs
no latinos

She was begging for it like all rape civtims

>Raped her over 400 times.
>Beat her several times.
>Starved her.
>Hanged her body from the ceiling and used her as a "punching bag"
>Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times.
>Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine.
>Forced her to masturbate in front of them.
>Inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus.
>Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina.
>Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
>Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters.
>Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters
>Tore off her left nipple with pliers.
>Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.

>polish proxy
Japanese do not care about the whiteness of Polish
kys asap

Attached: proxy polish.jpg (886x1128, 111K)

*This is bait thread. If you replied to this thread you automatically have an IQ of mosquito*

You eat with sticks, sleep on the floor and live in literal paper houses. You have trains especially for women because your men can't stop groping.

At the beginning of December, Furuta attempted to call the police. However, she was discovered by Hiroshi before she could say anything. When the police phoned back, Miyano informed them that it was a mistake. As punishment, they doused her legs and feet in lighter fluid and set them on fire. They also shoved a large bottle into her anus, causing severe bleeding. She reportedly went into convulsions. During their trial, they stated that they thought she was faking a seizure, so they set her on fire again. She survived these injuries, and continued to be raped and tortured. Furuta is reported to have asked her captors on multiple occasions to "kill her and get it over with", but they refused. Instead, they forced her to sleep outside on the balcony (it was winter at that time) and locked her in a freezer. One of the kidnappers told the court that her hands and legs were so badly damaged that it took her over an hour to drag herself downstairs to use the washroom. Due to the severity of the torture, she eventually lost bladder and bowel control and was beaten for soiling the carpets. She was also unable to drink water or consume food and would vomit after each attempt. She was also severely beaten for this.

The brutality of the attacks drastically altered Furuta's appearance. Her face was so swollen that it was difficult to make out her features. Her body was also severely crippled, giving off a rotting smell that caused the four boys to lose sexual interest in her. As a result, the boys kidnapped and gang-raped a 19-year-old woman who, like Furuta, was on her way home from work.

>why is japan sooooo civilized?

wow, they are exactly like bongs

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those are pakis
you're putting japs in the same league as pakis

Where does he say he is Polish? I bet he is a real Japanese, but you are ashamed of him, so you pretend he's a Polish.

some of them are Zainichi korean just like you

Attached: Gook in UK.png (758x2257, 760K)

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he was asked many times to show his passport with timestamp, and also asked to write his comment in Japanese
he has stubbornly refused them, so?

how about this? degenerated brit lol


>typical Korean culture-bound syndrome
hahaha, you just admit that you are miserable Korean

Attached: gook player in uk.jpg (642x520, 87K)

Where is the proof like what he should be Polish ?

they're also pakis

I'm not korean. Why do you feel the need to call hundreds and hundreds of people korean?
bit weird innit

>they're also pakis
Lol pakis are wrong, beta brits did noffing wrong lol

pakis gang-rape
japs gang-rape

>Approximately 100 people knew about Junko Furuta's captivity, but either did nothing about it or themselves participated in the torture and murder. Most of the participants were friends of the teenage boys, who were low-ranking members of the Yakuza.

>obsession of whiteness of Poles
>made multiple bait threads but made thread to praise Poland
>failed to show his Japanese passport
>never write proper Japanese sentences
where is the proof that he should be Japanese?

you confessed that you were Korean by yourself lol

>you confessed that you were Korean by yourself lol
no I didn't, you insane spastic.

>Why do you feel the need to call hundreds and hundreds of people korean?
Im not him, tho. usually brits quit wit unlike you do. kim lol

>Searching for posts with the filename ‘Gook in UK.png’.
>66 results found.
what the fuck

>Im not him, tho. usually brits quit wit unlike you do. kim lol
Speak English

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>Japanese poster makes a thread trying to insult Americans
>It devolves into the Jap OP bitching about Koreans
Every. Damn. Time.

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>pakis gang-rape
you don't need to pretend to be brit. kim lol

Kim, why are you so savage?

The Miryang gang rape, known in South Korea as the Miryang middle school girls rape incident, was a criminal incident that occurred in Miryang, South Korea in 2004. At least 41 male high school students gang raped several middle school and high school girls over the course of 11 months.

Attached: 2016-03-09 at 오전 12.47.32.png (500x439, 325K)

moron. if you really are brit, you can understand what I said. kim lol

You are Korean-American

So just to be clear, everybody with a British flag is secretly Korean?

you comment said you are Korean kek

but how come your English is so poor?

Attached: 19.jpg (334x500, 22K)

>you comment said you are Korean


you should know the brong flag is the kim who is always criticizing jap every single day.

huh? when I said you are korean. kim
I just called you kim. moron kim lol

>you should know the brong flag is the kim who is always criticizing jap every single day
You're mentally ill.

This was really a case of when and why parents should beat their kids.

>"are you a Chinese?"
>the UK flag said "no, Korea, but I use Hana.."

the life of this gook must be so miserable

>You're mentally ill.
like you? kim lol

So everyone with a UK flag is the same person with the UK flag in that screenshot from months ago?

moron lol
its easy to identify you. cuz you are devoting yourself to criticize jap in the same manner, every single day. kim lol

>its easy to identify you. cuz you are devoting yourself to criticize jap in the same manner, every single day
Except I'm not, you hysterical, delusional, paranoid, slant-eyed retard.

kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol kim lol

Who would win in a fight; Japan or Korea?

do you really believe that there are so many neet anti-Japanese bongs on int?

>UK flag
>bong flag
>British flag

your "English" is highly unstable kek!

>hysterical, delusional, paranoid, slant-eyed retard.
all the traits you picked out are actually what you are. kim lol

>you hysterical, delusional, paranoid, slant-eyed retard
Holy fuck my sides

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There's literally no difference between Japs and Koreans.

>'Except I'm not, you hysterical, ....'

is this English sentence?

etternal butthurt thread.
No kim here friend.

range ban all gooks and nips please

Why wouldn't it be?

Kim, how hard you try, you will never become Japanese

ok kim lol
so why are you trying to blame pakis for what you betas did? kim


Why the fuck would I ever want to be some insane insectoid asian

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>Korea nukes Japan
>Japan can't nuke them back after playing the victim for the last 70 years

because those were pakis
it even says they were "asian" in the article

fucking retard.

like this? kim

>UK flag
>bong flag
>British flag

Kim, your English is not solid, hahaha

Some Korean man named Kim has absolutely raped your tiny Jap minds.

>call them Pakis/Asians if they commit crimes
Kind of like how we label our crims as..youknowwho

but they're literally "Pakis/Asians" anyhow

>UK flag
>bong flag
>British flag

Kim, why did you change the word many times? Do you believe the average bong does this kind of thing?

Attached: kimchi in london.png (757x835, 121K)

moron kim
brits culture is diversity like brits said in this vid.

So I'm Korean because I said "British flag" in one post and "UK flag" in another?

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>but they're literally "Pakis/Asians"
moron they are brits. lol


So if those pakis are "Brits" just because they live in Britain, doesn't that mean Kim, the mythical Korean man in Britain, is also a Brit?

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What's with the diarrhoea posting in this thread?

they are all brits. watch the vid lol
what race is the brits police in the vid?
think twice kim.

At least our country is not a literal farm

>what race is the brits police in the vid?
You mean the brown guy with a turban?

Why are you so retarded? Why do you spend so much time shitposting and obsessing over an anonymous Korean man from months and months ago? You seriously need help.

kim lol

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Wish I lived on a farm. Only rich cunts live on farms.

>reading the case for the first time
Jesus fucking christ. How can people be so bereft of empathy to inflict so much pain upon another?


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Imagine being so upset by something a person said online that you then proceed to spend nearly every single day for the next half a year straight accusing everyone of being that same man

>obsessing over an anonymous Korean man from months and months ago?
huh? thats even not me. moron kim lol
anyways watch the vid. they even called themselves as brit if my memory was right.
and again what race is the turban?
your society is diversity. know yourself moron

you know one of the criminals are actually protected by korean yakuza.

We pacified you with firebombing and nukes.

Zitto animale

look to your own country first.

inb4 there is nothing wrong with my gated community

by being bug people desu
by the way if that wasn't enough, some untermensch thought it was a good Idea to make a hentai out of this

I ain't clicking on that shit.

and 'bong flag' too
how come your English is so unstable?

don't be so upset
you said japanese and korean are same, just like the spammer
you regret your confession of your Korean origin, right? hahaha

Attached: kim in london.png (757x835, 121K)

ja, des is echt abgefuckt.
Die japaner sind echt nimma ganz dicht in der zentrale

>look to your own country first.
>inb4 there is nothing wrong with my gated community
I wasn't. I'm pointing out that in WW2 you acted like a bunch of violent savages and then after we put you in your place you started acting civilized.

The irony is rich in this one

Two wrongs don't make a right muh public healthcare hating Mutt

USA is the great civilizer of the world. USA was literally forced to use gunboats to introduce civilization into Japan.

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Propaganda isn’t a great substitute for history discussion

>huh? thats even not me. moron kim lol
You basically just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. There's that asian insectoid mind at work.
>they even called themselves as brit
So? A giant brown man with a turban wouldn't be Japanese if he was in Japan, would he?

The actual fuck is wrong with you? Do you genuinely have mental health issues? The fact that one person who upset you half a year ago said he was Korean doesn't mean that everyone you talk to who upsets you is that same Korean man. It's insane that you can't accept this.

Two nukes wasn't enough. It's time for you to stop posting, you spastic schizo Kim-obsessed soulless riceniggers.

except Japan took after the Europeans as opposed to MUH TOM CRUISE SAMURAI MOVIE would tell you

So America is like the Ottomans?

>Seriously responding to Japanese shit posting

>Two nukes wasn't
>you ..... neggerS (plural form to mock one person)
why is your English so bad? is that because your are an immigrant? kek

>it's just lighthearted one-off jap shitposting

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>You basically just contradicted yourself in the same sentence
huh? what are you trying to say? kim

>So? A giant brown man with a turban wouldn't be Japanese if he was in Japan, would he?
huh? none brits, like the turban, can become police officer in brits?
accept what brits means. moron kim lol
the dark guy also said he is a brit.